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30 Cards in this Set

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a relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior due to experience
classical conditioning
association between UCS and CS, involves involuntary response
UCS (unconditioned stimulus)
elicits unconditioned response
ex. salivation to food
CS (conditioned stimulus)
paired with UCS on a number of trials comes to elicit a conditioned response. bell to salivation
point of which conditioned stimulus elicits conditioned response
association betwen UCS and CS. disappears when CS is presented repeatedly without reintroduction of UCS
spontaneous recovery
after the passage of time following extinction. presentation of the cs will elicit the cr.
stimulus generalization
similar CSs elicit a cr
stimulus discrimination
CR occurs only to a very specific CS, not to similar tones
hierarchical classical conditioning
kitchen (cs) association with smell of apple pie (cs)
apple pie (cs) assoc with american (cs) american(cs) assoc with flag (cs) with national anthem (cs)
conditioned emotions
pair a neutral stimulus with one that automatically elicits emotion
systematic desensitization
1-teach deep relaxation
2-develop "fear" hierarchy
3-work way up thru hierarchy while relaxing
4-phobic object and fear beome disassociated
operant conditioning
association between response/outcome, involves voluntary response
anything that strengthens behavior
reinforcing successive approximations of the desired response (rat with levers)
point at which desired response is given
cessation of response following removal of reinforcer
discharge of affect
emotional response that often follows onset of extinction process
primary reinforcer (unconditioned)
outcome thathas natural, survival linked properties. (food, water, sleep)
secondary reinforcer (conditioned)
learned reinforcers (eg. grades)
type of partial schedules
fixed vs. variable ratio
fixed variable interval
fixed vs. variable ratio
pop machine, slot machine
fixed vs variable interval
the amount of time (ex. payday vs fishing)
positive reinforcement
add someting desirable to increase behavior ex. cookie for saying please
negative reinforcement
remove something aversivee to increase good behavior ex. stop crying if picked up
positive punishment
add something aversive to decrease behavior
ex. spanking for hitting
negative punishment
remove something desirable to decrease behavior. ex. grounded for being sassy
persistence of learning over time
explicit (memory)
conscious retention-- hippocampus
implicit (memory)
non-conscious retention, in cerebellum