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91 Cards in this Set

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As children grow, their curiosity about their bodies continues and, during early childhood, reaches a peak in the age period from _____ years old
3 to 5
In the initial school years, children develop a sense of _____
modesty (and inhibitions about exposing their bodies in public)
_____ is the time in life in which an individual first shows sexual attraction and becomes capable of _____
puberty, reproduction
Many bodily changes occur, the result of changing _____ levels and these physical changes require many adjustments for young adolescents
The most important issue in the lives of adolescents is _____, and during these years there is a focus on body image and physical characteristics.
Surveys find that _____ of American High school students have engaged in sexual intercourse (boning).
For some teens, sexual relations are not positive experiences, yet engage in sex (bone) due to _____
peer pressure
Drop it Drop it _____ _____
low, girl
By the time people are in their mid-twenties, most people's sexual lifestyle is characterized by _____ either by marriage or cohabitation.
In all cultures, the idealistic goal is _____
lasting relationship
When choosing a long term mate, most men value _____.
When choosing a long term mate, women generally prefer men who can offer them _____.
economical and physical protection (from his giant penis)
Sexual activity is is highest for people in their _____, and only gradually declines up through the 50s.
mid-20's to mid-30's
As women grow older, their menstrual cycles become irregular and eventually stop entirely, which is called _____.
Menopause usually happens in a woman's late 40's or early 50's, and the change in hormones can result in hot flashes, a decrease in _____, and osteoporosis.
vaginal lubrication
Men show a gradual decline in _____ beginning in their late teens.
This testosterone decline results in some physical changes, such as a decline in muscle mass and strength, less firm erections, less forceful ejaculations, and longer _____ periods.
For healthy couples, the best predictor of whether or not they will enjoy sex in old age is _____.
their sexual activity when they were younger
_____ begins in infancy and and children receive it from their peers, the media, and your own behavior.
sexual learning
Communication between parents and their children should begin _____ and be ongoing.
in early childhood (preschool years)
When talking to your children about sex, _____ is just as important as what you say.
how you say it
You should strive to create an atmosphere of love and caring so avoid _____ and do not lecture them.
scare tactics
It is also important that your children view you to be accepting and _____.
The only way you will be able to know whether or not your attempts to educate your children about sexuality have been successful is by their _____.
willingness to come to you when they have questions and problems
Ultrasound recordings have found that male fetuses have erections while still inside the uterus. TF?
Children cannot masturbate to orgasm until they reach puberty. TF?
The growth of pubic hair on girls is the result of increased levels of testosterone. TF?
If a child is found engaging in sexual exploration games with another child of the same sex before age 7, it means the child is probably a homo. TF?
Couples who live together before marriage are less likely than other couples to get divorced. TF?
In a study of 202 men and women aged 80 to 102, it was found that nearly half still engaged in sexual intercourse. TF?
The lack of vaginal lubrication in women who have undergone menopause is an indicator that their sex life is coming to an end. TF?
The average married couple in their 20's or 30's have more sex more often than young singles. TF?
Adults almost always quit masturbating when they get pregnant. TF?
The average age at which girls get their first menstrual cycle has been decreasing over the past two centuries. TF?
"Hot flashes" are due, in part, to increasing levels of pituitary hormones. TF?
The best predictor of sexual activity for older women is the amount of vaginal lubrication they had when they were younger. TF?
Boys often develop enlarged breasts during puberty. TF?
In early childhood, is is normal for children to engage in sexual behaviors that imitate adults. TF?
The way parents react to the sexuality of their children is generally an indication of the way they feel about their own sexuality. TF?
In terms of hormone changes with aging, men and women are very much alike. TF?
In men, the production of sperm generally stops by the early 50's. TF?
Most women show a decreased sexual interest in sex after menopause. TF?
In some cultures, hot flashes are uncommon among postmenopausal women. TF?
Pubertal development in boys lags about 2 years behind development in girls. TF?
If an adult man is castrated, it substantially raises his voice. TF?
Girls as young as 6 or 7 have given birth. TF?
Most teenage girls experience severe pain during their first sexual intercourse. TF?
The sexual activity of emerging adults is generally different from the activity of younger and older age groups. TF?
Men and women are more likely to be upset by their partner having a sexual relationship with someone else than they are about their having emotional attachment. TF?
false (true for men only)
There is a strong relationship between the social background (religious and political views) and whether or not one engages in extramarital affairs. TF?
Children's first sexual attractions occur around age 10. TF?
What hormone changes are the the Following related to?
1. Breast development in girls
2. Vaginal dryness at menopause
3. Hot flashes
4. Development of sweat glands
5. Gynecomastia
6. Pubic hair and body hair
7. Menarche
8. Less firm erection and longer refractory period
9. Reversal of effects of menopause
10. Decreased sexual desire in women
11. Decreased sexual desire in men
12. Children's first sexual attractions

a. increase in estrogen
b. decrease in estrogen
c. increase in testosterone
d. decrease in testosterone
e. increase in FSH and LH
f. decrease in DHEA from adrenal glands
1 a
2 b
3 e (caused by b)
4 c
5 a
6 c
7 e
8 d
9 a
10 d
11 d
12 f, c (from DHEA)
The decline in sexual activity among older single women is most often due to _____.
lack of a partner
The changes that occur in women in the few years that precede and follow menopause are called _____.
the climacteric
Before age 2, bodily exploration is usually confined to _____.
Freud referred to what this chapter calls the initial school age years as the _____ stage of psychosexual development.
The development of breasts and the growth of facial hair are examples of _____.
Hot tits and a beard (secondary sex characteristics)
For many teenage girls, the need for _____ is an important part of finding their self-identity.
emotional intimacy
Throughout the world, men tend to engage in casual sex to _____.
test their virility
About 80% of all societies allow men to _____.
have multiple wives
Women are most concerned about _____ infidelity by their mates.
Whitehurst believes that the two things most likely to lead to extramarital sex are _____ and _____.
opportunity, alienation
Puberty is at least a two part maturation process. The two parts are called _____ and _____.
adrenarche, gonadarche
KT. A parent who does not convey a negative attitude or exhiit negative behavior when a child's natural curiosity leads to a question or comment. They convey the impression that all questions are good ones.
KT. Time of life between puberty and adulthood.
Adolescence (Ages 13-17)
KT. The changes that occur in the few years that precede menopause and the first year that follows are called...
KT. Living together
KT. When a person's secondary sex characteristics and physical growth show up well after they have begun in most children
Delayed Puberty
KT. A developmental stage of life; an extended period of being a single adult that occurs between adolescence and young adulthood
Emerging Adulthood
KT. Values that are supposed to apply to all people under all circumstances
Global Moralities
KT. Excessive development of the male breasts.
KT. Sexual relations with a non-romantic partner (usually a friend)
Hooking up
KT. Estrogen and Progesterone inhibit the release of LH and FSH. At menopause the pituitary hormones are no longer inhibited and are released in large amounts dilating the blood vessels. This produces a sudden sensation of warmth or intense heat called a...
Hot Flash
KT. The term for a girls first menstrual period
KT. The term for a woman's last menstrual period.
KT. Erotic physical contact above the waist (kissing, touching breasts)
KT. An ejaculation that occurs during sleep in teenaged boys and men; a "wet dream."
Nocturnal Emission
KT. A marital relationship in which the couple agrees that it is permissible to have sexual relations outside of the marriage
Open Marriage
KT. Expectations by one's peer group about how one is supposed to behave.
Peer Pressure
KT. Noncoital sexual contact below the waist
KT. The psychosexual development stages from ages 3 to 7 during which Freud said the genitals were the focus of children's pleasure.
Phallic Stage
KT. The practice of allowing women to have more than one husband at the same time.
KT. The practice of allowing men to have two or more wives at the same time.
KT. The practice of allowing men or women to have more than one mate at the same time.
KT. A condition in which puberty begins before the age of 8 in girls and 9 in boys.
Precocious Puberty
KT. The time in one's life when an individual first shows sexual attraction and becomes capable of reproduction.
KT. Bodily changes that occur during puberty and differentiate men and women.
Secondary Sex Characteristics
KT. The practice of having a series of monogamous sexual relationships.
Serial Monogamy
KT. Knowledge about sex that is received (usually informally) from family, friends, the media, and society in general.
Sexual Learning
KT. Values or ethics that emphasize the proper thing to do in a particular situation.
Situational Ethics
KT. A type of open marriage relationship in which a couple has extramarital relations together with other couples.