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5 Cards in this Set

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define memory
Memory- mental ability to store, retain and recall information
explain how short-term memory is different from long-term memory
structurally and functionally from working memory or short-term memory, which ostensibly stores items for only around 18 seconds. Biologically, short-term memory is a temporary potentiation of neural connections that can become long-term memory through the process of rehearsal and meaningful association.
able to name the duration and working capacity of short-term memory.
The earliest quantification of the capacity limit associated with short-term memory was the "magical number seven"
2. Be able to distinguish between declarative and procedural memory and be able to identify the main brain structures associated with each type of memory.
a. Declarative memory- aspect of human memory that stores facts. declarative memory requires the medial temporal lobe, especially the hippocampus and related areas of the cerebral cortexb.
procedural memory- is the long-term memory of skills and procedures, cerebellum and the basal ganglia seems to particularly affect procedural learning
define language acquisition device
Hypothetical brain mechanism that Noam Chomsky postulated to explain human acquisition of the syntactic structure of language. This mechanism endows children with the capacity to derive the syntactic structure and rules of their native language rapidly and accurately from the impoverished input provided by adult language users