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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the three ways of learning ?

Classical conditioning, Operant Conditioning , observational learning

Unconditioned stimulus & response

-something that triggers a natural occurring response

-naturally occurring response to unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned stimulus & response

-neutral stimulus that after being repeatedly presented prior to unconditioned stim evokes similar response

-aquired response to the formerly neutral stimulus


Reduction of response when stimulus is conditioned

Spontaneous recovery

Increase in responding to conditioned stim after extinction


Similar stim but prefers one over the other


Tendency to respond to stimuli that resemble the original conditioned stimulus

Classical Conditioning

Learning through experience

Pavalos experiment

Dogs with bell and food for salivation

Operant conditioning

Learning that occurs based on the consequences of behavior and can involve learning of new actions.

Positive/ negative reinforcement

Adding/ taking away something to strengthen response by presenting something pleasant or unpleasant after response.

Positive / negative punishment

-presenting something unpleasant after response

-reducing or removing something pleasant

Primary/ secondary reinforce

-stimuli that are naturally proffered or enjoyed by organism

-neutral event that has come associated with primary reinforcer using classical conditioning

How can operante learning shape new behaviors ?

Guiding organisms behavior to desired outcome

Skinners experiment

Skinners box using buttons for different outcomes

Observational learning

Learning by observing behavior of others

Banduras experiment

Aggression in children

Play with toys then take them away and give them bobo doll. Watched aggressive video so they were aggressive with doll.


Ability to store and retrieve information over time

3 Fundamental processes of memory

Sensory memory, short tem memory, long term memory

Effortful/ automatic processing

-takes effort to process info

-takes little to no effort to process info

Implicit memory

Influence of experience on behavior

Explicit memory

Knowledge or experience that can consciously be remembered.

How can memory be improved ?

Chuncking, mnemonics, hierarchies, distributed practice, meaningful material.

Long term potentiation

Long lasting strengthinging of synapses between nerve cells.

How to retrieval cues influence our memory/ recall

Using past memories or experience in LTM to help us remember STM to LTM


Changes in behavior from experience that happen frequently / recently