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31 Cards in this Set

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What is the information processing model?


Describe the encoding, storage, and retrieval.
Encoding: getting information into the memory system

Storage: retention of encoded information over time

Retrieval: getting information out of memory storage
What is the difference between automatic and effortful processing?
Automatic processing: unconscious encoding without effort

Effortful processing: encoding that requires conscious effort
What is rehearsal and how does it relate to retention?
Rehearsal is conscious repetition of information. It allows for more effective retention.
Who is Hermann Ebbinghaus and what did he advocate?
Hermann Ebbinghaus was a German philosopher that conducted memory studies.

He advocated overlearning.
Define serial position effect and its relation to the primacy and recency effect.
The serial position effect is a tendency to recall best the first and last items in a list. The primacy and recency effects are examples of this.
Define spacing effect. What is difference between distributed and massed practice?
The spacing effect is the tendency for distributed practice to yield better results than cramming.
Define the 3 types of encoding meaning. Which is the most useful for remembering information better? How does semantic encoding relate to self-reference effect?
Semantic Encoding

Acoustic Encoding

Visual Encoding
Describe the value/importance of encoding imagery.
Encoding images is easy than encoding words because you can relate them to meaning better.
What is a mnemonic device? What are the two types of mnemonic devices?
A mnemonic device is a memory trick/technique.

Method of Loci and Peg-Word System
How can organizing information help your ability to encode? What is chunking?
Encoding is more efficient when the information is more organized. Chunking is organizing information into meaningful units.
What are the 3 types of storage systems? Which is the most and least permanent of the three?
Sensory Memory

Short-Term Memory

Long-Term Memory
What is the difference between iconic and echoic store? For what lengths of time can you recall information using these forms of sensory memory?
Iconic - Visual, Less than .5 seconds

Echoic - Audio, 3 to 4 seconds
What is short-term memory? What is it also known as? How many chunks of information can your brain store at a time?
Short-term/Working memory: brief, initial coding of sensory information in the memory system. Between 5-9 chunks of information can be held at any one time.
What is long-term memory? What is the duration and capacity of it? What is flashbulb memory?
Long-term memory: relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. Lasts as long as it is maintained. Flashbulb memory is a vivid, clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event.
Why are your memories like a jigsaw puzzle?
Only parts of memories can be recalled.
What is long-term potentiation? What enables the synapse to fire more rapidly? What could help or hinder your ability to store information?
Long-term potentiation is an increase in a synapse's firing efficiency. Rehearsal can induce long-term potentiation.
What is the difference between explicit and implicit memory? Where are both located in the brain?
Explicit memories are consciously retrieved and implicit memories are not. Explicit (Hippocampus), Implicit (Cerebellum)
Define the 2 forms of retrieval.
Recall - memory

Recognition - presented with familiar information
How can context impact your ability to retrieve information?
Sometimes the environment enhances your ability to retrieve information.
What is state dependent memory?
State Dependent Memory: enhanced ability to retrieve information where you are in the same physical and emotional state you were in when you encoded the information
What is encoding failure? Why do people fail to encode information?
Blocking out information based on the brain's judgment of its usefulness.
How can your brain fail to store information? Describe Ebbinghaus' Forgetting Curve.
The brain usually fails to store information because it is either not in use or judged as unimportant.
Define Permastore memory.
Permastore memory: Long-term memories that are especially resistant to forgetting and will likely last a lifetime.
How can your brain fail to retrieve information?
The brain might not know which experience is trying to be retrieved.
What is interference? Describe the difference between proactive and retroactive interference.
Interference is a memory that is stopping retrieval from happening. Proactive interference is old memory disrupting new memory and retroactive is new disrupting old.
What does it mean to have motivated forgetting? Define/describe repression.
Motivated forgetting is forgetting something because you have a personal reason to do so. Repression is moving anxiety-producing memories to the unconscious.
How is your memory constructed? Define memory jigsaw analogy. Who is Elizabeth Loftus and why is she important to field of psychology?
Memories are constructed piece by piece, like a jigsaw puzzle. Liz Loftus is a psychologist whose research established the constructed nature of memory.
What is the misinformation effect?
Misinformation Effect: Incorporating misleading information into one's memory of an event
How effective is a child's recall of events? Can it be used for abuse cases? What are accurate interviewing methods?
A child's recall of events is inaccurate and cannot be used for abuse cases because they answer how they think they are supposed to answer in the way the interviewer wants them to answer. An accurate interviewing method of a child involves neutral, understandable language and tone.
How can memories be recovered?
Therapy, similar situations to the memory, and time can aid in the recovery of memory.