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94 Cards in this Set

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What does fear mean?
Rection to specific danger
What does anxiety mean?
Feeling of apprehension, uneasiness resulting from a real or perceived threat who source is unknown/unrecgnized, vague sense of dread
What does crisis mean?
Temporary state of disequlibrium
What does stress mean?
Body's arousal response to any demand, change or percieved threat
Mild anxiety?
Occurs in normal day experience, problem solving more efficient, slight discomfort, restlessness, irritability(nail biting, foot tapping and figeting)
Moderate anxiety?
Narrow perceptual field, grasps less of what's going on, selective inattention only certain things in environment are seen or heard, tension, pounding heart, increase pulse/resp, perspiration
Severe anxiety?
Focus on one particular detail or many scattered details, learning and problem solving are impossilbe-dazed and confused, increase in headache, nausea, dizzy, insomina, pound heart, hyperventilation
Panic anxiety?
Most extreme form, lead to disturbed behavior, lost touch with reality, confusion, shouting, screaming, withdrawal, halluciniations, false sensory perceptions,
Nursing interventions for mild to moderate level of anxiety
Nurse can help pt focus and solve problems-open ended questions, seeking clarifications, don't bring up random topics, listen
Nursing interventions to severe to panic levels
remove to quiet environment, provide gross motor activites to drain tension, med and restrains for last resorts,
What is generalized anxiety disorders??
excessive anxiety or worry about numerous things lasts for 6 months or more, worry is out of proportion, sleep disturbance, decision making is difficult because making mistake, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, tension
What is OCD?
Obessions and complusions occur together
What does to obessions means?
Thoughts, impulses or images that persist and recur so that they cannot be dismessed from the mind
What is egodystonic mean?
symptoms that an individual experiences that are unacceptable, objectionable and alient to themselves
What is Compulsions
ritualistics behaviors that an individual feels driven to perform an attempt to reduce anxiety, relief is temporary
What is PTSD?
Repeated re-experiencing of a highly traumatic event that involved serious injury to self or others, to which individual responded with intense fear, helplessness or horror
What is panic attack?
Sudden onset of extreme apprehension fear, palipitations, chest pain, breathing difficulties
What is panic disorders?
Recurrent episdoes of panic attacks, at least 1 of the atacks has been followed by 1 month of persistent concern about having additional attacks, worry about consquences, significant change in behavior
What is somatization?
expression of psychological stress through physical symptoms
What is malingering
conscious process of intentionally producing symptoms for obvious benefit
What is factious disorder
self-injury for purpose of assuming the sick role and to recieve comfort and attention
What is Psychosomatic illiness?
medical condition that may be affected by stress
What is somatization disorder?
Requires sevel symptoms accompanied by functional impariment: pain, gi, neuro, sexual
What is body dysmorphic disorder?
Pt has normal appearance or minor defect but is preoccupied with imagined defective body part
What is typical characteristics?
obsessional thinking and compulsive behavior such as a mirror checking and camouflaging
What is comoribidy for body dysmorphic disorder?
major depression, ocd, social phobia, suicidal
What is la belle indifference?
lack of emotional concern about the symptoms
What is conversion disorder?
Affect voluntary motor or sensory function suggesting a physical condition
What is comorbidity of conversion disorder?
depression, anxiety, somatoform disorders, personality disorders
What is depersonalization?
persisent alteration in perception of self with intact reality testing, feeling deadness of the body, see self from distance
What is dissociatve amnesia?
Inablity to recall personal information often occuring after traumatic event
What is generalize amnesia?
unable to recall information on entire lifetime
What is localize amnesia?
pt unable to remeber all events in certain period
What is selective amnesia?
pt able to recall some but not all events in certain period
What is dissociative fugue?
Individaul may assume new identity, precipated by traumatic event
What is dissociative identity dissorder?
Multiple personality
What are interventions for dissociative identity disorder?
safety, simple routines, confirm identity, do things for self, do not flood pt with past events, teach stress reduction methods, allow pt to progress at own pace as memory is recovered
Nursing interventions for anxiety?
provide safe environment, be quiet, simple structured, task orientated, support groups
Nursing interventions for Somatoform disorder?
offer explnations and support during testing, avoid further reineforcement, spent time w/pt, observe/record symptoms, don't imply that symptoms are not real, reinfore strengths, teach stress reductions
Medications given for anxiety/somatoform/DID
Benzodiazepines(additive, interact w/other rx, drowsiness)
SSRI(dose dependent, daytime sedations)
Tricyclics( decrease nonrepinephrine, dry mouth blurred vission)
What is ADHD?
Inattention, impulsivity, hyperactive, easily distracted, unable to meet age appropriate role expectations, difficulty making friends in school, may have migranes, seizures, asthma
Nursing interventions for ADHD
Safety, build trust, control impuslses, tolerate frustration, role models, provide support, revwarding behavior
RX treat for ADHD
Ritalin, psychostimulants
What is conduct disorder?
repetive conduct that violates other's rights: stealing, mugging, physical violence, poor peer relationships, truancy, running away, cruelty to animals/people, destrictions of property, absence of guilt, defiant, hostile, provocative
What are nursing interventions for conduct disorder?
group therapy, safety factors, have health referrals
RX for conduct disorder?
What oppositional defiant disorder?
recurrent pattern of negativistic, disobedient hostile behavior towards authority without violating rights of others, agression, attention seeking behaviors
What are nursing interventions for oppositional defiant disorder?
See ADHD, rx- antipsychotics, lithium, anticonvulsants, antidepressants
What is mood disorder?
acting out behaviors of kids, once considered symptoms of masked by depression, decrease activity and worthlessness
RX for mood disorders?
What is separation anxiety?
become excessively ancious when separted or anticipating a separation from home or parents, withdrawal, somatic complaints
Nursing interventions separation anxiety
develop coping skills, protect from panic levels of anxiety by acting as parent, accept regression but give emotional support, increase self-esteem and feelings of competence, help accept and work through traumatic events
What is rx for separation anxiety?
What is adjustment disorder?
maladaptive reaction to a specific psychosocial disorder, occurs within 3 months of stressor, depression anxiety, physical complaints
What is bipolar disorder?
severe mood changes, overly inflated self-esteem, increased energy, talking, decreased needs for sleep
Nursing interventiosn for bi polar disorders?
group therapy, safety, increasing coping skills, empower the child
RX for bi-polar
mood stablizers, antidepressants
What is autistic disorder?
behavioral syndrom resulting from abnormal brain fuction, incurable, very passive, diffculty in social interaction and communication, repeating,
What is asperger's syndrome?
later onset of autsim, less severe, social deficits, restricted interests, no mental retardation, social interaction impairment
Nursing interventions for austism and apsergers?
parent involvement, behvior modication, play therapy, music/dance therapy, foster develpment of communication and self concepts
What is pathology for elderly depression?
physical illness, neuro deficit, losses, isolations, poverty, financial strain

rx group therapy
What is delirum pathology?
drug intoxication, systemic infections, dehydration, hypoxia, nutriotion, fluid/electoryltes
What is delirium reversible behavior?
clouden consciouness, disorganized thinking, memory imparment, disorientated, attention difficulty, illusions, hallucinations, unfocused speech, strong emotional reaction
What is sundown syndrome for delirium?
symptoms/behaviior more pronounced in evening withdrawn, agitated, psychotic
What are nursing interventions for delirium?
nurse assessment, prevent physical harm, support measure to relieve distress
What is dementia?
Develops more slowly, multiple cognitive deficts that include impairment in memory with impairment in consciousness, memory loss, irreversible, imparment of abstract reasoning, make up stories
What is secondary dementia?
occurs as results of some other pathological process->viral encephalitis, anemia, folic acid deficianency
What is aphasia?
language distrubance
What is apraxia?
impaired motor function
What agnosis?
failure to recognize objects
What is alzheimers dissease?
complex disease that begins to damage brain long before symptoms appear, progressive degerative, attacks brain, impaired memory, thinking and behavior
What is stage 1 alzheimers?
lose their keys, use memory aids, signs of depression
What is stage 2 alzheimers?
wandering starts, forget their name and address, labeling helps, making up stories, repeat phrases, moods are labile
What is confabulation?
making up stories or answers to maintain self-esteem
What is perseveration?
repetition of phrases or behaviors
What is stage 3 alzheimers/
start to see loss of complete adl's, unable to identify familiar objects, language decrease, incontence, danger to self and others, give antipsychotics and antidepressants, total care
What is stage 4 alzheimers?
cant read or write, need to taste, chew everthing, forget how to chew, blunting emotions, mute, incontinent, bed sore, touching everyting in site
What is hypermetamorphosis
touching everything in sight
What are rx for stage 4?
cognex aricept, antipyschotic, antidepressions
What are interventions for stage 4?
promote normal activity, give choices, step by step directions, maintain self care, promote sleep, clear thought process, promote orientation
What is anorexia nervosa?
Engaged in self-starvation, intense fear of gaining weight, disturbance inself image and weight, chronic, loss of menses for least 3 months, BMI <17.5
Types of anorexia?
binge-eating/purging and restricting type
What are physical complications of anorexia?
decreased vital signs, electrolyte imbalances, leukopenia, osteoprorosis, amenorrhea, abnormal thyroid, cardiac abnormalities, fatty degeneration of liver, hematura, proteinuria
What are interventions for anorexia?
acknowledge emotional and physical difficulty the pt is experiencing, assess suicidal thoughts, monitor vitals, weight daily, monitor before and after meals, educate, work to identify strength
Assessment guidelines for anorexia
determine if medical/psychiatric condition warrants hospitlization, ask what do you eat in a day, assess urine output, imbalanced nutrition, family understanding, acceptannce of treatment
What are rx for anorexia?
ssri, atypical antipsyctiotics
Evaluation of anorexia?
percentage of weight restores, self worth no longer dependent on weight, relapse common, decreased distruption in pts life
What is refeeding syndrome?
catastrophic treatment complication which demands of replenished circulatory system overwhelm the capacity of nutritionally depleted cardiac muscle
What is bulimia nervousa?
repeated episodes of binge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behavior, self induced
Physical complications for bulimia nervousa?
cardiomypathoy, cardia dysrhythmias, electroylte imbalances, dehydration, loss of dental enamel, partoid gland enlargment, esophageal tears, russell's sign
Milieu therapy for bulimia nervousa?
highly structure inpt unit has goal to interrupt binge cycle, diet coping skills, effect of illness, do not skip meals or restrict food, close observation
RX for bulimia nervousa?
Binge eating physical complications
obesity, psychiatric disease, dm, arterial hypetension, infertility
Criteria for binge eating
fast eating behaviors, eating to an unpleasant degree of fullness, eating large amounts without feeling hungry, eating while feeling guility