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16 Cards in this Set

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Abnormal behaviors, events, or medical disorders related to sleep.
Higher rates of insomnia in...
older people, women, those with medical, psychiatric or substance abuse problems.
Caffeine can induce what?
A simulated insomia profile.
Do insomniacs have a higher metabolic activity at baseline?
Most insomnia can be attributed to...
Psychiatric disorder.
Adjustment insomnia
Can be as simple as a time zone change.
Chronic insomnia usually due to...
Mood disorder (depression), anxiety, personality disorder, psychosis.
Sleep in major depression
Difficulty initiating and maintaining it.
Early morning awakening.
Less total sleep time.
Mood worse in the morning.
Decreased time in REM, but these times have more activity than normal.
Alzheimer's and circadian rhythm
Decreased melatonin rhythm and secretion.

Intact temperature rhythm.
Restless legs syndrome
Common with paresthesia and dysesthesia (prickling sensation).

Relief with activity.

Sx worse in evening/night.
Periodic limb movement disorder
Interrupted light sleep or daytime sleepiness.

Repetitive muscle contractions separated by 20-40 seconds. These can lead to arousal/awakenings.
3 types of primary insomnias
Idiopathic (childhood onset)

Paradoxical - People with this disorder not only have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep, but they also may feel as though everything around them is louder and brighter than it actually is.
In other words, not only can they not sleep, but everything in their surroundings is keeping them awake whether they like it or not.

Psychophysiologic (conditioned) insomnia.
Psychophysiological insomnia
A type of primary insomnia

Tension, anxiety, arousal in association with efforts to sleep.
Better sleep away from home.
Ability to fall asleep when not trying.
Development of psychophysiological insomnia
At first there are some precipitating factors on top of predisposing factors that push you over the insomnia threshold.

But as the precipitating factors go away, perpetuating factors replace them to keep you over the threshold.
Other ways to treat insomnia
Non-pharm - Sleep hygiene and CBT
Sleep restriction therapy
Restrict time in bed to actual sleep time.

Increase TIB by 15 minutes for average sleep efficiency over one week > 90%

Decrease TIB by 15 minutes for average sleep efficiency over one week <80%