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11 Cards in this Set

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Observational learning
When the learner acquires behaviours through watching and replicating a model.
Bandura's bobo doll experiment.
Bandura's experiment
Observational learning - Bobo dolls
Three groups
- control: no model seen
- Model played but not with Bobo
- Model played aggressively with Bobo
Children made frustrated, then placed in toy room.
Children who observed aggression were twice as likely to display aggression to the doll.
Repeated with reinforcement/punishment.
Elements of Observational Learning
- Attention: learner observes model's actions
- Retention: learner keeps mental image of model's actions
- Reproduction: learner repeats model's actions (must have motivation and required skills)
- Motivation: learner must have need to do model's actions
- Reinforcement: learner more likely to repeat actions if there is reinforcement
Observational learning - characteristics of the model that increase likelihood of attention
- high status
- perceived positively
- familiar
- similar to the learner (age/gender)
- stands out
- perceived to be knowledgeable about the behaviour
Observational learning - kinds of reinforcement
Positive or negative
Vicarious (someone else rewarded) or direct.
When direct: external (provided by someone else), or internal (e.g. feel good about yourself)
Latent learning
A type of learning that has occurred, but has not yet been demonstrated through observable behaviours.
Tolman's experiments with rats.
Tolman's experiments
Latent learning - rats in a maze
Three groups or rats in maze
1. rats received food for multiple trials
2. rats received no reinforcement
3. rats received no reinforcement for 10 trials; subsequently received reinforcement -> run times rapidly decreased.
Demonstrated that rats held mental representation (cognitive map) of maze that they could use when given motivation.
Insight learning
Kind of learning seen in situations where a problem must be solved, and there is a period of mental activity followed by sudden understanding and realisation of solution.
One session.
True learning - once achieved, the solution will not be lost, and is transferrable to other situations.
Stages of insight learning
- Preparation: info acquired and attempt made to solve problem
- Incubation: problem appears to be set aside, organism unconsciously works on problem
- Insightful experience: solution suddenly realised
- Verification: solution checked by putting it into practise
Kohler's experiments
Insight learning - chimpanzees.
Made puzzles in which chimpanzees had to obtain a banana (e.g. hanging from ceiling).
Chimps appeared to reach sudden solution after apparent inactivity (e.g. stood on box to reach banana).
When same chimp is presented with the same problem again, it knows solution instantly.
Summary of learning experiments (kind of learning/names/the experiment)
- Classical conditioning/Pavlov/salivating dogs
- Conditioned emotional responses/Watson/Little Albert, fear of rats
- Instrumental learning/Thorndike/cats in boxes
- Operant conditioning/Skinner/rats and pigeons in box
- One trial learning/Garcia and Koelling/taste aversion, rats and saccharine
- Observational learning/Bandura/Bobo dolls, aggression
- Latent learning/Tolman/rats in maze
- Kohler/Insight learning/chimpanzees solving problems