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33 Cards in this Set

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What are MZ twins?
Monozygotic - identical twins who share genes. There is a very small amount of genetic variation among twins.
What are DZ twins?
Dizygotic - twins who share 50% of their polymorphisms (about 1% of the genome is polymorphic).
What is the key difference between MZ and DZ twins?
Their genes.
What is shared environment?
Shared experiences that have the same effect on both twins in a pair.
What is nonshared environment?
All experiences that affect twins in a pair differently.
Name the Big 5 personality factors.
Neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness.
How is heritability of Big 5 traits determined?
Pairs of twins take identical personality tests.
Intra-pair correlation measures twin similarity.
What is the Falconer formula?
h^2 = 2 (rMZ - rDZ)
What did correlation studies on the Big 5 find?
Average heritability is about 50%.
Which Big 5 trait is most heritable?
Which Big 5 trait is most environmental?
Is the greater similarity of MZ twins really genetic? How do we know?
Yes, MZ twins reared apart are just as similar as MZ reared together.
How does shared environment affect personality?
Shared familial environment is generally not a potent influence on twin similarity.
What is the ACE model?
A - additive genetic variance
C - common environment
E - unique environment
How do genes affect attitudes?
35% of variation is due to genes, and nonshared environment was the most important factor. There is no shared environment effect.
What did a study on religiousness in twins show?
That twins are more similar in their religiousness later in life.
As twins grow oldedr, genetic influences increase and shared environment influences decrease.
If you think of family influence on personality as a shared environment, does it affect personality development?
Twin research says no. Individuals in the same family are not made more similar by the common influence of that environment.
If you think of family influence as a nonshared environment?
There is little predictable influence on personalit
Does lack familial shared environment effects hold across a population?
It holds across the middle range of parenting techniques.
What can skew personality development in predictable directions?
Severe emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
What is SWB?
Subjective well-being.
What are the strongest, most consistent predictors of SWB?
Personality traits.
Which two traits are related to the emotional dimension of SWB?
Extroversion (60% heritable) and neuroticism (80% heritable).
Extraversion is also known as?
Positive affectivity.
Neuroticism is also known as?
Negative affectivity.
Why are these traits good predictors?
They are stable over very long periods of time.
How good of predictors are the two traits?
They can predict SWB 4 years into the future, regardless of intervening life events, since people tend to return to a baseline after positive and negative events have dissipated.
What is a happiness set-point?
A baseline for happiness that varies by individual and falls on a normal curve.
Is the happiness set-point heritable?
Yes, all of the stable component of the SWB is heritable.
Describe the happiness set-point twin study.
MZ and DZ twins reared together and apart were measured on extraversion and neuroticism and SWB by self-report. Some MZ twins were retested after 9 years. Within-twin cross-time correlation for subjective well-being was 50%. Cross-twin cross-time correlation for SWB was 50% (versus 5% for DZ twins).
How can someone with a low happiness set-point remain happy?
They should sample pleasurable events.
Does the twin experience make twins different?
A twins versus singletons study says there are no differences in personality in any way.
What are the three laws of behavior genetics?
1. All human behavior traits are heritable.
2. The effect of being raised in the same family is smaller than the effect of genes.
3. A substantial portion of the variation in complex human traits is not accounted for by the effects of genes or families.