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22 Cards in this Set

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what is ambivalent sexism?
components of hostile and benevolent sexism...mixture of positive or negative feelings made up of hostile sexism and benevolent sexism
hostile sexism
negative, resentful feeling about women
benevolent sexism
affectionate but demeaning feelings about women based on belief that they need protection
what is stereotype threat?
research by Claude Steele, face negative stereotype and fear you will be evaluated based on that (causes you to confirm stereotype)
Steele & Aronson experiments?
asian women did better when asked to circle asian race, and did worse when circled female
how can people protect against stereotype threat?
view skills and abilities is changeable and learn about stereotype threat and tell students that the test does not discriminate
what is optimal distinctiveness??
we have desire to belong and desire to be distinct favor in groups and exclude others.
What s realistic conflict therory?
focused on limited resources
jane elliot
brown and blue eyed experiment
socialization effects??
if parents avoid a certain group children are likely to do the same
gender stereotype example?
links between parenting attitudes and kids play behavior,different expectattions when playing girls(dolls) boys(football)
media effects?? Archer's research?
across all types of magazines men faces are larger then womans and womens body are shown more
what is effect??
belief about an object based on our emtions
what is behavior?
based on observations of how we act toward an object
what is cognition?
belief about properties of the object
what is principle of agragation?
measures more effective if we average over many behaiviors.
what is central route to persuasion?
focus on argument, influnce by strength and quality of agrument, think critically about the message. (ex. ads that include info about a product?
peripheral route to persuasion?
focus on emotion or other cues besides the argument requires, less effort and less attention is paid to the message. ex: celebrity, sex appeal, and emotional reaction
what determines which persuasion route we use?
depends on whether the target has ability and motivation to use central route, also influenced by course, message and audience
importance of credibility for persuasion?
high credibility=more persuasive and competence and trustworthy.
importance of like ability of persuasion routes?
based on similarity and physical attractiveness
what is sleeper effect?
short vs long-term persuasion