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101 Cards in this Set

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-ferilized egg
-enters a 2 week period of cell division
-fertilization until implantation
-developing human organism from 2 weeks through 2nd month
-major bodily systems form
-emergence of bone tissue until birth
-growth and finishing stage
-30-40 weeks full term
strong emotional connection with another person
cupboard love
child attaches to person meetin their physiological needs
primary return to the womb craving
child resentsher extrusion from the womband seeks to return there, cant, so attaches to womb owner
bowlby's theory
child attaches to person meeting her emotional needs
harlow's study
rested idea that contact comfort lead to love in rhesus monkeys
strange situation
incolves 2 speration and 2 reuinions with caregiver
securily attached
parents is sensitive and responsive to child's emotional needs
parent rejects child's emotional needs
insecure- ambivalent
parent inconsistently responds to child's emotional needs
insecure- disorganized
parents is abusive
permissive parenting
impose minimal controls on their children, warm
authoritative parenting
enforce standards, but encourage verbal give- and take, warm
uninvolved parenting
no rules, little involvemnt with kids, hostile
cognitive development
learning, reasoning and language development over the life span
fitting new objects, events, etc. into an existing schema
modifying a schema to fit new objects
(age 0-2) the child begins to interact with the enviornment
preoperational stage
-(age 2-6 or 7) the child begins to represent the world symbolically
-lack the concept of conversation
concrete operations
-(age 7-11 or 12) the child learns rules such as conversation
- can do logical operations
-understand reversability
-cant't think abstractly or hypothetically
formal operations
-(age 12- adulthood) the adolscent can transcend concrete situations and think about the future
early maturing boys
- better in sports
- more attractive to girls and adults
- happier, more confident
late maturing boys
-less good at sports
- teased
-self conscious
early maturing girls
- receive early sexual advances
- like bodies early, dislike later
- ultimately end up short and heavier
late maturing girls
-dont like boies early, like later
-end up tall and slimmer
process by which we appraise and cope with enviornmental threats and challenges
general adaptation syndrome
-body's adaptive response to stress
-very general
-responds no matter what cause stress
the daily hassels scale
measures irritating, daily demands as rated by the person
positive events that buffer against a daily hassle
approach-approach conflict
-choice between 2 appealing outcomes
-easy to resolve, low stress
avoidance- avoidance conflict
-choice between 2 unappealing outcomes
approach- avoidance conflict
one goal with unappealing and appealing aspects
social support
improves ability to cope with stress and benefits health
refers to problematic patterns of thought, feeling and behaivor
Axis 1
symptoms that cause distress
Axis 2
personality disorders and mental retardation
Axis 3
medical conditions that may be relevant to understanding or treating a psychological disorder
Axis 4
psychosocial and enviornmental problems
Axis 5
global assesment of functioning
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
more or less constant worry about many issues
intense, irrational fear
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
-irrational, disturbing thoughts that intrude into consciousness
-repitive actions that turn into obsessions
Panic Disorder
Panic Attack- helpless terror
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
follows traumatic event or events such as war, rape or assault
Bipolar Disorder
cycling between depression and mania
Major Depression
prolonged, very severe depression
less sever but long- lasting depression
Seasonal Affective Disorder
cyclic severe depression and elevated mood
somatoform disorders- conversion
physical, symptoms, with no physical explanation
somatoform disorders- somalization
repeated, varying symptoms with no physical cause
somatoform disorders- hypochndriasis
excessive attention to state of health along with preoccupations wiht the minor aches and pains of living
psychogenic amnesia
total or partial loss of information about the self
depersonalization disorder
feelings of unreality
dissociative identity disorder
multiple personality disorder
sexual attraction to watching unconsenting people nude or engaged in sexual activity
sexual attraction to inanimate objects
sexual attracton to prepuscent children
a group of secere psychotic disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed perceptions and disorganized speech
jumping from idea to idea without the benefit of logical association
on the surgace, seems logical, but seriously flawed
catatonic behaivor
unrespoveness to enviornemnt, usually marked by immobility for extended periods
personality disorders- dependent
helplessness, excessive need to be taken care of submissive and clinging behaivor
personality disorders- histrionic
excessive emotionality and preoccupation withe bein the center of attention
personality disorders- narcissistic
exaggerated ideas of self-importance and achievements
personality disorders- antisocial
shameless disregard for and violation of other people's rights
social psychology
scientific study of how we think about, influence and relate to one other
attribution theory
tendancy to give a casual explanation for someone's behaivor often by crediting either the situation or the person's disposition
fundamental attribution error
tendancy, when analyzing another's behaivor to underestimate the impact of the situation and to overestimate the impact of personal disposition
foot in the door
start with a small request and follow up with a large one
door in the face
start with a large request and follow up with a small one
low ball
make an attractive initial offer, after getting a commitment make the terms less good
adjusting one's behaivor or thinking to coincide with a group standard
normative social influence
influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid dissapproval
informational social influence
influence resulting from one's willingess to accept others' opinions about reality
social facilitation
improved performance of tasks in the presence of others
social loafing
tendency for people in a group to exert less effort when pooling their efforts toward reaching a common coal then when individually accountable
group polarization
enhancement of a group's prevailing attitudes through discussion within the group
helping those in need
bystander effect
tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other bystanders are present
insight therapies
removing distressing symptoms by leading people to understand their causes through deeply felt personal thoughts
behaivoral therapies
based on principles of learning that focuses on obeserable behaivor
cognitive therapies
focuses on client's thoughts rather than his or her own feelings as behaivors
patients resist attempts to bring unconscious into conscious
patient's unconscious feelings about person in their life experienced as feelings toward therapist
psychodynamic therapy
psychological problems result from inner mental conflicts
person-centered therapy
focus on thoughts, abilities cleverness of client
attempt to comprehend feelings from client's point of view
unconditional positive regard
client is worth and capable no matter what client does or says
cognitive therapy
identify maladaptive ways of thinking
rational-emotive therapy
negative emotions arise from people's irrations interpretations or experiences
irrational belief that you must do or have something
mental exaggeration of setbacks
behavior therapy
concentrate on observable stimuli and responses
removal of individual from the reinforcing situation
token economics
using tokens that can be excanged for other itemes or privales as a reinforcer
stimulus satiation
giving the person too much of a desired thing so as to reduce its attraction
immeerse consenting person the fear stimulus, after fear subsides calm sets in, is associated with the feared object
systematic desentization
create a hierarchy ranging from least to most feared stimulus, work through hierarchy while maintaining calm
meta analysis
procedure for statistaically combining the results of many different research studies