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84 Cards in this Set

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labs to order before starting Li2+:


1. TSH

2. chem 7

3. ECG

4. preg/hCG

SE's of Li2+:


1. AKI

2. nephrogenic DI

3. hypothy (add synthroid)

4. arrythmias (esp. persistent tachy)

5. GI

6. tremors

7. sez's

labs to get before starting valproate:


1. LFT's

2. CBC w/ diff

3. hCG

teratogenicity of Valproate =


(anencephaly, spina bifida, etc.)

- give TONS of folate (4 mg)

SE's of valproate use:


1. hepatitis

2. dec. blood cells (leukopenia, etc.)


4. wt gain

5. (rare) fulminant pancreatitis

6. alopecia

labs to get before starting CBZ:


1. LFT's

2. CBC w/ diff

3. chem 7

4. hCG

teratogenicity of CBZ =


(like valproate)

SE's of CBZ:


1. aplastic anemia

2. isolated thrombocytopenia

3. agranulocytosis

(BM can't make neutrophils)

4. hyponatremia

5. induces CYP, met. by liver

Li2+ won't start working for:

1 week

=> Tx for acute mania = antipsychotic, +benzo if agitated

anxiety *never* results in:


- think syncope, hypoglycemia, angina, arrythmias, sez

most SE's of SSRI's, except libido,

go away after a couple mths

Tx PCP intox =

low-stimulus environment

- if violent and/or psychotic, Tx = antipsychotic + benzo

**sudden WD of benzo's, barbs, or alcohol =>


sez's, anxiety, tremors

best antipsychotic for delirium =


SSRI's can briefly worsen:


Tx adjustment disorder =


mental retardation ~~

anger/outbursts when not understanding schoolwork,

difficulties w/ socializing, caring for self

borderline intelligence =

IQ 71-84

sedation SE from clonidine will go away after:

several weeks

HYPERthyroidism can *also* cause:


Benadryl is **not**:


Tx Tourette's =


1. atypical antipsychotic (esp. Risp)

2. Clonidine or Guanfacine

3. typical antipsychotics only if severe

difference b/w adjustment disorder with depressive mood and MDD =

adjustment w/ depressive mood does NOT meet the full depression criteria

features of anorexia:


1. osteoporosis

2. hypercholesterolemia

3. elevated blood carotene

4. QTc

5. HPA dysfunction => EST deficiency, amenorrhea, anovulation

6. hyponatremia due to excess water intake

sexual assault ==>

depression and SI

2 episodes of acute mania =>

years-long Li2+

- 3 episodes => life-long

in paranoid PD, there are *no*:

persistent delusions or other psychotic symps

remember that performance anxiety *requires*:

public speaking

- o/w it's (generalized) social anxiety disorder

opioid OD ~~


hypotension, hypothermia, brady

(it's a CNS depressant)

cholinergic toxicity =>


n/v, brady, sez's, lacrimation, salivation, diarrhea

atropine =


- *blocks* ACH

antipsychotics _________ seizure threshold, like:

*lower* seizure threshold, like benzo's

ADHD: if first stimulant isn't working, try:

another stimulant

TOC for psychotic during preg =


*smoking* opiates ==>

immediate effect

nicotine intoxication =>


1. confusion

2. cramps

3. muscle twitching

4. even resp failure and coma

best treatment for hypertensive crisis =

IV phentolamine (a-blocker)

- better than B-blocker or CCB

organic causes of mania:

thyrotoxicosis, Cushings syndrome, hypoglycemia, electrolytes, WD, steroids, anticholinergic meds, CNS insults

amok =

violent or furious outburst w/ homicidal intent

Ganser synd. =

approximate or outright ridiculous answers

- may include amnesia, conversion disorder, H's

Latah =

sudden fear + catatonic features

**antidepressants in bulimia:**

decrease binge-eating and purging

DBT ~~


1. advice

2. confrontation

3. HW

eye-movement desensitization is used to treat:


Amantadine mechanism and use:

Dopa agonist,

3rd-line for EPS (if benztropine or diphenhydramine don't work)

NPD defense mechanism =


saccadic eye movement =

voluntary, smooth, *nl* eye movement

cold water =>

nystagmus w/ fast component *away* from ear

catalepsy =

assumption of an immobile position that is constantly maintained

- a symptom of catatonia

Li2+ toxicity ~~

severe CNS and renal impairment

**benzo's should be avoided in:**


respiratory conditions and delirium and PTSD

MAOI coupled with meperidine =>

hypertensive crisis

right parietal lobe ~~

visual, non-verbal memory

MAOI during preg =>


- use SSRI's over ECT

inc. CPK indicates:

muscle injury

NMS ~~


1. muscle rigidity

2. confusion

3. mutism

apart form Clozapine, agranulocytosis can also be seen in:


1. CBZ

2. Valproate

somatization disorder is often seen w/:


anxiety, depression, and PD's

mc PD in somatization disorder =


frank hallucinations are *rare* in schizotypal disorder, although:

they can pop up during times of stress

common comorbidities of factitious disorder:







cocaine hits *both* alpha and Beta r's; if giving B-blocker by itself, =>

unopposed alpha action ==> hypertensive urgency

venlafaxine at high doses ==>


withdrawal synd of SSRI's =

flu-like symps, brain zaps, muscle aches

- the shorter the half-life, the more likely

SSRI for dysthymic disorder should be taken for:

8 weeks before it can be called ineffectual

Couvade synd =

husband of preg wife experiences same symps

copropraxia =

obscene gestures

- bruxism = grinding of teeth

hemiballismus =

uncontrollable, sudden swing of an extremity

athetoid ~~

snake-like movements of hands

thought broadcasting = delusion that:

others can read your thoughts

1st-line Tx for bipolar =

Li2+/Valproate/CBZ or atypical antipsychotic

- the latter more so because they start working faster

actus reus =

willingness to commit a crime

zolpidem (Ambien) DOES have:

abuse pot.

zaleplon should be avoided in:

alcoholics, due to possible liver problems

lamotrigine = TOC for:

bipolar *depressive* episode

Tx Tourette's =

atypical antipsychotics,

followed by Clonidine

best Tx for enuresis =


- buzzer or pad

features of FAS:


1. microcephaly, small jaw

2. flat midface

3. thin upper lip

4. smooth philtrum

most delirium in the elderly is due to blocking:


if BiPD woman becomes preg, switch from Li2+/CBZ/V to:


type II error =


- *says no difference* when in fact there is a difference

EPS, TD ~~ which part of the brain?

Basal Ganglia

TOC for opioid WD =


- inhibits autonomic instability

-- naloxone will *worsen* opioid WD; it's best for opioid *OD*

paroxetine has some ___________________ effect
