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56 Cards in this Set

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Define Psychology
Study of behaviour and the factors that influence it
Basic Research
the quest for knowledge purely for its own sake
Applied research
designed to solve specific pratical problems
Goals for Psych
Describe behaviour
explain and understan the causes
predict behaviour under certain conditions
influence or control the behaviour
levels of analysis
biological, psychological, environmental
materialist form - holds the mind is not separate from the spiritual entity
vantage points for analysing behaviour and enviro causes.
Bio perspective
focuses on the physical side of human nature. Natural selection.
evolutionary psychology
focuses on the role evolution and the development of behaviour
argument - natural selection favours behaviours that increase the ability to pass one's genes
Cognitive perspective
humans as imformative problem solvers, actions governed by thought
psychodynamic perspective
freud's theory. humans as rational, civilized creatures.
humanistic perspective
emphasizes the role of the internal personality processes. Focus on unconscious determinants of behaviour
focus on the manner in which culture is transmitted to its members and on the similarities and differences that occur
Wilhem Wundtt (1832 -1920)
1st psych lab, coined structuralism, wanted to modify the study of the mind after physical and biological sciences.
Gestalt psych
whole and organized. focus on how elements of experience organized into a whole
Sigmund Frued
emphasized the role of complex psychological forces in controlling human behaviour. Studies the internal unconsciousness.
john piget (1896 - 1980)
50 yrs studying how children think/reason and solve problems.
karl lashley
examined how damage to various parts of the brain regions affects rats ability to learn or remember
psych disorder where physical symptoms occur with no apparent organic cause
Blank slate. Knowledge gained thru experience, observation, our senses. Study how we observe. Nurture side of argument.
emphasizes environmental control of behaviour through learning
John B watson
founded school of Behaviourism in 1920's. Behaviour modification. Believe we are who we are because of what we learn
cognitive behaviour
bridges gap between behavioural and cognitive perspectives
Albert Bandura
key role in merging cognitive and behavioural perspectives
self actualization
the reaching of one's individual potential
Terror management theory
an innat desire for continued life, combined with the uniquely human awareness of the inevitability of death create an axiety called EXISTENTIAL TERRO
emphasis on personal goals and self-identity based primarily on one's own contributions
individual goals are subordinated to those of the group and personal identity.
knowledge is innate, focus on hereditary
knowledge gained thru logic and reasoning
John locke
nothing can exist withing the intellect that did not have its orignis in the sense
Phrenology (gall)
bumps in the skull indicate overdeveloped brain regions
can understand someone's personality from these bumps localizes in the brain regions
entire brain workds in synch to produce general functions
Ivan Sechenov
trained as physiologist, believed that all complex behaviours can be explained by reflexes
Herman von Ebbinghaus
first rigorous empirical study of cognitive phenomena, memory and forgetting. Eliminating prior learning
William James
friend of Darwin's. Functionalism, interested in the functions of the brain/mind.
Wolfgang kohler
gestalt psych. how are elements of experienced organized into the whole experience. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
is a tentative explanation/prediction about some phenomenon
any characteristic that can differ
operational definition
defines a variable in terms of the specific procedures used to prodcue or measure it
operational definition
defines a variable in terms of the specific procedures used to prodcue or measure it
Archival measures
already existing records or documents
descriptive methods
involves recording observation or surveys
Correlation methods
involves measuring the strength of an association between two or more events
experimental methods
involves manipulations to establish cause and effect relationship between two or more events
Naturalistic observation
research observes behaviour in natural settings
a subject of individuals drawn from the larger population of interest
representative sample
reflects the important characteristics of the population
random sampling
used to select individuals in each subgroup to be in the survey
Correlation research
x measures one variable
y measures a second
x & y dertermines statistical whether x and y are related
correlation coefficient
indicates the direct and strength of the asscotiation between a second variable
positive correlation
means that higher scores on one variable are associated with higher score on a second
negative correlation
occurs when higher scores on one variable are associated with lower scores on a second
3 characteristics :
manipulate one variable
measure whether the manipulation produces changes in a second variable
attempts to control for exraneous factors