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21 Cards in this Set

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Examines how biologic structures and functions of the body affect behavior.
Clinical Psychology
Deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of Psychological disorders.
Clinical Neuropsychology
Unites the areas of biopsychology and clinical psychology focusing on the relationship between biological factors and psychological disorders.
Cognitive Psychology
Study of higher mental processes.
Counseling Psychology
Focuses on educational, social, and career adjustment problems.
Cross Cultural Psychology
Investigates similarities and differences in psychological functioning in and across various cultures and ethnic groups.
Developmental Psychology
Examines how people grow and change from the moment of conception to death.
Educational Psychology
Concerned with the teaching and learning processes such as relationship between intelligence and school performance and development of better teaching techniques.
Environmental Psychology
Considers relationship between people and their physical environment, including how our physical environment affects our emotions and the amount of stress we experience in a particular setting.
Evolutionary Psychology
Considers how behavoir is influenced by our genetic inhertance from our ancestors.
Environmental Psychology
Consdiers relationship between people and their physical environment, including how our physical environment affects our emotions and the amount of stress we experience in a particular setting.
Evolutionary Psychology
Considers how behavoir is influenced by our genetic inheritance from our ancestors.
Experimental Psychology
Studies processes of sensing, perceiving, learning and thinking about the world.
Forensic Psychology
Focuses on legal issues such as deciding criteria for determining whether a defendant was legally sane at the time the crime was committed.
Health Psychology
Explores the relationship between Psychological factors and Physical ailments or disease.
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Is concerned with Psychology of the work place.
Program Evaluation
Focuses of assessing large-scale programs such as Head Start Pre-School to determine whether they are effective at meeting their goals.
Psychology of women
Focuses on issues of discrimination against women, structural differences in women's & men's brains and causes of violence against women.
School Psychology
Devoted to counseling of children in elementary school with academic and emotional problems.
Social Psychology
Study of how people's thoughts, feelings and actions are affected by others.
Sports Psychology
Applies Psych to athletic activity.