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60 Cards in this Set

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what is biological rhythm?
any repeating cycle of biological activity
what is a hypnic jerk?
a reflex muscle contraction during sleep
what is EEG?
it amplifies and records activity in the brain
what are the first 4 stages of sleep called?
NREM sleep
what is stage 1 of sleep?
small irregular brain movements in light sleep
what is stage 2 of sleep?
deeper sleep and spindles(bursts of distinctive brain-waves) appear
what is stage 3 of sleep?
deeper sleep and delta waves(large and slow) appear
what is stage 4 sleep?
deepest level of normal sleep and almost purely delta waves
what is REM sleep?
light, dreams, fast and irregular EEG patterns
what is NREM sleep?
occurs during stages 1-4
what is insomina?
trouble getting or staying asleep
what is somnambulism?
sleep walking and it occurs in stages 3 and 4
what is sleep talking?
occurs in NREM sleep?
what is a nightmare?
occurs in REM sleep
what is a night terror?
occur in stage 4
what is narcolepsy?
sudden sleep attacks triggered by emotional excitement
what is sleep apnea?
repeated interrupted breathing during sleep caused by loud snoring
what is REM behavior disorder?
lack of muscle paralysis during REM sleep
what is Freud's Psychodynamic?
emphasizes internal conflicts, motives and unconscious forces wish fulfillment-belief that many dreams are unconscious desires
what is activation-synthesis hypothesis?
dream content that may be affected by motor commands in the drain during sleep that arent carried out
what is drug tolerance?
reduction in the body's response to a drug
what are withdrawal symptoms?
physical illness after withdrawal of a drug
what is physical dependence?
addiction based on drug tolerance and withdrawal symptoms
what is psychological dependence?
drug dependence based on psychological and emotional needs
what is the most frequently used drug in the US?
what is learning?
relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience
what is classical conditioning?
an automatic and unlearned response
what is operant conditioning?
learning based on the consequenses of responding
ex-skinner box
what is reinforcement?
most effective when given immediately after a correct response and is inversely related to time elapsed after the correct response occurs
what is punishment?
any event that follows a response and decreases the likelihood of it recurring
who is ian pavlov?
a russian psychologist who initally studied digestion and used dogs to study salvation when dogs are presented with meat powder
what is positive reinforcement?
when a response is followed with a reward or other positive event
what is negative reinforcement?
when a response is followed by the removal unpleasant event
what is a fixed ratio?
a set number of correct responses must be made to obtain a reinforcer
what is a variable ratio?
varied number of correct responses must be made to get a reinforcer
what is fixed interval?
the first correct response made after a certain amount of time had elapsed is reinforced
what is variable interval?
reinforcement is given for the first correct response made after a varied amount of time
what is sensory memory?
stores an exact copy of incoming info for a few seconds in the first stage of memory
what is long-term memory?
stores info relatively permantly and stored on the basis of meaning importance
what is short-term memory?
holds small amounts of info briefly in consuiouness
what is a STM chunk?
bits of info that are grouped together into larger chunks
what is procedural memory?
long term memories of conditioned responses and learned skills
what is declarative memory?
part of ltm that contains factual info
what is semantic memory?
impersonal facts and everyday knowledge and subset of declarative memory
what is episodic memory?
personal experiences linked with specific times and events
what is memory recall?
to supply or reproduce memorized info with a minimum of external cues
what is memory recogintion?
the ability to correctly identify previously learned material
what is memory relearning?
learning something again that you have already learned
what are eplicit memories?
past expereinces that are consioucly brought to mind
what are implicit memories?
a memory not know to exsist
what is the Ebbinghaus graph?
a graph that shows amount of info remembered after varying lengths of time
what is memory decay?
when memory traces become weaker
what are memory cues?
any stimulus related with memory
what is state-dependent learning?
when memory retrival is influneced by body state
what is retrograde amnesia?
forgetting events that occured before the injury
what is anterograde amnesia?
forgetting events that follow the injury
what is retroactive interference?
tendency for new memories to interfere with the revival of old memories
what is proactive interference?
old memories inhibit recall of new memories
what are mental images?
mental pictures of objects and events
what is recitation?
reviewing what you learned aloud