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44 Cards in this Set

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helps us figure how closely two things vary together and how well one predicts each other.
Double Blind Procedure
neither the participants or the research assistants know which group is receiving which treatment.
meeting point between neurons
Triggers the release of chemical messengers
central nervous system
the brain and spinal cord. it communicates with the body's sensory receptors, muscles, and glands via the peripheral NS
Autonomatic NS
controls our glands and the muscles of our internal organs influencing functions such as heartbeat, digestion system.
Sympathetic NS
arouses and expends energy
Parasympathetic NS
produces opposite effects . It conserves energy.
our automatic responses to stimuli.
Innermost region. It begins where the brain swells slightly after entering the skull.
The slight swelling. Controls the heartbeat and breathing.
Reticular Formation
A finger shaped network of neurons hat extends from the spinal cord right up to the thalamus.
Extending from the rear of the brainstem.
Limbic System
two halves of the brain
influence aggression and fear
Just below the thalamus. governing bodily maintenance.
Frontal Lobe
Behind your forehead. Involved in speaking and muscle movements and in making plans/judgments.
Parietal Lobe
Top of the head. Receives sensory input for touch and body position.
Occipital Lobe
Back of the head. Receive info from visuals.
Temporal Lobe
Above the ears. Include auditory areas.
leading into someones unconscious.
thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories
unconscious psychic energy to constantly strives to satisfy basic drives to survive, reproduce, and aggress.
young child responds to the real world.
the voice of our moral compass that forces the ego to consider not only the real but the IDEAL.
Defense mechanisms
tactics that reduce or redirect anxiety by distorting reality.
banishes anxiety-arousing wishes from consciousness.
allows us to retreat to an earlier, more infantile stage of development.
Reaction Formation
the ego unconsciously makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposites.
disguises threatening impulses by attributing them to others.
Occurs when we unconsciously generate self-justifying explanations to hide from ourselves the real reasons to our actions.
diverts sexual or aggressive impulses toward an object or person that is psychologically more acceptable than the one that aroused the feelings.
protects the person from real events that are painful to accept, either by rejecting a fact or its seriousness.
Collective Unconscious
a common reservoir of images derived from our species' universal experiences.
Self- Actualization
The process of fulfilling our potential.
Unconditional Positive Regards
People nurture our growth by being accepting.
all the thoughts and feelings we have in response to the question.
Social Cognitive Perspective
emphasizes the interaction of out traits with our situations.
External Locus of Control
the perception they chance or outside forces determine their fate.
Internal Locus of Control
believe they control their own destiny.
Positive Psychology
concerned with weakness and damage, and strength and virtue.
Observant Learning
by observing and imitating others.
General Adaption Syndrome (GAS)
that the body's adaptive response to stress was so general.
Studies how psychological, neural, and endocrine processes affect our immune system and how all these factors influence or health and wellness.