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23 Cards in this Set

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What is abnormal?
Unusual patterns of behavior, emotion and thought.
True or False. In the past, homosexuality wasconsidered a mental disorder.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is emotional, behavioral, and physiological. It is a reasonable response to danger threat
What is an anxiety disorder?

A disorder characterized by constant, outof control worry

What is a Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
General sense of anxiety that is not triggered by any specific situation.
What are Social Phobias?
Often concerned with social presentation or public embarrassment.
What can Social Phobias lead to?
Can lead to panic attacks in social situations.
What is a specific phobia?
Excessive fear of specific objects or situations.
What is a panic disorder?
Repeated, unexpected panic attacks.
What is a panic attack?
Intense, acute anxiety reactions.
What are some physical symptoms of panic attacks?
Pounding heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, fear of losing control, going crazy, or death
What is an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
A combination of Obsession and Compulsion.
What is an obsession?
Recurring thoughts or images that seem beyond the individual’s control
What is a compulsive behavior?
Repetitive or ritualistic behavior that the person feels compelled to perform
What can a compulsive behavior be used to relieve?
Compulsive behavior used to relieve anxiety caused by the obsession.
What are 2 types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
Checkers and Cleaners
What are checkers?
Constantly check on things that may be of concern
What are cleaners?
Constantly cleaning, obsessed with germs
What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
Intense stress reaction that may persist for years after the initial trauma.
What is Agoraphobia?
The fear of having a panic attack in a place from which escape is impossible or embarrassing. People may remain confined in their homes.
What is an Illness Anxiety Disorder?
Fear that normal physical events are signs of serious underlying medical condition. Fears persist despite medical reassurance
What are mood disorders?
Disturbances in mood that are severe and prolonged. Any long term pattern of mood that causes serious distress or impairs an individual’s ability to function.
What are 2 major types of mood disorders?
Major Depression, Bipolar Disorder