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36 Cards in this Set

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A test to monitor depressive symptoms
Beck Depression Inventory
What is the Beck Depression Inventory
Allow clinicians to follow the severity of previously dx depression
What type of testing is the Thematic Apperception Test, Rorschach Test, and Draw-a-Person-Test?
Projective tests
Which test is used to assess short-term memory (e.g. to assess post-ECT)
Brown-Peterson test
What is the Brown-Peterson Test?
A test designed to evaluate short-term memory
Which test is used to assess dementia?
Folstein MMSE
Which test is used to assess level of consciousness
Glasgow coma scale
What three categories does the Glasgow coma scale test?
Eye opening, verbal response, best motor response
What is the Geriatric Rating Scale?
Rating scale for nonprofessional staff to evaluate patient's abilities to perform their activities of daily living and interact with others.
What is the Blessed Rating scale?
A tool to ask a pt's friends or relatives to assess pt's ability to function in his or her current environment
What is the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test?
- assesses executive function
- Patient sorts cards with different pictures and symbols according to different criteria
- assesses ability to switch sets, reason abstractly, and solve problems
Who usually tests poorly on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test? Why?
Schizophrenics b/c of abnormal dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
What is the Draw-a-Person Test?
- tests intelligence in children and tests for brain damage
- Patient draws a person
What is the Bender Gestalt Test
- helps determine if organic brain disease or brain damage is present and where the lesion is located
- patient copies figures
What is the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery test?
- assesses specific cortical areas and aids in assessment of hemispheric dominance
Content validity
a test's ability to cover the conceptual domain that the test intends to measure
conceptual domain
usually established by a large group of experts through a wide review of literature
Discriminative validity
the ability of a test to differentiate between issues that are theoretically unrelated
a test's ability to reproduce same results
Internal reliability
evaluates whether the questions within the test are measuring the same thing
What is the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Test (MMPI)
True false questions that asess personality characteristics
What is the temporal orientation test? When is it useful?
- asks patients to identify appropriate day, month, day of week, current time
- score separates patients in those with brain damage and those without
- it's also sensitive to cognitve abnormalities in dementing illnesses
What is the spatial Orientation Memory Test? When is it useful?
- evaluates the ability to immediately recall the orientation of figures
- evaluates immediate memory
What is the Stroop test?
- assess the ability to concentrate via using words and colors and identifying either
What is the Fargo Map test
- assesses recent and remote spatial memory and visuospatial orientation by using map of U.S.
What are the subtests in the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale?
6 verbal and 5 performance
- used to get Adult IQ
How is IQ calculated?
divind mental age by chronological age and multiply by 100
What is the Rey Osterrieth Test? When is it useful?
- assesses visual nonverbal memory
- draw a complex figure while looking at the figure
- then take away the picture and draw the picture from memory
- redraw at 5 and 30 minutes

- useful for parietal lesions b/c neglect the items in the opposite visual field
What is the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Exam?
- evaluates aphasic disorders and which interventions are best to improves speech
What kind of schedule is gambling based on?
variable ratio schedule- money is given based on a random number of times
transference vs countertransference
1. transference: patient's reexperiencing of past experiences in the setting of psychoanalytic psychotherapy
- can also mean experiences of a patient that then relate to how the patient feels about the therapist
2. countertransference: the analyst's response to this
- can also mean the experiences of the therapist and how she then feels about the patient
Define the following that occur when stopping meds:
1. rebound
2. recurrence
3. withdrawal
1. rebound: return of sx that are brief and transient; often associated with abrupt stop in benzos
2. recurrence: long -term return of original sx
3. withdrawal: specific sx related to the drug
How do you score and interpret the Rorschach test?
- use the Exner Comprehensive System
What is the Random Letter test
- tests concentration, cooperation, and ability to hear; can be used to test concentration of pts with low education and thus want to avoid serial sevens
- tell a patient a letter, say a string of letters and tell the patient to raise finger when he hears the letter
Wada test
- use to evaluate hemispheric language dominance prior to surgical amelioration of seizure focus
- inject sodium amytal into carotid artery and observe transient effects on speech
Which test to use for schizoid?
Rorschach Test to assess personality structure