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106 Cards in this Set

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a relatively permanent change in behavior or the potential to make a response that occurs as a result of experience
classical conditioning
learning that occurs when 2 stimuli, conditioned and unconditioned are paired and become associated with each other
neutral stimulus
stimulus that, before conditioning, does not elicit a particular response
unconditioned stimulus
stimulus that automatically produces a response without any previous training
conditioned stimulus
neutral stimulus that acquires the ability to elicit a conditioned response after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
reaction that is automatically produced when an unconditioned stimulus is presented
conditioned response
response elicited by a conditioned stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus; is similar to the unconditioned response
spontaneous recovery
reappearance of an extinguished CR after the passage of time
occurrence of responses to stimuli that are similar to a CS
occurrence of responses only to a specific CS
irrational fear of an activity, object, or situation that is out of proportion to the actual danger posed
learned motives
motives that are learned or acquired usually through classical conditioning
learned goals
goals or incentives that are learned, usually through classical conditioning
situation in which the conditionability of a CS is weakened when it is paired with a UCS that has previously been paired with another CS
taste-aversion learning
development of a dislike or aversion to a flavor or food that has been paired with illness
theory that organisms are biologically ready or prepared to associate certain CSs with certain UCSs
operant conditioning
learning that occurs when the participant must make a response to produce a change in the environment
law of effect
Thorndike's view that reinforcers promote learning, whereas punishers lead to the unlearning of responses
event or stimulus that increases the frequency of the response that it follows
positive reinforcer
event or stimulus presented after the target response that increases the likelihood that this response will occur again
neg reinforcer
event or stimulus removed after the target response, thereby increasing the likelihood that this response will occur again
primary reinforcer
stimulus that has innate reinforcing properties
secondary reinforcer
stimulus that acquires reinforcing properties by being associated with a primary reinforcer
positive reinforcement
increase in the frequency of a target behavior (response) that occurs when a behavior is followed by presentation of a positive reinforcer
a form of operant conditioning in which a desired response is taught by reinforcement of successive responses that more closely resemble the target response
neg reinforcement
increase in the freq of a target behavior (response) that occurs when a neg reinforcer is removed or terminated; escape conditioning and avoidance conditioning are examples
a gen term for the reduction and elimination of behaviors; in classical conditioning, extinction occurs when repeated presentation of the CS alone leads to a reduction in the strength of the CR; in operant conditioning, extinction occurs when a behavior is no longer followed by a reinforcer
discriminative stimulus
stimulus or signal telling the participant that responding will be reinforced
cumulative record
results of a series of operant conditioning trials, shown as rate of responding
schedule of reinforcement
preset pattern for delivering reinforcement
continuous reinforcement
reinforcement that follows every target response
intermittent reinforcement
reinforcement that does not follow every target response
ratio schedule
reinforcement schedule in which reinforcement is based on the number of responses; the number may be set or may vary from one reinforcement to the next
interval schedule
reinforcement schedule based on the passage of time and in which a single response at the end of the designated interval is reinforced; intervals may be set or may vary from one reinforcement to the next
partial reinforcement effect
phenomenon in which extinction of an operant response following partial or intermittent reinforcement takes longer than extinction following continuous reinforcement
stimulus that produces a decrease in responding; may take the form of presentation of a stimulus or termination of a stimulus
the process of using a punisher to decrease the response rate
insight learning
sudden grasp of a concept or the solution to a problem that results from perceptual restructuring; typically characterized by an immediate change in behavior
latent learning
learning that has occurred but is not demonstrated
observational learning
learning that occurs through watching and imitating the behaviors of others
physiological and psychological factors that account for the arousal, direction, and persistence of behavior
unlearned species-specific behaviors that are more complex than reflexes and triggered by environmental events called releasing stimuli
internal motivational state created by a physiological need
drive-reduction theory
theory that views motivated behavior as directed toward the reduction of a physiological need
optimum-level theory
theory that the body functions best at a specific level of arousal, which varies from one individual to another
cognitive dissonance
aversive state produced when an individual holds 2 incompatible thoughts or cognitions
hierarchy of needs
Maslow's view that basic needs must be satisfied before higher level needs can be satisfied
need to develop one's full potential the highest level of Maslow's hierarchy
body weight of 20% or more in excess of desirable body weight
body mass index
a numerical index calculated from a person's height and weight that is used to indicate health status and disease risk
anorexia nervosa
a potentially life-threatening eating disorder occurring primarily in adolescent and young adult females; an intense fear of becoming fat leads to self starvation and weight loss acoompanied by a strong belief that one is fat despite objective evidence to the contrary
eating disorder in which a victim alternatively consumes large amounts of food and then empties the stomach usually by induced vomiting
sexual orientation
tendency for a person to be attracted to individuals of the same sex, the opposite sex, or both
chemicals odors emitted by some animals that appear to influence the behavior of members of the same species
manipulation of the environment according to established rules to attain a desired goal
physiological changes and conscious feelings of pleasantness, aroused by external and internal stimuli, that lead to behavioral reactions
James Lang theory
theory that physiological changes precede and cause emotions
commonsense view of emotions
view that emotions precede and cause bodily changes
Cannon-Bard theory
theory that the thalamus relays info stimultaneously to the cortex and to the sympthetic nervous system, causing emotional feelings and physiological changes to occur at the same time
an electronic device that senses and records changes in several physiological indices including blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and galvanic skin response
physiological changes and conscious feelings of pleasantness or unpleasantness, aroused by external and internal stimuli, that lead to behavioral reactions
facial feedback hypothesis
hypothesis that making a certain facial expression will produce the corresponding emotion
display rules
culturally specific rules for which emotions to display, to whom, and when
nonverbal communication
communication that involves movements, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, use of personal space, and touching
communication that involves aspects of speech such as rate of talking and tone of voice, but not the words used
systems or process by which the products or results of learning are stored for future use
nonsense syllables
stimuli used to study memory; typically composed of a consonant-vowel-consonant sequence
serial learning
learning procedure in which material that has been learned must be repeated in the order in which it was presented; also known as ordered recall
paired-associate learning
learning procedure in which items to be recalled are learned in pairs during the recall, one member of the pair is presented and the other is to be recalled
free recall
learning procedure in which material that has been learned may be repeated in any order
serial position effect
tendency for items at the beginning and end of a list to be learned better than items in the middle
recognition test
test in which retention is measured by the ability to pick out previously learned items from a list that also contains unfamiliar items
relearning test
test of retention that compares the time or trials required to learn material a second time with the time or trials required to learn material the first time
savings score
diff between the time or trials originally required to learn material and the time or trials required to relearn the material; also known as relearning score
first stage of the memory process; in it info is transformed or coded (a transduction process) into a form that can be processed further and stored
second stage of the memory process; in it info is placed in the memory system. This stage may involve either brief or long term storage of memories
third stage of the memory process; in it stored memories are brought into consciousness
eidetic imagery
a form of memory, often called photographic memory, which consists of especially vivid visual recollections of material
sensory memory
very brief but extensive memory for sensory events
short term memory
memory stage in which info is held in consciousness for 10 to 20 secs
working memory
second stage of short-term memory; in it attention and conscious effort are brought to bear on material
long term memory
memory stage that has a very large capacity and the capability to store info relatively permanently
maintenance rehearsal
rehearsal used when we want to save or maintain a memory for a specified period of time
elaborative rehearsal
rehearsal in which meaning is added to the material to be remembered
proactive interference
situation in which previously learned info hinders the recall of info learned more recently
retroactive interference
situation in which info learned more recently hinders the recall of info learned previously
levels of processing model
theory stating that deeper processing of info increases the likelihood that the info will be recalled
procedural memory
memory for making responses and performing skilled actions
semantic memory
memory for general knowledge
tip of the tongue phenomenon
condition of being almost but not quite able to remember something; used to investigate the nature of semantic memory
episodic memory
memory of one's personal experiences
flashbulb memory
very detailed memory of an arousing surprising or emotional situation
priming or implicit memory
unconscious memory processing in which prior exposure to stimulus items may aid subsequent learning
semantic network
network of related concepts that are linked together
grouping or cluster of knowledge about an object or sequence of events
encoding specifically
theory stating that the effectiveness of memory retrieval is directly related to the similarity of the cues present when the memory was encoded and when the memory is retrieved
state dependent learning
theory stating that when we learn something while a specific physiological state, our recall of that info will be better when we are in the same physiological state
mnemonic devices
procedures for associating new info with previously stored memories
method of loci
use of familiar locations as cues to recall items that have been associated with them
pegword technique
use of familiar words or names as cues for recall items that have been associated with them
a word formed by the initial letter of the items to be remembered
a verse or saying in which the first letter of each word stands for a bit of info
loss of memory that occurs as a result of physical or psychological trauma
anterograde amnesia
inability to store new memories after a traumatic event
retrograde amnesia
los of memories that were stored before a traumatic event
consolidation hypothesis
hypothesis that memories must be consolidated or set before they can be stored