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9 Cards in this Set

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Hemispheres(Left and Right)

Left- Gets sensory messages and controls the motor function of the right half of the body

Right- Gets sensory messages and controls the motor function of the left half of the body.

Lobes of the Brain

Ocipital-Vision, color blindness

Temporal-Understanding language, behavior, memory

Parietal-Knowing left from right, sensation, reading

Frontal-Movement, Reasoning,Behavior and Memory

Sensory Neuron

Carries incoming sensory information like (sight, sound, feeling) from the senses to the brain and spinal chord

Inter Neuron

Communicates information between sensory and motor neurons. Found in CNS

Motor Neuron

Carries information from the central nervous system to the muscles and glands

Glial Cell

Provides structural support for neurons, nutrition, enhance speed of communication between neurons and remove waste products including damaged/dead neurons.

Hind Brain Parts

Medulla- Involved in the control of our blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing, located above the spinal cord, transmits signals between the spinal cord and higher parts of the brain

Cerebellum-Involved in the coordination of some habitual muscle movements, such as tracking a target with our eyes or playing the saxophone, “little brain,” located on the bottom rear of the brain.

Pons- Involved in the control of facial expressions and sleep regulation, located above medulla, partly made up of tracts and cell groups, toward the front and connects the hindbrain with the midbrain and forebrain, transfers info from cerebrum to cerebellum.

Mid Brain parts

Reticular Formation- netlike collection of cells throughout the midbrain that controls general body arousal and the ability to focus attention. If this part does not function, we fall into a coma.

Forebrain parts

Thalamus- located on top of brainstem, responsible for receiving the sensory signals coming up the spinal cord and sending them to the appropriate areas in the rest of the forebrain

Hypothalamus-small structure located next to thalamus, controls several metabolic functions, including body temperature, sexual arousal (libido), hunger, thirst, and the endocrine systems

Hippocampus-located in limbic system, vital to our memory system, not permanently stored in this area, they are processed here and sent out to other areas for permanent storage

Amgdayla-small area of the brain within the limbic system, vital to our experiences of basic emotions, such as fear and aggression.