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34 Cards in this Set

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A complex illness or group of disorders characterized by hallucinations, delusions, behavioral disturbance and disrupted social fncing in usually clear sensorium...is?
Fixed false beliefs are ....?
A belief that being conspired against, spied on, followed, poisoned, etc are what type of delusions?
paranoid-the most common
A type of delusion that is also referred to as megalomania, that is a belief that a person has a great but unrecognized talent or has mad an important discovery, ie: they are God....what type of delusion?
grandiose delusion
Something wrong with one's body, such as infested with insects, or certain parts of their body is not functioning...what type of delusion?
somatic delusions
The belief that one has died or that the world will be coming to an end, more commonly seen in depression is what type of delusion?
nihilistic delusions
If a person believes that they are intensely loved by another, usually a celebrity...is what type of delusion?
Erotomanic delusions
The delusion that one's spouse is unfaithful is what type of delusion?
Jealous type delusion
The belief that one has committed a terrrible sin and needs to be punished...what type of delusion?
Delusion of sin or guilt
Person believes that he/she is being controlled by external forces is what type of delusion?
Delusions of control-very bizarre
A fixed false sensory belief not associated with real external stimuli....is what?
A nonpathological false sensory perception occurring while falling asleep is?
A nonpathological false sensory perception occurring while awakening from sleep is ?
What type of hallucination is most common in psychiatric disorders?
What is a false perception of sound?
auditory hallucination
If a pt believes they continuously smell bad and take repeated showers, what type of hallucination is this?
olfactory hallcination
what type of hallucination is most commonly seen with an underlying medical condition that is a false perception of taste?
gustatory hallucination
If a pt. perceives bugs crawling on their skin, which is seen most commonly in pt's withdrawing from drugs...what type of hallucinations is this?
tactile hallucinations
If a pt. feels a false perception of things occurring in or on their body, such as "someone is in my body" is what type of hallucination?
somatic hallucination
What are the 5 subtypes of schizophrenia?
P-paranoid type
C-catatonic type
R-residual type
D-disorganized type
What are some negative sx's of schizophrenia? mneumonic is NEGATIVETRACK.
N-negligible response to convention antipsychotics
E-eye contact is decreased
G-grooming & hygiene decline
A-affective flat responses
T-thought blocking
V-volition is diminshed
E-expressive gestures decline
T-time= inc. symptoms
R-recreational interests decline
C-content of speech declines
K-knowledge, cognitive deficits increase
Thorazine, Mellaril, Haldol, Prolixin, Navane, Moban, Stelazine are what type of antipsychotics
1st generations
Clozaril, Risperadol, Seroquel, Zyprexa, Geodon and Abilify are what type of antipsychotics?
2nd generation
In the tx of schizophrenia, what type of antipsychotics are 1st line?
2nd generations due to their decreased side effects.
What condition is identical to schizophrenia except it lasts longer than 1 month but less than 6 months?
schizophreniform disorder
Which condition usually has a better outcome, schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder?
schizophreniform disorder, usually return to baseline rapidly after the start of treatment.
Schizophrenia with a mood disorder on top of it is ...?
schizoaffective disorder
When is clozaril therapy appropriate?
only after the pt. has failed 2 other treatments due to its severe side effects
A disorder in which 5 symptoms are present during a 2 week period in which one of the 5 must be either a depressed mood or a loss of interest or pleasure...what is it?
major depressive disorder
Significant unintentional wt. gain
insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
fatigue or loss of energy nearly everyday
feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt nearly everyday
are all symptoms of what disorder?
major depressive disorder
To diagnose mdd, what 2 things must be ruled out?
-mood disorder
-medical condition
post partum depression must occur within _ weeks of delivery.
4 weeks
which depression occurs at...
-specific times of the year
-has occurred for at least 2 years
-episodes usually occur in the fall or winter
What is it?
seasonal affective disorder
What disorder is characterized by:
-hx of multiple and recurring physical complaints over several years which begin before age 30
-complaints results in medical tx or cause significant fcnal impairment
-at least 4 pain syx each in different areas of the body
-one sexual sx other than pain
-one pseudo neuro symptom
somatization disorder