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29 Cards in this Set

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1st line: methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine
2nd line: atomoxetine- chosen over 1st line bc fewer S.E.s
Tx for pt. with depression and neuropathic pain
pt. w/ depression who is fearful of wt gain or sex SEs
or trying ot quit smoking
Bipolar with:
-compromised kidneys
-exhibiting mania, has been noncompliant w/ meds
-don't use Li
-give Antipsychotic
Atypical depression
-what is it?
->ed sleep, >ed wt., >ed appetite
-pick SSRI b4 MAOI
Valproic acid adverse affects
must monitor levels to prevent toxicity,
toxicity -> hyponatremia, coma, death
serotonin syndrome Tx
-stop SSRI
-symptomatic Tx of fever, diarrhea, HTN
-give cyproheptadine (5HT antagonist)
schizo tx:
-in ermergency situation if need IM
-if noncompliant
-not responding to Tx
-olanzapine, ziprazidone
-long acting (like rispseridone or haloperidol)
-clozapine, never 1st line
Olanzapine SE
greater incidence of DM and wt. gain.
avoid in diabetic and obese pt.
Risperidone SE
greater incidence of movement disorders
quetiapine SE
less movement disorder than risperidone
agranulocytosis (drugs causeing agranulocytosis: ticlopidine, colchicine, carbamazapine, clozapine, PTU/methimazole, Dapsone)
-monitor WBCs regularly, never 1st line bc. of SE
Mngmt of adverse effects of antipsychotic meds
acute dystonia:
-onset of symptoms
-4 hours
-muscle spasms (ex. torticollis), laryngeal spasms, occulogyric crisis
-benztropine, diphenhydramine, trihexphenidyl
Mngmt of adverse effects of antipsychotic meds:
-onset of symptoms
-generalized restlessness, pacing , rocking, can't relax
-reduce dose, beta blocker, switch to atypical
Mngmt of adverse effects of antipsychotic meds:
tardive dyskinesia
-onset of symptoms
-rare b4 6 mos
-abnormal invol mvmnt of head, limb, trunk. perioral movements most common
-switch to atypical, CLOZAPINE has least risk
Mngmt of adverse effects of antipsychotic meds:
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
-onset of symptoms
-not time limited
-muscular rigidity, fever, autonomic changes, obundation
-Dantrolene or bromocriptine
1st line tx for panic disorder?
panic attack?
-benzo ex alprazolam
1st SSRI
2nd TCA
if compounded with psychosis then Olanzipine
PTSD and acute stress disorder TX
paroxetine and sertraline
ROH w/drawal
chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam
Antianxiety for emergency situation
Lorazepam bc. can be given IM
when is flumazenil used as a benzo antagonist?
-overdose is acute
-you are certain there is no chronic dependence (bc flumazenil can cause seizures in benzo dependent pt.s)
-Tx of intox
-Tx of w/drawal
-clonidine, mehtadone, or buprenorphine
narcolepsy tx
forced naps and modafinil
Tx of Tourette's syndrome
fluphenazine, pimozide, or tetrabenazine
steps for tx of acute mania
1. hospitalized
2. stabilized with antipsychotics
3. long term maintenance therapy: 1st line: lithium, lamotrigine, olanzapine, or quetipine
2nd line: valproic acid or aripiprazole
Tx of acute dystonia from antipsychotic:
antihistamine (diphenhydramine) or anticholinergics (benztropine or trihexyphenidyl)
OCD tx
SSRI 1st line- paroxetine, 2nd- clomipraine (TCA).
OCD + psychotic features = olanzapine
Alzheimer's tx
donepezil, rivastigmine, galantamine, or tacrine