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48 Cards in this Set

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Memory and Information Processing
taking an observation and converting it into a form that can be stored retrieved and used
Mental Representation
Motoric MR
stored memories of muscle movement
Sensory MR
stored information in a sensory mode [visual, auditory, olfactory]
remembering with words
Characteristics of the types of memories
Sensory, Short term, Long Term,
Sensory Memory
holds info for a second
iconic-visual sensory
echoic- auditory sense
Short Term Memory
Holds info for 20/30 seconds
Limited Capacity-new info bumps out old
Rehearsal-repeating info to prevent it from fading away
Long Term Memory
Limitless Capacity
Serial Posisition effect
Primacy and Recencey
Motivation and Interest
Limitless Capacity
most important info moves to long term memory and lasts forever
Serial position Effect
first and last materials
Primacy and recencey
first and last words
Facts and events/ how to perform a skill
requires conscious recollection/ performance without thought
generate a memory
memory there, just needs identifying
Motivation and Interest
Meaningful and significant value of information focuses and plays an important role in memory
Emotional Memory
narrows affection to relevant goals, relative features in environment [may re-experience emotion when recalling experience]
Retrospective Memory
Things from the past
Prospective Memory
Remembering things for the future
what to do
what items to remember
Working memory
the temporary storage of processing memory, uses short term and long term, only remains as long as its been used
grouping information in larger units expands digits/groups remembered
Central Executive
makes decisions about rehearsal, reasoning and balancing two tasks simutaneously
Visual Short term memory
simliar to a sketch pad and can store and image for 20/30 seconds
Verbal short term memory
words are stored by sound not meaning with 7 digit limitation
Long term and working memory definition
Representative Form
info must be put in representative form [coded] so it can be accessed
Level Of processing
deep and shallow level of processing which is determined by the degree of elaboration, reflection and meaning
Encoding Specificity Principle
Ease of retrieval depends on match between enoded form and retrieval search
Context (encoding and orginizational info)
retrieval easier with memory in context and state dependent
which is best for most effective acquisition and retrievl- spaced interval
Multiple Representative modes
encoding in words, sounds and images is more effective for retrieval
Mnemonic Devices
systematic strategies for remembering info
Networks of Association
clusters of interconnected info and search is form node to node
High state of Activation
recent [latest news] and frequent [knowledge used daily in career field]
Hierarchal Organization
broad categories with specific information
patterns of thought or organized knowledge structure that render the environment relatively predictable
Degree of Forgetting
rapid loss at first then a gradual decline
Accuracy of long term memory
subject to errors and has bias especially when emotional factors are involved
Flashbulb Memories
vivid memories of very major events
Eyewitness Testimony
influenced by the questions asked and or emotional stress-[loss of detail]
Decay Theory
Use it or lose it
other memories tend to interfere,
Proactive- old mixes with new
RetroActive-new mixes with old
Motivated Forgetting
Suppression-inhibits thoughts or feelings
Repression- Unconcious forgetting of unpleasant feelings
Retrograde and Antergrade
brain deterioration and memory loss