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52 Cards in this Set

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Psychological Disorders
Behavior patterns or mental disorders that cause serious personal suffering and interfere in every day life
How many adults will experience a mental disorder with in their lifetime
Name the 4 symptom to diagnosing a disorder?
emotional distress
socially unnacceptablle
is the behavior different from what a normal person would do?
does the behavior interefere with every day life?
Emotional Distress
Does the behavior cause emotional distresss?
Soicially unacceptable
is the behavior socially unacceptable for that culture?
What does the dsm stand for?
Diagnostic and statistical manual
name some charecteristic of the dsm
-holy bible of psych
-18 types of mental disorders
-subject to constant revision
general state of uneasiness that occurs in response to a vaue or imanged danger
How are anxeity and fear different?
fear is a response to a clear and present danger, anxeity is an imagined and exagerated uneasiness to vague or imagined danger
Name the 5 anxeity disorders
phobic disorder
panic disorders and agorophobia
general anxeity disorder
Phobic disorders
persistent irrational fear of a certain thing or situation
Panic Attack:
short period of fear or discomfort characterized by sweating, elevated blood pressure and shortness of breath.
no appearant trigger
fear of being in places where there is no escape
-these people respond with panic attacks
General Anxeity disorder
excessive unrealistic worry about every day life events lasting for six months or more
these people have obsessions and complusions but are aware that these are not normal
- they are not dillusional
intense persistent feelings caused by a tramatic event that would cause anxeity in anyone
occur 6 months to a year after the event and last for year
acute stress disorder
same as pstd but haooens immediately and lasts a shorter period of time
why does freud think anxeity disorders are caused?
-repressed feelings that leak out of the conscious mind
-forbidden childhood image that have been repressed
what do learning theorists think about anxeity disorders?
-phobias are caused by a traumatic childhood event
-children watch how their parents respond to certain things with fear
Biologically why do we have anxeity disorders?
the separation from personality components from conscious thought`
when is dissociation a disorder?
when someone uses it to escape stressful events or feelings
Dissociate amnesia
-sudden loss of memory following a stressful event
-can last from a few hours to days to years
person forgets who they are including their name and friends and family
-no biological basis
Dissociate Fuge
same as dissoiate amnesia but instead of forgetting name and freinds they relocate and take on a new identity
-when it ends they can forget what happened during their "new identity"
dissociative identity disorder
-multiple personality disorder
-2 or more personalities with in the same person
-may not be aware of other personalities
-each personality can be different
-reslts from some sort of abuse
difference between personality disorders and psychological disorders?
personality disorders are apart of what makes you up as a person
psychological disorders are set off by a specific event
depersonalization disorder
detachment from mental process or body
-observe themselves from a distance
-brought on by trauma
expression of psychological distress through physical symptoms
Conversion disorder
type of somataform
-loss of functioning in a major part of their body without medical reasoning
-not faking it
-little concern about symptoms
persons unrealistic preocupation with the fear that they have a serious disease
-believe they are sick despitea doctor telling them they are not
-look for a doctor who will believe them
why is somatoform caused?
(cognitive,behavioral, biological)
Cognitive-psychological stress into physical symptoms
Behavioral-person was sick b4 and it allowd them to escape their anxeity
Major Depression
feelings of extreme hopelessness sadness and guilt
-very common
must be present for two weeks
-requires immediate attention
Bipolar Disorder
-manic depression
-ups and downs
-periods of mania
- followed by depression
why do people beccome depressed(learning theory)
because they learned in early childhood that they can no control events that have caused them grief
what is the biological reason behind depression?
-ppl do not have enough neurotransmitters or serotonin
appears in young adulthood
-gets worseover time
-thought disruptions show up in speech
Paranoid Schizophrenia
-auditory hallucinations relating to a theme
-less sever symptoms and thoughts are lil more organized
Disorganized Schizophrenic
completely crazy
incoherent speech
inappropirate emotions
Catatonic Schizophrenic
disturbance of movement
slowing to an immobile state in a strange position
Paranoid Personality Disorder
highly distrustful and suspicious of others
-difficult to get along with
- unlike paranoid schizophrenics, they are not confused about reality
Schizoid Personality Disorder
-lack of interest in relationships
-dont become attached or have feelings for others
- in touch with reality and dont hallucinate
Anti Sociaal personality Disorder
-persistent disregard for the rights of others and feel no remorse about it
- continue behavior despite social consequences
Avoidant Personality Disoerder
desire relationships with others but can not from them bc of fear of disaproval
-act shy and reserved
what does biological therepy relyon ?
cures symptoms not the disorder
Anti anxeity drugs
prescribed for panic attacks
-used for a short period of time
-addiction is possible
-major side effect=fatigue
Anti Depressents
prozac, lithium
-used to treat depression and bipolar disorers eating and panic disorders
- increase noradrenalin levels
-may not work rite away
-cures symptoms not disorder
Anti psychotics
-major tranquilizers
- treat hallucinations, delusions and severe agitation
-allows schizophrenics to function somewhat normally
- block dopamine
-can create parkinson disease
electroconvulsive therepy
-used for severe depression that dont respond to drugs
-person rendered unconscious then an electric current i pased through the brain causing convulsions
- can result in memory loss
-prefrontal labotomy-cutting neuropathways betweeen frontal lobes and thalmus
-really rare
-used to reduce violence in people with extreme disorders