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28 Cards in this Set

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what is puberty?
puberty spans the period of physical development that begins w/ the appearance of secondary sex characteristics and ends w/ the attainment of full sexual maturity
what changes in cognitive development occur during adolescense?
-adolescents may progress to the stage of formal operations, which, according to Piaget, is denoted by the ability to engage in abstract thinking and reasoning
-according to Elkind, egocentricity in adolescence involves concepts of the imaginary audience ( believing everyone else is as concerned about us as we are ourseles) and the personal fable (an exaggerated sense of uniqueness and perceptions of personal invulnerability).
what are kohlberg's levels of moral reasoning?
-@ the preconventional level, moral judgements are based on the perceievd consequences of behavior. behaviors that avoid punishment are good; those that incur punishment from an external authority are bad
-at the conventional level, conformity with conventinal rules of right and wrong is valued b/c of the need to do what others expect or because one has an obligation to obey the law
-at the postconcentional level, moral judgements are based on the value systems the ind. develops through personal reflection, such as the importance of human life and the concept of justice above that of the law. post conventional thinking does not develop until adolescence, if ever
what did Gilligan criticize Kohlberg's theory?
-gilligan pointed out the kohlberg's model was based only on the responses of males and did not take female voices into account
-through her own research, gilligan concluded that females tend to adopt a care orientation. whereas males tend to adopt a justice orientation. other researchers have found that differences in moral reasoning between men and women are less clear-cut, although women have a greater tendency to adopt a care orientation
what did erikson believe is the major developmental challenge of adolescence?
-erikson believed the achievenment of a sense of who one is and what one stands for (ego identity) is the major developmental challenge of adolescence.
-erikson coined the term IDENTITY CRISIS to describe a period of serious soul searching in which adolescents attempt to come to terms w/ their underlying beliefs and future direction in life
the physical growth period during which young ppl mature sexually and reach their full reproductive capacity is known as _____
the average age at which girls begin menstruating rose or dropped sharply during the 20th century
what are 2 ways in which egocentric thinking becomes expressed during adolescence?
imaginary audience and personal fable
lawrence kohlberg posed moral dilemmas to children and then classified their responses. children whose responses indicated that they based their moral judgements on the perceived consequences of actions were classified at the ____ level of moral reasoning
c)concrete operational
cite 2 types of biases that critics have leveled @ kohlberg's theory
gender and cultural biases
what cognitive and phsyical changes take place as ppl age?
-beginning in their 20's, ppl start to experience a gradual decline in lean body mass and muscle tissue
-fluid intelligence-including rapid problem-solving ability and memory for lists of words, names, or text- tend to decline w/ increasing age during middle and late adulthood
crystallized intelligence remains relatively intact and may actually improve in some respects
-menopause, the cessation of mesntruation, is the major physical marker of middle adulthood in women. menopause is associated w/ a dramatic decline in estrogen production
-testosterone prodcution in men also declines with age, but more gradually
how do theorists conceptualize social and personality dev. during early and middle adulthood?
-arnett defined a stage called emeringa adulthood (ages 18-25) in some cultures that is a transition between adolescense and adulthood
-erikson focused on the stages of pyshosocial dev.: inimacy vs. isolation( forming intimate, stable relationships vs. remaining emotionally detached) during early adulthood and generativity vs. stagnation (making meaningful contributions to the future generation of generations vs. becoming stagnant and self-absorbed) during middle adulthood
-thoerist daniel levinson focuses on the transitions through which ppl may need to navigate as they age
what are the major variations in adult lifestyles today?
-though marriage remains the most common lifestyle, the proportion of single ppl has risen sharply during the past 20 years or so
the divorce rate, after rising dramatically from 1960-1990, dipped slightly in the 1990's. eventually, most divorced ppl remarry.
in general, ppl perform best on standardized tests of intelligence
a)in middle school
b)in adolescence
c)in early adulthood
d)in middle adulthood
evidence supports the linkage between menopause and depression. true or false?
the transition from adolescence to adulthood can be described as a period of _____ adulthood
the major pyshosocial challenge of early adulthood, according to erikson, is that of...
a)role identity vs. confusion
b)intimacy vs. isolation
c)generativity vs. stagnation
d)egro integrity vs. despair
the relationship pattern among single adults that is characterized by a series of exclusive relationships rather than simultaneous sexual relationships is called _______ monogamy
what physical and cognitive changes occur in late adulthood?
-in late adulthood, the skin wrinkles, hair grays, and the senses become less acute. reaction time increases, and lean body mass, bone density, and strength decline. other physical processes, including immune system functioning, decline
-ppl generally experience a decline in some aspects of learning and memory, especially ability to learn or recall lists of words or names,and in fluid intelligence
-crystallized intelligence remains relatively stable and may even increase in some respects w/ age.
what is alzheimers disease?
Alzheiemers Disease (AD) is a form of dementia (loss of mental abilities) that is progressive and irreversible. it is characterized by memory problems, confusion, and eventually death. though no one knows what causes AD, genetic factors are believed to be involved
how do theorists characterize the pychosocial challenges of late adulthood?
-to erikson,late adulthood is characterized by the psychosocial crisis of ego integrity vs. despair (remaining meaningfully engages in life while coming to terms w/ one's life vs. despairing over the approaching finality of life).
-other theorists, such as havighurst and levinson, focus on the dev. tasks and challenges that older adults are likely to face
how do our emoptions change as we age?
-negative emotions tend to decline, wheras positive emotions tend to hold fairly steady. stil, many older adults suffer from emotional problems, especially depression
what qualities are associated w/ successful aging?
successful aging is associated w/ the ability to concentrate on what is important and meaningful, to maintain a postive outlook, and to continue to challenge oneself.
what are the stages of dying as identified by Kubler-Ross?
kubler-ross proposed that terminally ill ppl experience 5 stages of dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and final acceptance. however, not all dying ppl experience these stages, and those who do may experience them in diff. orders
which of the following cognitive skills is NOT likely to show a substantial decline as ppl agee?
a)rapid problem solving
b)memory for new info.
c)speed at pattern recognition
d)ability to apply aquired knowlede
list several factors that may help preserve intellectual functioning later in life.
good general physical health, involvement in stimulating activities, oppenness to new experiences
which of the following is closest in meaning to erikson's ego integrity?
a)focusing attention on oneself
b)achieving a sense of meaningfulness and satisfaction w/ one's life
c)the dev. of generativity, or the ability to give oneself to the next generation
d)living an honest life
according to kubler-ross's model, which stage of dying immediately precedes final acceptance?