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39 Cards in this Set

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processes by which our sense organs receive information from the environment
processes by which we select, organize, and interpret sensations
What are the three types of processing?
Transduction, Coding, and Sensory Reduction
converts sensory stimuli into neural impulses that can be translated by brain
converts sensory stimuli into specific sensations/ puts them into a specific category
Sensory Reduction
filters and analyzes incoming sensations before sending a neural impulse to the brain
Sensory Adaptation
reduction/disappearance of sensory responsiveness when stimulus is unchanging or repitious; prevents us from having to respond continuously to unimportant information
Distal stimulus
the real object (or person) in the world outside of us; usually at some distance from the perceiver
Proximal stimulus
the pattern of light that is refelected off of the person's or object's outer surface, collected by our eyes, and cast as an image on the retina; usually "nearby" the perceiver; doesn't have to be light... it can be whatever is sensed (ex. scent molecules)
the study or the relationship between physical stimulation and subjective experiences that result
Absolute Threshold
the smallest amount of stimulation that can be detected--
Just Noticeable Difference (JND)
the smallest amount of change in a stimulus that can be detected--how much more is needed before the change is noticed; can be predicted by Weber's law; proportional to original stimulus
Weber's Law
-What is it and what does it tell us?
Tells us that the size of the JND (just noticeable difference) is a constant fraction (proportional) of the original stimulus it's being compared to; it tells us that we are sensitive to percentage changes rather than absolute changes; allows us to compare sensitivities of different senses/modalities; change in intensity (amount added to original stimulus in order to produce a jnd) divided by original standard stimulus intensity equals the constant fraction
Signal Detection Theory
What is it? How does it work?
What are "hits" and "misses"?
psychophysical theory that divides detection of a sensory signal into a sensory process and a decision process;provides useful way to think about how people make decisions and attempts to minimize inevitable errors; four possible outcomes--> "hits" are true/correct positive and true/correct negatives or rejections; "misses" are false positives or alarms and false negatives
Pattern Theory
Explanation for sensory quality that says input is identified by the pattern of activation-- which neurons are firing more and which are firing less at any given moment (what neurons are being activated in response to a stimulus)-- all neurons for senses fire in response to stimulus but the pattern of how they activate/fire and the amount/intensity they fire determines what is sensed/coded
form of electromagnetic radiation that travels as a wave-- waves may have different amplitudes, wavelengths, and frequencies; reflected light is what we see (vision)
what we perceive as hue or color; distance/time between crests
what we perceive as brightness; the amount of pressure by each air particle on the next; height of wave
what we perceive as purity of color; more pure=brighter=more saturated; less pure=more dull=less saturated (more gray, black or white mixed in)
what is the visible spectrum of light for humans?
light with wavelength between 400 nm (violet) and 700 nm (red)
the eye's transparent outer coating that helps focus incoming light; fixed in shape but begins process of bending light rays so they will end up properly focused
eye structure that controls the amount of light entering the eyeball and reaching retina ; smooth, colored, circular muscle that surrounds pupillary opening and contracts or dilates under reflex control as the amount of illumination changes
opening in the center of the iris (controls it); size of this determines how much light enters the eye; hole in iris through which light passes
portion of the eye that can bend light rays and focus an image onto the retina; can adjust shape by a band of muscle that surrounds it; further focuses light on retina
layer of tissue lining the back of the eyeball that produces retinal image of what is being seen; where visual information is perceived and sent to the brain
a small, roughly circular region at the center of the retina where cones are plentiful and vision is best
Optic Nerve
bundle of fibers made up of ganglion cells that leaves the eyeball and carries information to the lateral geniculate nucleus and then the cortex of the brain
type of receptor cell in the retina; very sensitive but less acute and are for dim light / night vision; absent in fovea; more in periphery; low light intensity; 120 million; contain only one photopigment (shades of gray)
type of receptor cell in the retina; specialized for very acute detail, feature 3 different photopigments whose molecules absorb light energy causing a neuron to fire; plentiful in the fovea; less in periphery; day vision, high illumination and detail, perceive color; 6 million cells
housing neural tissue that channels light toward the retina
Trichromatic Theory for Color Vision
Researchers found that by mixing only three primary colored lights (blue, red, and green) they could create all possible colors--> led to the idea that we have receptors for 3 colors of red, green, and blue, which correspond to the 3 types of cones (true and based on sensitivity to wavelength)-- the combination of the three in various patterns leads to color we see; Red=long wavelength; Green= medium wavelength; Blue= short wavelength
the single photopigment in rods of the eye
Opponent Process Theory for Color Vision
Says that visual system also analyzes information in terms of three pairs of "opponent" colors, which are red & green, black & white, and blue & yellow; this process adds to trichromatic theory and says that different colors can be fired for and combine to "see" another color -- color is perceived based on a balance; organizes the output of the cones; excitation of one color inhibits the other opponent-- balance
(negative) afterimage
shows the complimentary hue of a stimulus-- ex. stare at green spot for a while and then look at a white wall-- see a red spot that isn't actually there
a chemical that is sensitive to light and allows the transduction of light energy into a neural signal; when light enters the receptor, the energy changes into chemical form of this in order to set off a chain of events to lead to an electrical signal
complementary colors
two colors that produce gray when they are additively mixed together in the right proportions; idea that colors are "paired" and have "opposites" that cancel them out-- applies to any color in chromatic region of visual field
Young-Helmholtz Theory
View that suggests color vision is based on three basic elements -- stimulation by red light activates long-preferring receptors and only weakly activates the other two receptors; stimulation by blue light strongly activates the short-preferring receptors and only weakly activates the other two; stimulation by green light strongly activates the medium-preferring receptors and only weakly activates the other two
feature detectors
Cells that detect certain elements within the visual pattern; fire in response to a line or edge of a particular orientation and other basic elements
receptive field
region with certain shape and size within the visual field that cell responds to; cells act as "detectors" and respond when preferred target is in view (curve, angle, line, etc.)-- identifies type of detector to see image