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31 Cards in this Set

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•Feedback is useful when it
–is descriptive rather than evaluative and focused on the behaviorrather than on the client
–is specificrather than general
–is directed toward behavior that the client has the capacity to change.
–offers informationrather than advice
–is well-timed
Non-TherapeuticCommunication Techniques
Giving reassurance
Approving or disapproving
Agreeing or disagreeing
Giving advice
Requesting an explanation
Indicating the existence of an external source of power
Belittling feelings expressed
Making stereotyped comments, clichés, and trite expressions
Using denial
Introducing an unrelated topic
The Neocortex
•Conscious experience
-of senses, motor control
-growth after birth is largly based on experience
Somatosensory Cortex
-gut feelings
-creates a sense of how the world works
-linked to earlis relationships and environments
Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC)
-assosiate motor and sensory
-linked to connectivity
-sense of abtle changes
The Amygdala
-attention, learning, emotion
-parts are primitive
-connects with ANS (fight or flight)
-mature by 8 months gestation
-when excited has an inhibitory affect on OFC
-hard to think claearly
-learns from experience
The ACC: Anterior Cingulate Cortex
- in animals; sense of smell
-in humans sense of smell was traded for social accuity
The Path to Comprehension
•Senses bring in raw information
•Brain receives
•Brain interprets:
–Reads, resonates with and responds to any emotional content
–Applies “rule-of-thumb” templates
–Draws on theoretical framework
–Draws on memory
Brain “understands” what was received
Two Roads
•Low Road
–FAST. Sensory cortices, thalamus and amygdala –to response.
–Emotional wildfire
- direct path betwwen the sensory organ and amygdala
-more fast than accurate
High Road
–SLOW. Thalamus up to neocortex, then down to the amygdala.
–Considered, thoughtful response.
-from the sensory organs to the thalamus to the neocortex
Cell body & Nucleus
Main part of neuron
Contains all necessary components of the cell
endoplasmic reticulum
If the cell body dies, the neuron dies
The long, thread-like part of the nerve cell that extends from the cell body
Carries the electrochemical message
Covered with thin layer of myelin
Myelin Sheath
Made of fat, covers axon in thin layer like an insulated electrical wire.
Helps speed transmission of impulses
Electrical signals (action potential) are converted to chemical signals (neurotransmitters) at thesynapse
Chemical messenger that enablesneuronsto pass signals to each other
Serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine
Fits together with the receptor like a lock and key
Neurotransmitters play an important role in the development of brain disorders and in their treatment
Neurotransmission -Basics
Action potential causes release of neurotransmitter.
NT moves out of first neuron, across the synapse, to the next neuron.
Excitatory vs. inhibitory stimulus
At the postsynaptic neuron, the NT (chemical signal) becomes an AP (electrical signal).
Dopamine (DA)
Parkinson’s, depression; schizophrenia, mania
Movement, coordination, emotions
Inhibits release of prolactin
Norepinephrine (NE)
depression; anxiety, mania, schizophrenia
ANS “fight or flight”, mood, cognition
Serotonin (5HT)
depression; anxiety
Sleep, appetite, mood, libido, coordination, activity level
Amino acids
Glycine and glutamic acid (related to GABA)
GABA (Gamma aminobutyric Acid)
Slows body activity
anxiety, epilepsy, schizophrenia
Acetylcholine (“cholinergic”)
In all muscles; in synapses throughout brain
Memory, pain, movement, sleep
depression; Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease
Excitatory stimulation will
cause AP to continue to the next cell.
Inhibitory stimulation
decreases likelihood that the postsynaptic neuron will fire its own AP
GABA, glycine
InhibitoryWhen NT binds to receptor….
Influx of ions or other small molecules into the cell
Ion channels: open when NT bound, and close when NT leaves
Activation of another signaling system “second messenger” (e.g. cyclic AMP)
Slower than 1stmessenger (NT)
Small chains of amino acids (smaller than proteins)
AKA “hormones”
Insulin, vasopressin, ACTH, TSH, calcitonin
Affect how emotions and sensations are perceived
Endorphins act to moderate pain and emotion in CNS
Prolactin affects maternal behavior
Cholecystokinin is related to feeling “full” after meals
Mirror Neurons
- same sets of neurons are activated when an action is being done or observed
Spindle Cells
-cells that are built for speed
-changes in structure of the brain throughout life
Bonsai Brain Theory
-brain develops towardsmpatterns that are already there
For New Neurons to Thrive…
-mindful practise