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80 Cards in this Set

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Personality Disorders

Diagnostic Criteria
Age Considerations
An PERVASIVE and ENDURING pattern of thought and behavior which DEVIATES markedly from norm and causes DISTRESS and IMPAIRMENT and is NOT 2° to another disorder, medical condition or substance

Must cause problems in 2/4 of: cognition, affect, interpersonal fnx, or impulse control

PD's start in early and persist. Likely to exacerbate under stress or loss but new onset: more suggestive of substance/medical condition
<18 yo features must be present for ≥ 1 year, as children often outgrow maladaptive patterns; Antisocial not dx'd <18 yo

Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric: schizoid, schizotypal, paranoid
Cluster B: Dramatic/Emotl: antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
Cluster C: Anxious/Fearful
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Detached Loners with Indifference & Limited Range of Affect
Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric

works well in social isolation
± brief periods of psychosis (<1d)
± premorbid to delusional disorder or schizophrenia

Tx: Doc is not going to change the unsociability, but can reduce the isolation.

-Supportive Listening
-Correct disortions in worldview
-Give Advice (generally avoided, but not here)
-Role playing to help with job interviews & social skills

Tx is slow, never group
Schizotypal PD
Social and Interpersonal Deficits coupled with Perceptual Distrubances
Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric

-Behavior/Apperance is odd/eccentric
-ideas of reference: external events = particularly meant for them
-paranormal, magical thincking
-sense presences, that someone is near
-odd speech phrasing, construction, word use
-no friends outside of 1° relatives
-constant social anxiety even w/ familiar people, from paranoid fears not negative judgement

Tx: gently correct reality distortions
-gently question irrational thoughts & suggest more rational ones
-Antipsychotics & Antidepressants
Paraonoid Personality Disorder
Distrust and Suspiciousness
Cluster A: Odd/Eccentric

Spousal infidelity suspicions
Unforgiving: bears grudges
Perceives attacks & reacts accordingly
Enemies among Friends: suspects even friends
Confiding in others not an option
Threats perceived in benign events

Reinforcing cycle: hostility towards others → hostility among others
± brief psychotic episodes

FHx: Delusional Disorders & Schizophrenia
M>F, Loner Childhood
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Disregard for and violation of the rights of others
Cluster B: Dramatic/Emotl

-Deceitful, Ignores laws & social norms, Reckless disregard for safety: their own and others', Impulsivity, Lack of Long Term Planning, Irresponsibility, Lack of remorse

Cannot Dx <18 yo, Must have some elements of Conduct Disorder <15
Likely to burnout in 40's (repeat jail time)

Genetics + Environment; FHx: antisocial among 1° relatives, substance abuse & somatization disorders

Tx: inpt peer group (does not respond well to authority figures)
determine if you as doc being used for 2° gain
empathize with fear of exploitation & low self esteem
Imuplse Control: Li+, β=blockers, anti-convulsants
Borderline Personality Disorder
Instability in relationships, self-image, affects & behavior
Cluster B: Dramatic/Emotl

Relationships: Idealization → extreme disillusionment
Mood reactivity & angry outbursts
Unstable self image; goals, values jobs
Impulsivity in 2 areas
Often comorbid with mood disorders, eating disorders, ADD/ADHD, other PD's, PTSD (often victims of abuse) → Tx the Borderline First

F>M; genetic (5x in 1°'s)
FHx: substance, mood problems, antisocial
~10% of pts commit suicide
likely to improve by middle age, 50% resolve w/ tx

Tx: antidepressents, mood stabalizers, anxiolytics
plan emergency procedures in advance
therapy: treatment of choic among dialectical behavior tx, cognitive behavioral tx, STEPPS SystemTraining for Emotl Predictability and Problem Solving
Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Therapy of Choice for Borderline Personality Disorder

Core idea: BPD pts react abnormally to emotl stimulation: arousal goes up quicker, peaks higher and persists longer

DBT tries to teach skills to cope with sudden, intense surges of emotn

2 part process:
weekly psychotherapy in which a problematic behavior or event is explored in detail, beginning with the CHAIN of events that led up to it, going through alternative solution, and examining what kept the pt from using different solutions

weekly 2.5h group sessions to teach mindfullness skills, interpersonal effectiveness, emotl regulation, distress tolerance, and reality acceptance skills in a social contxt
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Active, Directive, Time Limited, Structured Therapy

Based on the idea that individuals affect and behavior determined by how they structure their world & that cognitions are based on past experience

CBT identifies, reality tests & corrects cognitive distortions
pt keeps logs, homeworks & activity scheules
-monitor negative, automatic thoughts
-recognize the connection btw cognition, affect & behavior
-examine evidence for & against distortions
-substitude more reality based thoughts in place of distorted ones
System Training for Emotl Predictability & Problem Solving: 20 weekly classroom sessions led by male, female pair, each starting with a rating scale to assess progress; start with illness education, each session has homework

identify & challenge distorted perceptions, help w/ specific behavioral changes, including psychoeducation & skills training
Emphasizes: Behavior management skills, setting goals, balanced diet, sleep hygiene, regular exercise, leisure activities, health maintenance, abuse avoidance, and helathy relationship management

Shorter & Less Labor Intensive than DBT
Uses CBT techniques to suppplement ongoing tx
recognizes the importance of family & friends
seems to keep pts in treatment longer
integrates w/ current doc to avoid abandonment issues
Doc's reframe BPD as an "emotl intensity disorder"
Emotional management skills
theraputic option for Borderline Personality Disorder

goal setting to manage problem behaviors
improve communication skills to better describe & define feelings

identify distorted thinking & dvlp new patterns
engage in emot'l intensity loiwering behaviors
identify & define probems, then plan and carry out actions
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Social Inhibition from self perception of inadequacy + hypersensitivity to criticism


Tx: individual & group therapy: assertiveness training & systematic desensitization
Rx: β-blockers, SSRI's, Antidepressents, Anxiolytics

Systemic Desensitization: First learn relaxation skills (eg progressive relaxation which focuses on the contrast between relaxing and clenching); Create hierarchy of anxiety provoking situations from least to greatest; learn to produce a relaxed state for each item on the list until feared stimulus is paired with relaxation not anxiety.
Dependent Personality Disorder
Pervasive, Excessive need to be taken care of, inability to fnx as independent adult

dormat lack of assertiveness, inability to start projects
urgent need for replacement relationship if 1° fails (dead mother)

Tx: several options of therapy: individual, group, family, behavioral (social skills & asssertiveness training)
antidepressants for mood prolbems

Assertiveness training: finding middle ground between aggressiveness and passiveness, using Ghandi & MLKJ as exemplars. Identify the difficult situations, then role play, feedback &roll play again; therapist may act to demonstrate the differences; practice new behaviors. find out what the person actually likes themselves (runaway bride)
Coding Personality Disorders
Axis II
Code Traits
Somatization Disorder
Multiple Physical Complaints that are 1. Not intentially produced 2. Not fully explained by a medical condition 3. Not the result of substance abuse and 4. Result in seeking medical attention or cause impaired functioning; Sx present for years before age 30
--DDx: MS, SLE, Schizophrenia, Anxiety/Mood Disorders
--Dx: Comprehensive exam w/ family member interview; no organic cause or manifestations beyond expected for organic cause; 4/2/1/1: 4 pain complaints, 2 non-pain GI complaints, 1 non-pain sexual complaint, 1 pseudoneurological complaint--Tx: approach as real and treatable illness: ↓ healthcare burden by >1/2; minimize # of clinicians, invasive/diagnostic procedures; schedule regular visits, treat medical psychiatric conditions; avoid habit forming Rx's &, prn tx's.
Empower Pt by explaining Sx; Legitimize suffering, remove blame; link sx to stressful life events and explain that psychological chagnes can occur w/ depression & anxiety
--CBT, promote healthy behaviors, treatment contracts, set realistic short term & long term goals, practical ways of coping, daily log of thoughts, feelings & coping behaviors, daily relaxation & exercise, promote pt control & automony
Conversion Disorder
Sx which causes distress/impairment not explained organically/culturally and not intentionally produced; Sx is not bettter explained by another mental disorder (including somatization), and is not limited to sexual fnx

DSM: motor, sensory, seizure/convusion or mixed
accts for 10% of neurlogy pts
30 yo women w/ other psychiatric problem
likely to remit quickly & relapse commonly

Dx: investigate complaint
Tx: reassurance that complaint will resolve; physiotherapy, anxiolytics & relax'n techniques; psychotherapy is controversial
ADHD Critera
Critera: Hyperactive, Impulsive, Short Attention Span
Onset before age 7; Impairment in ≥2 settings (school & home)
Subtypes: predominantly inattentive, predominantly impulsive/hyperactive, Combined

Inattentive Sx: Inattention to details, Easily Distracted, Does not listen, does not finish tasks, cannot organize tasks, forgetful, poor frustration tolerance, loses the things necessary for work

Hyperactive Sx: fidgetty, cannot remain seated, cannot play quietly, blurts out/interrupts conversations, cannot wait turn

Workup: ADHD rating from teachers, Hx, FHx, RO medical conditions:LD, MR, dvlptl delays
Rx: DA & NE from Locus Ceruleus → Prefrontal Cortex for Exectuvie Fnx: Arousal, Attn, Planning;

central α2 agonists: clonidine, guanfacine
atypical antidepressants
NE reuptake inhibitors

TCA's; stimulants like methylphenidate (ritalin) and methamphetamine (adderall)

Simulants: Concerta, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA, Focalin XR, Datrana patch, Adderall XR, Vyvanase

Thearpy: Behavioral Modification, Anger Management, Family Tx, Individaul Tx, Social Skills training
Short acting: <5h: ritalin, methylin (chewable & liquid)
Intermediate: <8h: Ritalin SR, Metadate ER, Methylin ER
Long acting 8-12: metadate CD, Ritalin LA, Concerta, Focalin XR
Mixed Amphetamine Salkts
Short Acting:
Detroamphetamine suflate

Dexstrostat SR: 5-15 mg
Adderall XR: 5-30 mg

Long Acting
Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate

prodrug: L-lysine must be cleaved: low abuse potential

ages 6-12 and adults

20-70 mg
Stimulant Side Effects
Δ Behavior
Δ Mood
Δ Sleep
Δ Appetite
α2 agonists
Clonidine: po & patches: sedating

Clonidine Hydrochloride ER: Kapvay: 24 hr long acting;

guanfacine: tenex, non sedating

guanfacine ER: Intuniv; 34 hour long acting

Side effects:
hypotension, dizziness, bradycardia, av block, syncope, somnolence, fatigue
NEReuptake Inhibitor

increases DA and NE in prefrontal cortex w/ little DA involvement in Nucleus accumbens or straitum
make take 6 weeks for full theraputic effect
Antidepressents for ADHD

Black Box Warning: Suicidal thinking
GI effects
Tics 2° to ADHD medication
DA inpacting striatum

should clear after discontinuation

could be early tourettes brought out early
Rapid involuntary mvmts or sounds

Tourette's starts motor → vocal w/ rostrocaudal progression

Tics start ~9 and freq burn out in adoloescence
Tics are able to be suppressed
Tx of Tourettes
Tpyical Antipsychotics:

Atypical Antipsychotics

α2 agonists
OCD Criteria
Obessessions: intrusive, recurrent thoughts or images that exceed real life worries
Compulsions: repettive behaviors that a person is driven to perform
Tx of OCD
Atpyical Antipsychotics
Behavioral Interventions: CBT, Thought Stopping,Desnsitization or Flooding

Challange: ADHD tx → OCD
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Sertaline (Zoloft)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Fluoxamine (Luvox)
Citalopram (Celexa)
Escitalopram (Lexapro)
Pervasive Development Disorders

Rett's Sro: Females
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder: Males >3
Impairment in reciprocal social interactions

limited repertoire of interests & activites
normal IQ, normal language

limited range of interests w/ social impairment
Tx for PDD's
Goal: Sx Control
SIB: self injerous behavior: risperidone & atypical antipsychotics
attn span

Early intervention -Applied Behavioral Analysis
High Structure
Specailized Education adn Behavioral Modification Programs
Communciation Therapy: language fnx by age 5 is strong predictor of outcome
social skill dvlpt
sensory impairment tx
pharmacotherapy: atpyical antipsychotics
atypical antipsychotics
Applied Behavioral Analysis
Therapy for autism: language skill at age 5 is strong preidctive factor for the course over lifetime

Majority of pre-school children benefit from 2 years of 1:1 bheavioral instrx for 40hr/week

focus on the building blocks oflanguage dvlpt, imitation &matching through reinforced practice
no benefit after age 4

goal is to learn language, social & play skills through behavior interactions. as much about maintaining skills as learning them.

literally coaching children on how they should answer questions, starting their answers for them and getting them to complete their own answers.
Sensory Integration
Therapy for Sterotypes & OCD Sx as well as aggression/temper
Theraputic Trial
Drug/Drug Interactions
Choice of Medication

Special Considerations for Children, Elderly, Pregnant/Nursing, Hepatic/Renal Insuffficiency
CNS NE transmission
Produced by Neurons in Locus Ceruleus and Tegmental Region

modulates attn, mood, energy, mvmt, HR, BP

Depletion → Depression
Descending pathways for pain modulation
Projects from raphe nucleus to limbic system & cortex

depression, anxiety, OCD & sleep disorders
produced in ventral tegmentum
distributed in substantia nigra, hypothalamus, nucleus accumbens, and basal ganglia

Low DA in nucleus accumbens: pleasure seeking
Low DA in ventral basal ganglia: Parkinsons
From nucleus basalis of meynert & septum to cerebral cortex & hippocampus

ineracts w/ & balances DA in the striatum
3 Types of Glutamate

NMDA: receptors present on all neurons in CNS. important in learning, memory & seizures

Kianic acid

5HT1A Receptor
Presynaptically: ↓ 5HT release
once down regulated: ↑ 5HT release, improves depression, anxiety

Post synaptic: simulation improves Depression, Anxiety, OCD, Panic/Social Phobia, &Bulemia but DISRUPTS TEMPERATURE REGULATION
5HT1D Receptor
stimulation has anti-migraine effects
5HT2 Receptor
Stimulation improves OCD & Bulemia

Causes: aggitation, anxiety, psychosis, sexual dysfnx, sleep disorders, hot flashes
Serotonin in the Depressed State
↑ in dendritic region: acts on 5HT1A receptors

5HT1A receptors downregualte → increased 5HT release from axons

→ euthymic state
Why do SSRI's take so long to improve mood?
First they increase the 5HT in the dendritic region, which then must down regulate 5HT1A receptors before causing an increase in 5HT relase from the axon. then the 5HT1A receptors in that axon need time to downregulate to promote euthymic state.
The 4 pathways of Serononin and the Disorders from them
From Raphe Nucleus

To frontal cortex: depression
To Basal ganglia: OCD
To Limbic/Hippocampus: Panic Disorder
To Hypothalamus: bulemia
Improve Depression
Improve OCD
Improve Bulemia

Increase Anxiety
Increase Hallucination
Increase Temperature
Sexual Dysnfx
Nausea, Diarrhea, HA, Decreased Appetite
Side Effects of SSRI's
Aggitation: ↑ sensitivity between raphe to limbic cortex & hippocampus

Nausea: Chemoreceptor trigger zone in brainstem triggered by 5HT3 agonsits

Pheripehral 5HT3 and 5HT4 receptors in gut regualte appetite & GI motility

Sleep Disturbances: 5HT2 disrupts slow wave sleep

Decreased libido, ↓ ability to climax: 5HT2 neurons descending down spinal cord affecting spinal reflexes
great chart for neurotransmitter regulation of bood, congnition and behavior
DA pathways
Mesolimbic: high → positive psychosis
Mesocortical: low → negative psychosis

Nigrostriatal: blockage will produce EPS: dystonia, akathesia, parkinsonian sx, tardive dyskinesia

Tuberoinfundibular: blockade will produce hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea, sexual disfnx, thirst, hunger & temrapture dysregualtion

Mechanism of action: D2HAM
Blocks: D2, M1, α1, & H1
Typical Antipsychotics
Block D2 in mesolimbine & mesocortical pathway

most helpful for positive sx
more risk for EPS
not first line for adolescents & children
low potency antipsychotics
sedating, and higher doses required

lower EPS risk

risk for cardiac problems:hyptoension
more anticholinergic effects
high potency antipsychotics
more selective for DA receptor
less anticholinergic activity
more EPS risk
5HT2A/D2 antagonist
little EPS
minimal endocrine effects
helps both positve and negative sx of schizophrenia

serotonin antagonism stimualtes DA release in the nigro striatal, tuberoinfundibular and mesocortical pathways: reduces EPS

meanwhile D2 blockade in emsolimbin pathway reduces positive sx
GABAa in reticular formation, thalamus,c erebral cortex leads to sleep & decrreases anxiety. opens Cl channels and hyperpolarizes teh membrane
Mood Stabalizers
Atypical Antipsychotics
Guide to Rx Tx of Psychiatric Disorders
Medication should only be used to treat mental illness, not to control inappropriate behavior. minimize use of multiple medicatiosn

target sepcific sx and pathways
understand potential meaning of medication to pt, family, school, & workplace

consider & discuss risks &benefits.
educate t on disorder & tx
balance risks &benefits
observed indications & dosing approved by FDA
Delerium Tx, Px
Find and Fix the underlying medical cause

Provide medical, physical, sensory & environmental support

Prevent accidents
Don't sensory deprive, don't overstimulate
Familiar Decorations & Objects
Family, friends or regular sitter
Clock & Calendar in the Room

challenge is to treat & support sx w/o contributing to clinical picture
Px: not good; rapid full recovery if underlying cause is fixed, but as mostly present in medically ill, very likely to die
Mini-Mental Status Exam
Orientation to Time: 5 year, season, month, day of week, date
Orientation to Place: 5 points: country, state, city, building, room
Registration: 3 Repeating named prompts
Attn & Calculation: 5 Serial Sevens 1/correct or Spelling World Backward; 1 point/ letter in the right place
Immediate Recall: 3 total, 1/item
Language 2 name a pencil & watch
Repetition 1: Speaking back a phrase
Complex Commands 6

≥25 effectively normal
21-24 mild cognitive impairment
10-20 moderate cognitive impairment
≤9 severe cognitive impairment
4A's: Amensia, Aphasia, Apraxia, Agnosia, Impaired exeutive functioning

No impaired alertness, may sundown, but does not wax and wane; usually no SNS arousal, insidious onset: neither acute nor reversible

Alzheimer's accts for majority of dementias;

Vascular Dementia 2nd most common, 1/3
Alzheimers Dementia
majority of dementias

Risks: head injury, 1° relative, female, trisomy 21, depression may be confounding
Vascular Dementia
2nd most common, 1/3 of dementias

aka multi-infarct dementia

typically abrupt onset, step-wise progression

same risk factors as MI's

may superimpose on alzheimers
Lewy Body Dementia
Much like Alzheimers
± visual halluciations & parkinsonism
Pick's Dementia
Disinhibition and language impaorment
Huntington's Dementia
AD &Chrom 4
striatal atrophy
Dementia Tx
Step 1: verify dx, treat underlying cause if possible (strokes)
↓ polypharmacy as possible, esp anti-cholinergic meds

Cholinesterase Inhibitors: Tacrine (Cognex), Donepezil (Aricept), Rivastigmine (Exelon), Galatamine (Reminyl, Razadyne)
NMDA antagonist: Memantine
antidepressents for depression and irritability
benzos for anxiety restless
may use antipsychotics for hallucations, delusiosn, aggression, agitation, hostility

at best, medicine delays sx by 12 mo's
psychosocial interventiosn are key
dementa is a terminal illness: plan for decline & death
Education & supportfor pt, family & caregivers: planning for future

remove guns, make home safe, optimize vision, hearing, nutrition, manage sleep bowel & bladder problems, agitation & wandering. avoid confusion: calm, safe familiar environment
Tacrine (Cognex)
Anti-cholinergic tx for dementia

hepatotoxicity- not used
Donepezil (Aricept)
anti-cholinergic tx for dementia

well tolerated, widely used

GI side effects
Rivastigmine (Exelon)
anti-cholinergic tx for Alzheimers

Gi side effects
acts on both AChesterase and butylcholinesterase
Galantamine (Reminyl, Razadyne)
Inhibits AChesterase and stimulates nicotinic receptors to release ACh

GI side effects
Memantine (Namenda)
Non competitive NMDA receptor antagonist (hypothesis is that excessive glutamate leads to cell death)

well tolerated. mild SE's:HA, constipation, confusion, dizziness
Gamma Secretase modulators
Reduce amyloid protein and plaque load
Thamine Deficieny of chronic alcoholism

Wernicke: Confusion, Ataxia,Ophthalmoplegia
Tx: thiamine

Korsakoff is chronic loss of short term memory; confabulation; Poor px