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48 Cards in this Set

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Treatment for acute dystonia 2/2 APM use
Anticholinergics (benztropine)
Antihystamines (diphenhydramine)
Tx for dysthymic d/o
Difference b/w malingering and factitious d/o
Malingering is always a/w a secondary gain whereas the motivating factor in factitious d/o is assuming the sick role
Dark brown discoloration of the colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches
Melanosis coli
be suspicious of factitious diarrhea caused by laxative abuse in correct clinical setting
Managment of Anorexia
Hospitalization when evidence of medical complications and/or when they weigh less than 75% of the avg body weight for their age, sex and height.
Memory loss plus one of the following: apraxia, aphasia, agnosia or disturbed executive functioning
Alzheimer's Dimentia
Only intoxicant that causes vertical nystagmus
Intoxicant that causes psychotic and violent behavior, HTN and hyperthermia and its antidote

Benzos for severe psychomotor agitation
Absolute contraindication to using buproprion
H/o seizure d/o
Drug that can cause wight gain, amenorrhea and glactorrhea and MOA
Risperidone because it is a dopamine and serotonin antagonist (which causes serum prl levels to rise)
Treatment for specific or simple phobias
short-acting benzo (alprazolam)
2 most common comorbidities with Tourette's Syndrome
Next: OCD
Tx for catatonic shcizophrenia
Tx for neuroleptic malignant syndrome and offending agents
Dantrolene sodium
typical antipsychotics
Antidepressant of choice in patients experiencing sexual side effects
Visual hallucinations and intensified perceptions (colors are richer, tastes are heightened, etc.)
LSD intoxication
Emotional or behavioral sx that develop within 3 mo of exposure to an identifiable stressor. The distress is in excess of what would be expected following the stressor

Adjustment d/o

psychodynamic psychotherapy
Common side effects of methylphenidate
decreased appetite
weight loss
abdominal pain
Joint fluid characteristics of gout
1. negatively birefringent crystals
2. WBC count 2,000-50,000
Fever, rigidity, AMS and autonomic instability and on psychiatric medications
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Sx of mood d/o and schizophrenia, but at least 2 weeks of just schizophrenia sx
schizoaffective d/o
SX of cannabis abuse
behavioral changes and 2 or more of the following:
dry mouth, tachycardia, increased appetite or conjunctival injection
Guidelines for lithium tx in pt with bipolar d/o
1) maintenance period of 1 yr after 1 manic episode
2) lifelong tx if 3 or more relapses
3) o/w, can TAPER off
Difference b/w schizophrenia and schizoaffective d/o
Duration: less than 6 mo = schizophreniform; greater than 6 mo = schizophrenia
MC side effect of ECT
Amnesia, retrograde and anterograde
Treatment for Schizophrenia
# Positive sx: typical APM
# Negative (and positive): atypical APM- (Riseridone, clozapine, olanzapine, quetiapine)
Common findings in anorexic patients
1. Osteoperosis
2. Elevated Chol and carotene levels
3. Cardiac arrhythmias (long QT)
4. Euthyroid sick syndrome
5. hypothalamic-pit axis dysfunction
6. hyponatremia 2/2 to water ingestion
Hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotenstion with urine Chloride < 20
Surreptitious vomiting
Hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotenstion with high urine chloride concentrations
Diuretic abuse or Bartter/Gitelman's syndrome (autosomal recessive renal tubular problem)
Hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotenstion with urine Chloride < 20
Surreptitious vomiting
Hypokalemia, alkalosis and normotenstion with high urine chloride concentrations
Diuretic abuse or Bartter/Gitelman's syndrome (autosomal recessive renal tubular problem)
MC side effect of Olanzapine
Weight gain
A need for perfection, over-attention to detail, stubbornness and a need to strictly follow rules
Obsessive-Compulsive personality d/o
Indications for psychiatric hospitalization (6)
1. suicidal ideation
2. homicidal ideation
3. grave disability
4. gross disorganization
5. agitated or threatening behavior
6. severe sx of substance intoxication or withdrawal
Type of schizophrenia: rambling speech, masturbation in public and laughing at inappropriate times
Inappropriate or flat affect, inappropriate behavior, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior
Definition of residual schizophrenia
Pts w/ previous dx of schizo who longer have prominent psychotic symptoms, but may have persistent eccentric behavior, emotional blunting, illogical thinking, social withdrawal
Type of schizophrenia: predominance of physical sx such as excessive motor activity, the assumption of bizarre postures, unresponsiveness to the environment and extreme negativism
Catatonic schizo
Approach to a single episode of major depression
Antidepressant for a period of 6 mo following the pt's response
First line treatment of OCD
Difference b/w night terrors and nightmares
# Night terrors occur during non-REM sleep and are characterized by fear, crying or screeming, and amnesia of the event.
# Nightmares occur during REM sleep, does not include screaming and the child fully alert and can recall the event when awakened
Overly detailed answers that deviate from the questions, but eventually return to the topic
An abrupt, permanent deviation from the current subject that never returns to the original subject
Lack of logical connection b/w successive thoughts or ideas of an individual with no clear associations
Loose associations
Acute treatment for neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Anti-pyretics, cooling, fluid and e'lytes repletion, alkalinization of urine
dantrolene, amantadine or bromocriptine
Isolated, non-bizarre and circumscribed fixed false belief, that does not affect functioning
Delusional d/o
Similarities and differences b/w cocaine and amphetamine intoxication
both p/w: dilated pupils, hypertention and tachycardia

amphetamine intoxication is more commonly a/w psychosis
Important tests to monitor when initiating a female pt on Lithium
Creatinine (Nephrogenic DI)
Thyroid function tests (hypothyroid)
Pregnancy (Teratogenicity)
Diff b/w schizoid and schizotypal PD
Shizoid has no desire for social interaction or pleasurable activities
Schizotypal eccentric behavire and a reduced capacity for close relationships ("magical thinking")