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32 Cards in this Set

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change in behavior, knowledge, capability or attitude that is gained through experience

Operant conditioning

The process through which consequences increase or decrease the frequency of a behavior. Ex. rewarding a dog as it's learning a trick. ( Shaping)

Classical conditioning

Learning through which an organism learns to associate one stimulus with another. Example pavlov's dog experiment

According to classical conditioning we learn by __________?


What types of memory do we have?

Sensory, short term and long term

How do we remember things ?

Remembering requires successful completion of these processes: encoding, storage, and retrieval

How can we help improve memory?

Mnemonics, organization, over learning, repeated testing and recitation are all ways to help improve memory


Associated with classical conditioning, (Pavlov's dog experiment)


Associated with behaviorism, also believer in classical conditioning.

cognitive psychology

The study of mental processes, such as memory,problem solving, reasoning and decision making.

behavioral psychology

emphasizes the role that environment has on behavior

why do we forget things?

Encoding failure, decay,interference, consolidation failure, motivated forgetting, prospective forgetting, retrieval failure are all ways we forget things

According to behavioral psychology what influences behavior?


According to behavioral psychology, how do we learn?

Learning occurs through interactions with the environment

neutral stimulus

stimulus that does not produce an automatic response.

unconditioned stimulus

creates an automatic reaction (unconditioned response)

unconditioned response

reaction caused by unconditioned stimulus

conditioned stimulus

A previously neutral stimulus, where an organism has learned to make a response by classical conditioning

conditioned response

Learned response to the previously neutral stimulus


In operant conditioning, the tendency to have the same reaction to a stimulus similar to that for which the response was originally reinforced.

Discrimination stimulus

A stimulus that signals whether a certain response or behavior is likely to be rewarded, ignored, or punished. Example: asking a parent to go out when they're in a good mood compared to when they're in a bad mood


In operant conditioning, the weakening and disappearance of the conditioned response as a result of withholding of their reinforcement. for example: A rat will eventually stop pressing a bar when they are no longer rewarded with food.


formulated the law of effect.


Taught psych at harvard, radical behaviorist.Created operant conditioning.

According to operant conditioning, we learn by __________?

Skinner called it ABCs of learning. Antecedent, Behavior, consequences.

law of effect

One of Thorndikes laws that states that the consequence will determine whether the subject will respond in the same way, or whether it will be strengthened or weakened


how animals learn their tricks, reinforcing any movement in direction of the desired response towards the ultimate goal.( training a dog to sit)


The mental processes that are involved in acquiring, storing, retrieving, and using information. (includes sensation, perception, imagery, problem solving exc.)

latent learning

learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not demonstrated until the organism is motivated to do so.

cognitive map

a mental representation or picture (such as a maze)

According to Bandura we learn by_________?



the sudden realization of the relationship between elements in a problem and makes the solution known