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22 Cards in this Set

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What we know about human behavior: enduring issues
Nature - Nurture
Person - Situation
Free Will Vs. Determinism
Diversity - Universality
Mind - Body Connection
Internal Processes Vs. Observable Behavior
Conscious Vs. Unconscious Determinants
Wilhelm, Wundt
Believed the mind was mad up of:
Thought, experiences, emotion & basic elements.
Ex: Student explained the "Sensation Stimulated" by the Rock when holding it.
Mary W. Calkins
Was denied a P.h.D. Degree by Harvord University because she was women.
She became the first femal President of "The American Psychological Society".
Williams James
Focused on how the mind allows people to function in the real world

Ex: Work, play, and adapt to surroundings.
Ex: How people work, play, and adapt to their surrundings.
Sigmud Freud
He was a M.D. in neurologist, speciialize in nervous system disorders.
Believed that repressed urges created nervous disorders in patients.
John B. Watson
Was a Psychologist in the early 1900's.
Wanted to bring Psychology back by focusing on scientific inquiry and observable behavior,ignoring the conciouness issues.
Proved that phobias are learned through process conditioning.
Mary Cover-Jones
Persue a graduated degree in Psychology, Completed her Maste Degree in 1920
One of the early Pioneer of behavior therapy
B.F. Skinner
Developed a theory: how voluntary behavior is learned "Operant Conditioning"
Ex: Child that cries is rewarde by getting his mother attention will cry again in the future.
That studying animals & people with nevous disorders wouldn't lead to understanding self-actualization.
Emphasized "The human potienial, the ability of each person to become the best person he/she could be.
Functionalism / Structuralism
Functionalism: How the mind allows people to adapt, live, work, play.

Stucturalism: Study of structure or basic elements of the mind.
Scientific study of
consiousness itself was not yet possible.

Every experience could be broken down to individual emotions & sensations.
Psychodynamic theories
if you were a Psychologist in the mid 1900's, you were either a "Psychoanalyst of a behaviorist.
"Third force" in psychology a reaction to both psychodynamic theory and behaviorism.
Sociocultural Perspective
Combines of two study's Social/Cultural Psycholgy
Study of Groups/Cultural Norms.
Congnitive Psychology
How people think,
remember, store & use of information
Neuroscientists uses MRI for imaging the brain on how it works
Behaviorism Perspectives
A theory how volunteer behavior is learned (Operant Conditioning)
Child cries, mother gives rewards by giving attention, will cry in the future.
Branch of life sciences

Deals w/ structure, functioning of brain, neurons, nerves & tissue.
forms nervous system
Biopsychological Perpectives
Human & animal behavior, seen as results of events in the body.
Hormons, heridity & brain chemical
Humanistic Perspective
Often called "third force"

Ex: Siimulus goes in, response come out, middle is of no intrest.
Scientific Method--Correlational Method (Positive Vs. Negative Correlation
measurea the relationship between two or variables

Four research design
Independent, dependent, experimental, control,
Experimental Vs. Control Group
Experimental: experiment who are subjected to the independent variable.

Ex: Other group gets or doesn't get treatrment, shouldn't have effect.

Control Group: Experiment subject who aren't subjected to independent variable.

Ex: Kids that play agressive videogame, get aggressive & those who dont; doesn't.
Parts & action of a Neuron
Neurons- Nerve cells,are structured for processing information.

Cell Body - Part of the neuron contains the nucleus, directs the manufacture substances the neuron needs for growth and maintenance.

Dendrites - receive and orient info to the cell body; most nerve cells have numerous

Axon - Part of the neuron, carries info away from cell body to other cells.
Each cell body, there is only one axon.