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53 Cards in this Set

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actor-observer effect
Tendency to attribute other people’s behavior to INTERNAL causes while attributing one’s own behavior to EXTERNAL causes.
aggression (aggressive behavior)
An act that is intended to harm another person.
An unselfish concern with another’s welfare.
arousal: cost-reward theory
Decision to provide assistance as motivated by
efforts to reduce the unpleasant arousal people
feel when confronted w/a suffering victim while
also considering the costs involved.
assistance (helping behavior)
Any act that is intended to benefit another person.
A tendency toward a particular cognitive, emotional,
or behavioral reaction to objects in one’s environment.
The process of explaining the causes
of people’s behavior, including our own.
bystander effect
A phenomenon in which the chances that someone will help in an emergency decrease as the number of people present increases.
cognitive dissonance theory
Attitude change is driven by efforts to reduce tension caused by inconsistencies bet attitudes & behaviors.
Any type of behavior in which individuals try to attain a
goal while denying others access to that goal.
Adjusting one’s behavior because of a direct request.
Occurs when a person/group believes that
another person/group interferes w/the attainment of a goal
Changing one’s behavior or beliefs to match those of others, generally as a result of real or imagined (though unspoken) group pressure.
contact hypothesis
Idea that stereotypes & prejudice toward a group
will diminish as contact w/group INCREASES.
Any type of behavior in which people work together to attain a goal.
A psychological state occurring in group members that results in loss of individuality and a tendency to do things not normally done when alone.
elaboration likelihood model
(attitude change)
People can change their attitudes through a central route
(by considering an argument’s content) or through
a peripheral route (by relying on irrelevant persuasion cues)
empathy-altruism helping theory
A theory suggesting that people assist others because they feel empathy toward them.
environmental psychology
The study of the effects of the physical environment on people’s behavior and mental processes.
frustration-aggression hypothesis
Proposition stating that frustration always
leads to some form of aggressive behavior.
fundamental attribution error
A bias toward attributing the behavior of others to internal factors.
Renders group members unable to evaluate
realistically the wisdom of various options and decisions.
matching hypothesis
The notion that people are most likely to form committed relationships
w/others who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness.
Changing behavior in response to a demand from an authority figure.
A positive or negative attitude toward people in certain groups.
reference groups
Categories of people w/whom individuals compare themselves
relationship-motivated leaders
Leaders who provide loose supervision, ask for group members’ ideas, and are generally concerned with subordinates’ feelings.
relative deprivation
Sense that one isn't getting all that they deserve.
Mental representations about people and social situations.
The way one thinks of oneself.
The evaluations people make about their worth as human beings.
self-fulfilling prophecy
A process in which an initial impression
causes us to bring out behavior in another
that confirms the impression.
self-serving bias
Tendency to attribute one’s successes to INTERNAL characteristics while blaming one’s failures on EXTERNAL causes.
social cognition
Mental processes associated w/people’s
perceptions of & reactions to other people.
social comparison
Using other people as a basis of comparison for evaluating oneself.
social dilemmas
Actions that produce rewards for one individual will produce neg consequences for all if they are adopted by everyone.
social discrimination
Differential treatment of people in certain groups; the behavioral component of prejudice.
social facilitation
A phenomenon in which the
presence of others improves a person’s performance.
social identity
Beliefs we hold about groups to which we belong.
social interference
A reduction in performance due to the presence of other people
social loafing
Exerting less effort when performing a group task than when performing the same task alone.
social neuroscience
Focuses on influence of social, biological and
influence of biological processes on social psychological phenomena.
social norms
Learned, socially based rules that prescribe what people should or should not do in various situations.
social perception
Processes through which people interpret info about
others, draw inferences about them, & develop mental representations of them.
social psychology
(Subfield of psychology)
Explores the effects of the social world on the BEHAVIOR and MENTAL processes of individuals and groups.
False assumptions that all members of some group share the same characteristics.
task-motivated leaders
Leaders who provide close supervision, lead by giving directions, and generally discourage group discussion.
antidepressant drugs
Drugs that reduce depression.
(see tranquilizing drugs
assertiveness training
A set of methods for helping clients learn to express their feelings and stand up for their rights in social situations
aversion conditioning
A method for reducing unwanted behaviors by using CLASSICAL conditioning principles to create a NEGATIVE response to some stimulus.
behavior modification
Treatments that use OPERANT conditioning methods to change behavior.
behavior therapy
Treatments that use CLASSICAL conditioning principles to change behavior.