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73 Cards in this Set

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Definitions of Abnormality
1.Harmful behavior to self or others
2.Out of contact with reality
3.Inappropriate emotional reactions
4.erratic and unpredictable behavior
A legal term that allows people to be acquitted of crimes caused by mental diability
The current version of the Diagnostic and Statical Manual of Mental Disorders
*considered diseases of the mind
Personality disorders
personality traits that cause significant distress or trouble
generalized anxiety disorders
A continuous state of high anxiety without any real external treatment
Panic Disorder
An axiety diorder characterized by frequent panic attacks
Phobic disorder
An irrational fear of a specific object, activity or situation
An intense fear of being away from away from a safe place such as the person's home
Social Phobia
An intense irrational fear of being embarrassed, critized or laughed at in social situations
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
An anxiety disorder characterized by obsessions and compulsions
*A disturbing repetitive thought that person can't keep from thinking about
*A disturbing Act or ritual that the person can't help repeating
Somatization Disorder
person complains of many medical problems that have no physiologial basis
Conversion Disorder
Psychologial problems are "converted" into a physical symptom
Somatoform disorders
person has a long history of many medical problems
Pain Disorder
psychologial response to pain causes significant impairment in the person's life
The fear that onehas a serious life threating illness in the absence of any medical evidence
Dissociative Disorders
people experience identity problems that take the form of amnesia or dissociative identity disorders
Dissociative amnesia
trouble remembering important details about one's own life such as one's name or address
Dissociative fugue
Unexpected travel away from home in response to come peronal trauma
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
The development of more than one seperate and distinct personality formerly called multiple personality disorder
Mood disorders
disturbance of mood as their main feature
major depression disorder
depressed mood accompanied by low self esteem feelings of hopelessness and thoughts of suicide
Dysthymic Disorder
like symptoms of major depression but less severe
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
Any mood disorder that regularly occurs at a particular time of year
Bipolar Disorder
one or more manic or mixed episodes
cyclothymic disorder
similiar to bipolar but less severe symptoms
Martin Seligman "learned helplessness"
Dogs shocks (repeated failure should be prone to depression)
Aaron Beck "faulty thinking"
*only talk about bad things in their life rather than good things
*expands event beyond what is real
*focus on negative
*all or nothing thinking
shattered personality between person's thoughts language emtions and behaviors
A false sensory perception
A mistaken belief or misinterpretation or everyday events
Blunted affect
showing very little emotion no matter what happens
Flat affect
Showing no emotion at all
Inappropriate affect
Displaying emotions that are inappropraite for the current situation
catatonic schizophrenia
rigid body positions or other unusual physical behavior
disorganized schizo
extemely silly and bizarre behavior
Paranoid schizo
person feels that other are plotting against them persecutory delusions are common
Undifferentitated schizo
symptoms of schizo like hallucinations, but fails to meet the diagnostic standards for catatonic disorganized ot paranoid schizo
residual schizo
term applied to schizo who are not showing any current symptoms
A neurotransmitter substance in the brain thought by some to plat a role in schizophrenia
A surgical procedure that bores a hole in the skull
Pinel~ Moral treatment
form of therapy that stressed kind and considerate treatment of people with mental disorders
tardive dyskinesia
a devastating side effect of some amtipsychotic drugs that involves loss of muscle control
reduce the effects of dopamine in the brain
drug used to treat violent mood swings of bipolar disorder
therapeutic window
the range of does of a drug strong enough to help the patient but not strong enough to cause serious physical problems
Active placebo
a placebo that cause the same side effect as the drug being tested against it
Electroconvulsive Therapy ECT
treatment in which electricty is passed through the patients brain
Medical Model
a broad influential theory suggesting that mental disorders should bethough of as medical problems
not illnesses "problems of living" does not belive in labeling people as "sick"
effects on treating mental disorders as illnesses...dangers in drug therapy
The dramatic reduction in mental hospital populations starting in the 1960's
insight therapy
helps people understand the roots of thier personal probelms
free association
having the patient say what comes to mind no matter how embarassing or trivial
turning away from important topics during free assocation
dream analysis
interperting the symbols that appear in the patients dreams
the tendency for patients to treat the therapists s if they were an important person in the patients life like parent lover or child
take another person's point of view and feel what he or she is feeling
unconditional positive reguard
Love and approval that is given regardless or what a person does or says
a match between the person's true self andhis or her self concept
active listening
where a therapist reflects back the feelings and thoughts of a client
Carl Rogers/Client Centered Therapy
puts the client in charge of what happens in therapy/ where a client can solve their own problems
Sigmend Freud/Psychoanalysis
uses the analysis of free asscoiations dreams resistance and transferce to gice pt insight into their unconscious conflicts
systematic desensitization
helps people elminate specific fears by confronting them while relaxed
people experice a barrage of intensely frighting stimuli to help the fear go through extinction
contingency managment
making sure that desirable behaviors are reinforced and undesirable behaviors are punished of ignored
tokan economy
the use of artificial reinforcers called tokens to reinforce positive behavior
elmination of undersirable behaviors by making sure they are not followed by reinforcement
Reinforcing successive approximations to some desirable behavior
following an undesirable behavior with an unpleasant stimuli
stimulus control
changing behavior by elminating the stimulus that precedes that behavior
Ellis REBT
help people change the irrational belifs that make them unhappy
A statical anaylsis of many research studies on one topic