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16 Cards in this Set

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process of assigning causes to behavior
Situational attribution
Attribute cause to behavior to an external factor (environmental factor)
Dispositional attribution
Attribute cause to behavior to an internal factor (personal)
Fundamental attribution error
Tendency to attribute cause of behavior to a dispositional attribution and ignore situational attributions
What is diffusion of responsibility?
The bigger the crowd the lower the probability of people providing help cause the think someone else will. Probability is much high with just a few people present.
What is cognitive dissonance?
Cognitive dissonance is when you change your beliefs and values after seeing how you had behaved wrongly before. This is done because you felt bad about what you had been doing.
What is self-perception theory?
Theory that we acquire our attitudes by observing our behaviors
Be able to define impression management theory
Theory that we don’t really change our attitudes but report we have so that our behaviors appear consistent with our attitudes
What is the norm of reciprocity? How does the raffle ticket study illustrate this?
The social rule that states that it is appropriate to payback favors, even if the favor was unwanted
Define stereotype and prejudice
Positive or negative beliefs about the characteristics of a group because the majority is that way.
Prejudice- negative conclusions about a person or group prior to evaluate the evidence.
Be able to define stereotype threat
When we are confronted with a stereotype regarding the group we belong therefore affecting our performance.
Describe the steps for creating a jigsaw classroom
A jigsaw classroom is when and where a teacher separates tasks that all need to be fitted into a project to different students to work on and then later assemble together. Such methods are used to help bring students together and alienate issues like racism and prejudice.
What is the foot-in-the-door technique?
First ask for a small amount, and them increase it little by little. In Milgram’s research he would ask people to provide a little shock and them little by little increase it.
define door-in-the-face
Door-in-the-face technique- ask for something big, and after denied ask for something smaller. Knowing that you always wanted the smaller amount.
low-ball techniques
Low ball- you give someone something they like, then add all the other advantages, at the end you take the first good thing away and he still wants it.
Be able to define group polarization. Why might political beliefs become more extreme over time?
Group polarization is when group discussion strengthens then the dominant position held by individual group members. Overtime the increasing accessibility to of internet blogs, radio talk shows and cable television provide both sides with a steady diet of information that supports their views and fuels their confirmation bias.