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29 Cards in this Set

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hypothalamic pituitary gonadal axis
-hormones and organs analogous to female
-non-cyclic release--hormones produced at same level every day
-GnRH released from hypothalamus stimulates LH and FSH
-LH promotes hormone production in interstital cells
-FSH controls sperm production in seminiferous tubules
releasing factor
-GnRH released
-released from brain
-stimulates pituitary
gonadotropin releasing hormone
-released from anterior pituitary
-stimulates gonads (ovary, tests)
follicle stimulating hornome (FSH)
-stimulates follicle
luteinizing hormone (LH)
-lutenizes egg
sex steroids
androgens, estrogens, progestins
androgens (A)
-eg testosterone
-released from ovary, testis, adrenal glands
-stimulates many target issues (hair follicles, uterus, penis)
estrogens (E)
eg estradiol
--released from ovary, testis, adrenal glands
-stimulates many target issues (hair follicles, uterus, penis)
progestins (P)
-released from ovary, testis, adrenal glands
-stimulates many target issues (hair follicles, uterus, penis)
luteal phase
-secretory phase, post-ovulatory phase
-LH stimulates corups luteum to secrete E and P
-levels of P peak mid phase
-temp rises and stays high b/c of P
-mucus becomes hostile
-P shuts down remaining follicles, further ovulation is inhibited
-P prepares endometrium for implantation
-P suppresses prostaglandins, inhibition of contractions of myometrium
-implantation in endometrium about day 20-25 if ovum is fertilized
-days 13-15
-E exceeds set point, release of GnRH causes FSH/LH surge
-muscin appears--mucus becomes "fertile" (alkaline, egg white)
--cervix softens
-max fertility
-corpus luteum forms from evacuated follicle
menstrual cycle
-34-35 days, 28 is average
-cycles shorten with age
-becomes more regular with age
-monthly menstruation not necessary for health, total suppression is common and not risky
follicular phase
-proliferative phase/post-ovulatory phase
-days 4-12
-GnRH released, stimulates pituitary
-release off LH stimulates levels of E
-E causes thickening of uterine lining (endometrium)
-release of FSH causes growth of small collection of follics, ova mature
-E levels reach set point, end of phase just prior to ovulation
-"hostile" cervical mucus goes to friendly because of E
premenstrual phase
-last days or week of luteal phase
-Cl degenerates, P and E levels decline, A levels are high relative to E and P
-drop in P removes inhibition on prostaglandins, increases contraction of myometrium
-basal body temp falls
-cramping, bloating, etc.
destructive phase
-menses, menstruation
-days 1-4
-low levels of P, E, FSH, LH
-E stops--endometrium breaks
-P stops--prostaglandins causes contraction
-steady release of GnRH, rising FSH towards end
-mucus hostile to sperm, may become friendly if E rises at end of phase
LH-FSH surge
-after E reaches set point, GnRH
causes surge which causes the follicle to become the corpus luteum
hostile mucus/friendly mucus
-hostile: sticky, basic, bad for sperm
-friendly: egg white, alkaline, good for sperm
cervical os
cervical opening
fertile mucus (elastic, raw egg white, alkaline)
corpus luteum
-after LH/FSH surges, follicle becomes the corpus luteum
-painful menstruation
-electrolyte imbalance
-car metabolism
-change in vag pH
-breast tenderness
premenstrual disphoric disorder
-very severe symptoms of PMS
toxic shock syndrome
eg. result of keeping tampon in too long
monthly mood cycle
-less intense than weekly fluctuation
-aggression/hostility increase in females prior to menstruation
weekly mood cycle
-in males and femals weekly fluctuation--high on friday, low on monday
mucus signs
-E rises after menses, mucus goes from hostile (dry, tacky) to friendly(wetness) to fertile (egg white)
-LH driven ovulation 1-4 days after muscin
-mucus turns hostile again as P rises
cervical signs
-fertility low when os is closed and hard
-fertility high when os softens and opens
basal body temperature
-temp is low prior to ovulation
-rise in P and corpus luteum formation drives temp up
-rise and constant elevation of temp says ovulation is past
-temp falls if corpus luteum degenerates and P level falls