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55 Cards in this Set

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Two of the major areas comprising developmental science include _______________ and _______________.

philosophy; child development

18 yr old Bethany is trying to figure out who she is as a person and what she wants to do in life. According to Erikson's framework, Bethany’s main life challenge is:


All are examples of bidirectional relationships except:

Mrs. Taylor enjoys doing homework with her son in the evening.

The basic marker that shapes life that is MOST enduring or LEAST likely to change over time is:

our gender.

If Ashley tells you she is a member of the baby boom cohort, she:

probably grew up in a larger family than is typical today.

Behaviorists emphasize the crucial role of __________ on behavior.

environmental influences

According to traditional behaviorists, all of our voluntary actions are determined by:

operant conditioning.

Dr. Hardy wants to determine whether during adulthood there is a correlation between physical exercise and mental ability. Pick the most representative sample.

a random group of adults

The first stage of labor, when the cervix widens enough to allow the baby to emerge is called:

dilation and effacement.

At about 7 months gestation, a layer of fat forms beneath the skin. This fat serves to

help maintain body temperature after birth

Labor is initiated by

fetal release of estrogen

What is the correct sequence of events that occur in prenatal brain development?

neural tube forms; brain cells migrate upward; cells lengthen and form branches

At conception, there are __________ males than females; at birth, however, there are __________ males than females.

20% more; 5% more

Six-month old baby Grace's father is delighted when he comes into her room one morning and she declares, "da da da". This alternation of consonant and vowel sounds is called:


All are true about crawling EXCEPT:

early crawlers become less sensitive to a caregiver's facial expressions.

What is the relationship between early walking and later intelligence?

There is no relationship between early walking and intelligence.

To describe general global trends in twenty-first-century undernutrition (and stunting), what phrase should you use?

a significant decrease

Babies who share a parents' bed are:


The attachment response:

is evoked at any time of life when we feel threatened.

At the park, 20-month-old Ethan crawls through tunnels, throws sand everywhere, and lets a friendly dog lick his face. But as he moves from one activity to another, he looks over his shoulder to see whether Daddy is watching. Ethan is displaying:

social referencing.

If 1-year-old Erik doesn't seem to care when his mother leaves the room, and shows no reaction when she returns, how might you define Erik's attachment style?


Five-month-old Tara is more easily soothed by smiles and looks more at Mommy. Still, when Aunt Sally comes for a visit, Tara has no problem giving her a cuddle. Tara is in:

the attachment-in-the-making phase.

During the clear-cut phase of attachment:

there is typically a single caregiver whom the child most prefers.

What is the relationship between having a secure infant attachment and later relationships?

It provides a good beginning, but doesn’t guarantee having lifelong loving relationships.

Which event is LEAST likely to evoke proximity-seeking behavior?

arriving at your job

Your best friend has just gotten a new job and tells you she is very concerned about leaving the baby in someone else's care. What should you be thinking?

It's totally normal.

These four babies have difficult temperaments. Which one is MOST likely to develop a secure attachment?

Olaf's mother is highly sensitive to his needs.

Your working friend has a 3-year-old child. Statistically speaking, where is the child likely to be during her days at the job?

at a preschool (or day-care center)

If 1-month-old Eric has a “difficult temperament,” what is the likely cause?

It's biological or genetic.

A friend asks you, “Who does a baby get attached to at age 1?” You answer:

“Whoever spends the most time with a baby or is most sensitive to his needs.”

One way to help young children deal with fears is to have them watch horror movies.


The best way to help a child deal with his/her fears is

take them seriously and allow them to express their fears

Which of the following is helpful in relieving symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?

regular recess breaks

12-year old Rachel is getting ready to see her aunt for the first time since she was 2-years old. Rachel's aunt is most likely to notice which of the following changes since she has seen her last?

She has doubled in her height and weight.

All of the following are TRUE about working memory EXCEPT:

its capacity is theoretically infinite.

Undernutrition—or NOT having enough food:

compromises a childs ability to PLAY

If a preschooler is incredibly talented at fine motor skills, what can you say about her first-grade academic abilities?

she may be ahead

You are devising a scale to identify which children tend to develop a theory of mind at an earlier-than-typical age. Which question should NOT be on your test?

Is this preschooler tall for his age?

Collaborative pretend play depends on children’s having:

theory of mind abilities.

Prosocial behaviors start to fully emerge by:


Peter is at the life peak age for physical aggression. Peter is most likely around:

2 1/2

Children's first “pretend partners” are:


At what age do boys and girls begin to prefer playing with children of their own sex?


Why is inducing guilt particularly effective at socializing prosocial behavior?

All Answers are correct

Children who have problems regulating their emotions:

All of the answers are correct.

Which “aggression” statement is MOST accurate?

Aggression is only unhealthy when you make that behavior your main life mode.

According to Vygotsky, when girls play “Mommy” and boys play “soldier” they are:

rehearsing adult roles.

William expects instant obedience from his children when he tells them to do something, such as clean up their rooms. Richard is typically willing to negotiate with his children regarding household chores. In terms of Baumrind’s parenting styles William is __________ and Richard is _____________.

authoritarian; authoritative

Barbara has recently shown interest in helping her mother with chores. She asks to put the dishes away and water the plants. Her mother notices that she seems to really enjoy doing these things and decides to give Barbara $1 for every chore she completes. Given the research on providing extrinsic rewards for intrinsically motivating activities, you may predict:

Barbara soon won’t like doing chores and will only perform them if she gets paid.

Which child is apt to recover MOST quickly from his parents' divorce?

Casey, whose mother and father are civil to each other

Crystal and her husband are divorcing and Crystal is worried about the impact on the couples’ 10 and 13 year old kids. You can give her all of these tips EXCEPT:

Go for joint custody—it’s always better.

Raquel has a natural ability to understand other people. Gardner would label Raquel high in ___________ intelligence.


Which of the following is the correct hormonal sequence that begins puberty?

hypothalamic hormones; pituitary hormones; estrogens and testosterone

Which teenage girl is MOST likely dieting?

Clara, who has reached puberty and is now dating

Having sex outside of committed relationships:

has negative mental health effects for girls.