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28 Cards in this Set

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a relatively permanent change in an organisms behavior due to experience.
how do we learn? and who suggested how we lean?
we learn by association. 2000 years ago aristotle suggested law of association. locke and hume reiterated law 200 years ago
what is stimulus-stimulus learning?
learning to associate one stimulus with another stimulus
what is response-consequence learning?
learning to associate a response with a consequence.
unconditioned stimulus is...
stimulus that automatically and naturally triggers a response
unconditioned response is...
unlearned naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus, ex. dog salivates when food is in the mouth.
conditioned stimulus
Originally a neutral stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response.
conditioned response...
A learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus.
how does acquisition occur?
The CS needs to come half a second before the US for acquisition to occur.
how does extinction occur?
When the US (food) does not follow the CS (tone)
spontaneous recovery is...
After a rest period, an extinguished CR (salivation) spontaneously recovers.

If the CS (tone) persists alone, the CR becomes extinct again.
Stimulus Generalization
Tendency to respond to stimuli similar to the CS
Stimulus Discrimination
the learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and other stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus.
John B. Watson did what...
Conditioned Emotional Responses (CERs)
Little Albert
Conditioned to fear a white rat
Generalized to rabbits and stuffed animals
classical conditioning
forms associations between stimuli (CS and US).
involves respondent behavior
automatic responses to stimuli
operant conditioning
forms associations between behaviors and the resulting events.
a behavior that operates on the environment
producing rewarding or punishing outcomes
Edward Thorndike...
Mr. leaning until 1930's
Invented the puzzle box to observe learning
law of effect. This law states that rewarded behavior is likely to occur again.
BF skinner developed what
Using Thorndike's law of effect as a starting point, Skinner developed the Operant chamber, or the Skinner box, to study operant conditioning.
shaping is..
reinforcers guide behavior towards the desired target behavior through successive approximations.
what are reinforcers?
any event that strengthens the behavior it follows.
Continuous Reinforcement:
Reinforces the desired response each time it occurs.
Partial reinforcement
Reinforces a response only part of the time.
Fixed-ratio schedule:
Reinforces a response only after a specified number of responses.
Variable-ratio schedule:
Reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses.
Fixed-interval schedule:
Reinforces a response only after a specified time has elapsed.
Variable-interval schedule:
Reinforces a response at unpredictable time intervals,
what is punishment?
An aversive event that decreases the behavior it follows.
Learning by Observation
Higher animals, especially humans, learn through observing and imitating others.