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28 Cards in this Set

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What are the 7 characteristics of an in-group?
1.See yourself and group as virtuous and superior
2.See in-group standards, values, and morals as truth.
3.We feel distrust, fear, and anger/hatred toward the out-group
4.There is a strong tendency to blame the out-group for any and all problems
5.There is a strong tendency towards obedience to in-group authority
6.There is always a universal tendency towards blind loyalty and solidarity
7.In extreme cases people are willing to fight or die for their in-group
What are three possible reasons that ethnocentrism is getting stronger?
Natural selection has worked to enhance identification in the group (biology), an existential need for meaning, and a loss of faith in cultural answers
What was Freud's view of religion?
He saw it as a childhood fantasy or as a childhood obsessional neurosis. Religion is a way to control the existential anxiety associated with childhood and adult issues.
How does religion help control existential anxiety according to Freud?
We are helpless as we face the enormity of life and this essential helplessness gives rise to an over-powering anxiety. We then create a compulsive, ritualized practice to relieve the anxiety and protect ourselves
What is the ID?
The ID is the part of the personality that is made up of aggression and sexuality.
meaningful/life origins/unconscious
Horizontal Dimension
everyday tasks that keep us moving forward in the horizontal plane
Vertical Dimension
Timeless, the realm of spirit and soul, mythos, the realm of darkness
The Ego
The part of the personality that is the sense of self and becoming independent
The Persona
An archetype of the horizontal dimension, can hold morals and values, protects the personality, and permits social experimentation.
The Shadow
The dark side of the personality that is made up of tendencies, desires, and experiences that have been rejected by the persona. Also made up of traumas, self-hatred, addictions, etc.
What was Journey to the East about?
The characters were symbolic of parts of Hesse, allegory. The end of the book is about the recovering of magic.
The healthy development of the person towards a balanced, unified, self-aware, and creative life.
revelation, something is revealed
Summarize the William James reading
He believed there was one type of consciousness with several potential forms of consciousness blocked off by a thin veil. He thought that you shouldn't accept the truth of someone else's revelation.
What does a mystical experience do to the horizontal plane according to William James?
A mystical experience breaks down the authority over ordinary consciousness.
What are some characteristics of a mystical or peak experience?
1.Feel more whole and integrated
2.Time and space are disoriented
3.Feel like part of the universe but it's bigger than you
4.a loss of fear/anxiety
5.a powerful sense of love
6.awareness is innocent and child-like
What are the four realms that James said can be used to cultivate a mystical experience?
The physical, creative, social, and spiritual realm.
What should spiritual practices do?
Raise our spirits, move us to the vertical plane, and promote inner peace/well-being
indescribable, beyond comprehension
noetic quality
State of illumination, revelation, receive insight into depths of truth and knowledge
doesn't last long
happening to you, you have no control
mysterium tremendum
beyond our ability to understand
filled with a sense of the divine
tremendous and fascinating mystery, wholly other, cannot comprehend
B.F. Skinner
Explanatory fictions, prediction and control, operant conditioning, reinforcement, extinguishing, shaping, reinforcement schedules