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35 Cards in this Set

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Nursing Care at the end of life requires ____________.
Requires a shift in professional expectations.
Nursing Care at the end of life may result in feelings of ________, _____________, and _____________.
failure, inadequacy, and frustration
What is the art of presence consist of? (2 things)
listening and observing
________=increased vulnerability to physical and mental illness.
Sensations of somatic distress include: (10 things)
weakness, anorexia, chocking, numbness, SOB, tightness in chest, dry mouth, GI disturbances, fatigue, insomnia
Preoccupation with deceased in response to grief leads to ________________________.
decreased ability to complete ADLs
5 Different responses to Grief
1. somatic distress
2. preoccupation with deceased
3. guilt and anger
4. behavioral (depression, disorganization, restlessness)
5. reorganization (renewed interest in activites and others)
Grief is a ________, ________ experience.
fluid, individual
Type of grief associated with predicted loss, where the individual can adapt and prepare for the loss.
Anticipatory Grief
Painful period after a loss; interfaced with severity of s/s, severity of trauma, nature of the relationship, number of previous losses, and cultural values.
Acute Grief
Type of grief that has a dysfunctional pattern of grieving that exists over an extended period of time and is characterized by greater disability.
Maladaptive Grieving
An example of traumatic grief is _____.
Type of grief in which there are intense feeling of grief lasting more than 6 months.
Chronic grief
Type of grief that is not congruent with socially or sanctioned relationship.
Disenfranchised grief
Response to an ongoing loss.
Chronic sorrow
What grief therapy focuses on emtional responses to the loss and problem-solving related to moving forward.
Problem-Oriented Grief Therapy
What type of grief therapy discourages the use of anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants?
Problem-Oriented Grief Therapy
In problem-oriented grief therapy, nurses should provide _______ to the indiviudal and the family in regards to ______ grief responses.
education; normal
_______in _____ work are the framework for problem-oriented grief therapy.
Tasks; grief
What are 3 Nursing Diagnosis for acute grief?
1. Personal identity disturbance
2. Situational low self-esteem
3. Impaired social interaction
5 Nursing Diagnosis for COMPLICATED GRIEF
1. Grieving
2. Complicated Grieving
3. Risk for Complicated Grieving
4. Risk for Violence: self-directed or other-directed
5. Anticipatory grieving
Nursing Interventions for COMPLICATED GRIEF (8)
Assess potential for violence
Promote a therapeutic alliance
Introduce the possibility of associated feelings
Help the pt express the feelings
Link together the full spectrum of feelings
Promote interction with others
Promote the pt's ability to express sadness & pain, rather than anger & guilt.
Encourage the pt. to closely monitor physical health status.
The Sociologic Theory on suicide was presented by _________ & includes ___ subcategories.
Durkheim, 4
Subtheory of Sociologic theory; estrangement from importanct relationships.
Subtheory of Sociologic theory; individuals forced to turn against their own conscience.
Subtheory of Sociologic Theory; obedience to the group.
Subtheory of Sociologic Theory; result of excessive regulation.
Suicide is prevalent in ______ & __________ and crosses all __________ boundaries.
elderly, youth; socioeconomic
Suicide: Related Health Issues
depression, schizo, panic disorder, borderline personality disorder, alcohol & drug abuse, medical illness
Suicide Risk Assessment Includes:
physical & emotional symptoms, suicidial plan, hospitalized clients, hx of pervious attempts, lack of social support, recent loss or anniversary, diminished problem solving ability, offering others important personal possessions
Primary Nursing Diagnosis for Suicide
1. Risk for suicide
2. Risk for injury
3. Risk for violence: self-directed/other directed
Secondary Nursing Diagnosis for Suicide
1. Defensive coping
2. Ineffective coping
3. Hopelessness
4. Powerlessness
5. Knowledge deficit
6. Chroic low or situational low self-esteem
7. Social isolation
8. Spiritual distress
9. Disabled family coping
Nursing Intervention: Patients must be cloself monitored _______ initation of antidepressant therapy; as energy ________, suicide risk _______.
after, increases, increases
Nursing Intervention: Create a supporting ___________ with an oppurtunity to share a commitment to life, hope and caring.
Nursing Intervention: Assist client in the development of improved _____________ skills.