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76 Cards in this Set

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The greatest degree of generalization

Figure 2

Greatest degree of discrimination

Figure 4

In errorless discrimination training

The S- is introduced in very weak form

Robert eisenberger found that rewarding a high level of effort on one task increases the lever of effort on other tasks.


Armadillors curl up into a ball when attacked. After learning to do it with buzzer:


Efforts to teach chimps to talk failed mainly because

The chimps lack the biological structures for speech

Identical twins seperated at it soon after birth are reared apart typically have

Similar IQs

Jack and Jill

Free recall

It turns out Jack can't remember anything that happened. Jill takes him back up the hill and finds that he remembers seeing the well

Prompted recall

In the Pryor chapter in communication what does the baboon communicate to it'd trainer

The location for his shot

"Change is only constant: is attributed to


The chief advantage of learning over natural selection as a means of adapting to change is that learning

Is faster

The phenomenon that is nearly the opposite of habituatuon is


Variation and natural selection are the foundations of


Modal action patterns are induced by events called


Learning should be defined as a change in response potential because of difference in

What an organism does and what it is capable of doing

Something an organism tries to escape or avoid


The procedure used to measure a behavior


In within subject experiments each subjects performance is compared with the performance during a

Control period

Using aba research design Is rather like using a

Light switch

Your text defines behavior as anything an organism does that can be


Any variable an experimenter manipulates is

Independent variable

Unconditional reflex and conditional reflex aka

Conditioned and unconditioned

What fascinated Pavlov most about his salivating dogs was that

The dogs began to salivate before receiving food

An innate reflex response to a stimulus


Pavlovian conditioning is also called

Classical conditioning

The experiment in which a dog learned to salivate at sight out a black square after it had been paired with a CS for salivating is an example of

Higher order conditioning

One way to determine if conditioning has occured is to present the CS alone.

Extinction trial

What conditioning procedure is least likely to produce conditioning


In Pavlovian conditioning, contiguity usually refers to the

Time between CS AND US

A stimulus that elicits an inappropriate response is paired with a negative stimulus such as shock or emetic drug

Aversion therapy

We should be more likely to develop aversions to novel foods than to familiar ones

Latent inhibition

The law of effect says that

Behavior is a function of its consequences

Operant learning Is also referred to as

Instrumental learning

According to the one process theory of avoidance the avoidance response is reinforced by

A reduction in the number of aversice events

The level of deprivation is less important when the reinforced used is a


The one thing that all reinforcers have in common is that they

Strengthen behavior

The reappearance of previously effective operant behavior during extinction is called

Spontaneous recovery

Secondary reinforcers are also called

Conditioned reinforcers

The word positive in positive punishment refers to

Something is added

When a student repeatedly behaves in an inappropriate way, the teachers first step should be to

Try to discover what is reinforcing the behavior

One idea for preventing learned helplessness is

Immunization training

Shaping is the reinforcement of successive

Approximations of a desired behavior

The chief problem with extinction as a way of reducing the frequency of potentially harmful behavior is that

It is slow

Delaying delivery of a punisher is most likely to

Reduce its effectiveness

The two process theory of punishment assumes that punishment involves

Pavlovian and operant learning

For behaviorism punishers are defined by

Their effects on behavior

John spent his simmer picking cantaloupes for a farmer. the farmer paid John a certain amount for every basket of cantaloupes picked John worked on A

Fixed ratio schedule

The schedule to use if you want to produce the most rapid learning of new behaviors


The schedule that is not an intermittent schedule is

FR 1

A reduction in response rate following reinforcement is called

Post reinforcement pause

CRF is synonymous with

FR 1

Bill spend his summer in the city panhandling. everyday he takes the position on a busy corner and accoss passer by saying can you spare some change. most people ignore him but every now and then someone give him money bills reinforcement schedule is best described as

Variable ratio schedule

The schedule that is likely to produce accumulative record with scallops is the

FI schedule

When reinforcement is contingent on continuous performance of an activity


The first studies of observational learning

Failed to find evidence of observational learning in animals

The tendency to imitate model behavior even when doing so is not reinforced is called

Generalized imitation

A panel of experts reviewed studies of the influence of violence depicted on television and in film on aggressive behavior of children they found that the evidence for a casual connection between viewing such violence and aggressive behavior was


Problem behavior in children can usually be dealt with efficiently through

Differential reinforcement

In treatment of long-standing self injurious behavior punishment is often


what is used to get a bull elephant to cooperate with having his toenails trimmed


What quality is apparently quite common in people who make false confessions

Very suggestible

I knew it all along is an example of

Hindsight bias

Which of the following has not been demonstrated to be an effective treatment for PTSD


Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Nolan hoeksemas research

Ruminators Usually recognize that their remediation is a wasted effort

One of the bias sins discussed by Schecter was explained as being due to the human need for an energy saving device in making sense of our world. This bias is

Stereotypical biased

What brain structure appears to be heavily involved in the sin of persistence


Which of the following is NOT one of the factors discussed in class that affects the quality of the adult memory


The first person to demonstrate the relationship between forgetting and degree of learning was probably


Comparing iconic memory to echoic memories which of the following statements is most accurate

Iconic memory dissipates the quickest

When what we learn on Tuesday interferes with our ability to recall what we learned on Monday we speak of

retroactive interference

What part of the brain appears to be heavily involved in the sin of transience


With which type of prospective memory are older people almost as good as younger people


Which of the following herbs is not discussed by Schachter as possible aid of our memory system


In the final chapter in prayers book she discussed the term that is used to refer to a clicker that is used in human training to avoid offending oversensitive humans it is called a


When details from a memory get contaminated by another memory in which the two incidents become intertwined it is called

Memory binding