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67 Cards in this Set

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what is the scientific method?
set of assumptions , attutudes and procedures
what are the 4 steps of the scientific method
1)identify problem/form hypothesis
2)design & conduct study-gather info
3)examine/analyze data- evaluate
4)communicate results
is there a relationship btw variables ?
CANT determine cause & effect
used to determine cause and effect
variable that is changed and manipulated
independent variable
variable that measures manipulation by independent
dependent variable
statement of proposition about something
how does it produce and.or measure the variable of interest
operational definitions
refers to strength and direction of of relationship btw 2 variables
variable increase/decrease
positive correlation
variables move in opposite directions
negative correlation
strongest correlation
+1.00 & -1.00
people surveyed are of similar makeup as the larger population
stratified random sample
cells that send and receive signals
fibers that receive signals from axons of other neurons
cell body made up of
-nucleus (center)
-mitochondria (inside)
-outer membrane (outer wall)
fiber that carries signals away from the cell body
tiny gap btw the axon of 1 neuron and the dentrites of another
impulse/mesage that is sent down an axon and stimulates release of a neurotransmitter
action potential
chemicals that are used to relay, amplify, and modulate signals btw a neuron and another cell
2 parts of the nervous system
central nervous system and peripheral nervous system
2 major parts of teh central nervous system
brain & spinal cord
4 lobes of the brain
frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
bundle of fibers that connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres
corpus callosum
abitility to strengthen neutral connections at synapses and establish new connections
raw info from senses
raw sensations from environment and five them meaning using knowledge, experience and understanding of the world
5 sensory systems
vision, hearing.taste, smell, touch
how many colors can we perceive
several mill
how many diff types of cones are there in the human eye
6 million
what does the pinna of the ear do
collects soundwaves
why are taste and smell caused chemical senses
arise from interaction of chemicals and receptors
taste in children vs adults
children have more tastebuds near throat- more tastes bitter
what info do we get from the somatosensory system
touch, temp and pain
5 major research methods used to study behavior
-case studies
-correlation studies
use of math to make comparisons within sets of data
selection of participants (in a survey)
a sample of research participants chosen from a larger population such as their age, gender, ethnicity and other characteristics of that larger population
representative sample
major functions of neurons
send and recieve signals
converts incoming physical energy into neural activity
imaging techniques
-ct scan
-MRI (image)
-Magnetic resonance
-Functional MRI (active)
what are rods and cones
retinal cells that contain chemicals that respond to light
changes light to energy
what is the optic nerve and whats it composed of?
a bundle of fibers that carries visual info to the brain
3 physical characteristics of visible light and their psychological analogs
1)hue "colors"- dominant wavelength in the mix of light
2) saturation-purity of color-intensity
3)brightness-overall intensity of the wavelenghts making up light
number of waves per sec
more spread out, lower frequency
height of sound wave-determines dimensions of loudness
generates vibrations that match the sound waves striking it
eardrum does this
what is the vital role of transducers in biological sensory systems?
change enviormental energy into electrical signals
psychophysics are a set of methods to..
relate the physical world to the psychological
what is a jnd
just noticable difference- difference needed to discriminate btw 2 stimuli
a major function of sensory systems is to
help in the location of stimuli
how many basic colors are normal sighted humans capable of distinguishing
taste and smell interact to form..
perception is about..
critical period
a period in development when stimulation of sensory systems is critical for development
Cant remember recent events after head injury; what area is responsible for this
part of the brain especially involved in the construct we call personality-
frontal lobe
neurons carry ______ in trhe form of an _____
info;electrical signal
Nervous system is made of *******
brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nervous system
what 2 neuroscience recording techniques can give us direct info ab ongoing events of neurons
fMRI and PET
in the scientific method you start with a
the "mozart effect"purported to demonstrate the increase in ability for spatiotemporal transformations. how far may we go with generalizations from this?
cant be generalized beyond the immediate group
*.A researcher is conducting a study with owls at the zoo to determine how sensitive they are to various sounds and what the smallest sound is that they can detect. The work of this researcher is most consistent with the goals of which scientific area?
Kittens raised in environments where they were only exposed to vertical stimuli (i.e., vertical stripes) had visual neurons that would only fire in response to vertical stimuli. Stimuli with other orientations evoked no response. This research is a demonstration of the importance of:
critical periods
sleep deprivation affects
critical decision making
Dreams are hypothesized to serve many purposes. Recent evidence suggests that they serve to
consolidate information and learning from the earlier period that day