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67 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Positive emotions evoke more activity in which hemisphere of the brain
Left hemisphere.
Operant Conditioning
B.F. Skinner
No Free Will
Shaped by our environment
Robert Sternberg
Triangular Theory of Love
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Dog Saliva Experiment
Attachment Theory of Love
People acquire their attachment styles in large part from how their parents cared for them.
Intermittant Reinforcement
Best way to reinforce behavior
Alfred Kinsey findings
Sexual physiology of men and women is similar. Women have lesser sexual capacity.
Counter Conditioning
Watson and Rayner
Little Albert
Rat experiment
Facial Feedback
The process by which the facial muscles send messages to the brain about the basic emotion being expressed.
Social Cognitive Learning Theory
Walter Mischel
Anexoria Nervosa
Eating disorder where one starves himself.
Observational Learning
Albert Bandura
Preschool Bullies
Social Cognitive Theory
Need for Affiliation
The motive to associate with other people, as by seeking friends, moral support, companionship, or love.
Classical Conditioning
Stimulus Discrimination
Higher Order Conditioning
Invented by William Marston
Lie Detector
Detects changes in bp and heart rate.
Intrinsic Rewards
Happiness, etc.
From within.
For the sake of it.
Anxious or Ambivalent Lovers
Tend to be clingy and often suffer from unrequited love.
Extrinsic Rewards
Money, etc.
Given from outside source
Gender Roles
The collection of rules that determine the proper attitudes and behavior for men and women.
Positive Reinforcement
Something given to strengthen a response.
2 Factor Theory of Emotion
Physiological arousal and
cognitive interpretation.
Negative Reinforcement
Something taken away to strengthen a response.
Triangular Theory of Love
Ivan Pavlov
Classical Conditioning
Evaluates sensory information
Determines emotional importance
Display rules
Social and cultural rules that regulate when, how, and where a person may express emotions.
Set Point
A genetically predetermined weight that you are likely to maintain plus or minus 10%.
The contact hypothesis is concerned with reducing
Primary Emotions
Fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise, disgust and comtempt.
Conditioned Fear
Watson and Rayner's (1920) study of Little Albert demonstrated this.
A process that causes a person or animal to move toward a goal or away from an unpleasant situation.
In the Little Albert study, the loud noise was the
Unconditioned Stimulus
Eating disorder where someone eats and then purges the food.
Latent learning indicates that
learning and performance are different
Self Efficacy
A person's belief that he or she is capable of producing desired results
B.F. Skinner
Operant Conditioning
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
One has expectations of an event and then they come true.
Stanley Milgram
Performed the obedience study where teachers shocked learners for answering wrong.
The part of the brain that can override the signals sent by the amygdala.
In the prison study, what percent of guards became tyrannical?
Cognitive Disonance
Person has two conflicting beliefs. Ex. my boyfriend is a good person - my boyfriend was with another woman.
What are important factors in the acquisition of a classically conditioned response
order and timing of the presentation.
Stanford Prison Study
Zimbardo. College students played prisoners and guards. 30% turned tyrannical.
The obedience study and the prison study illustrate the power of
Social Roles
Obedience Study
Stanley Milgram. Shocking the learners. 65% delivered the maximum shock.
In the obedience study, once subjects had given a 15 volt shock, they continued on.
Self-serving Bias
One makes excuses to help oneself. When he does good, he attributes it to his good qualities.
In Solomon Asch's line comparison experiment, what percentage of the students remained independent on every trial?
Negative Stereotype
Attributions are grouped into what two major categories
Dispositional and situational
Pressure from the group to conform. Don't rock the boat.
Ex. Challenger accident, Bay of Pigs.
Most advertising is a form of
Classical Conditioning
Just-World Hypothesis
Good is rewarded, Bad is punished.
The Robber's Cave experiment demonstated how to reduce
Occurs in crowds. People are more likely to act out, talk freely to strangers. Example: Ku Klux Klan
__________, or how we explain events or behavior, affect our emotional responses.
Generalization of a group
Walter Mischel developed
The cognitive social-learning theory
Belief that ones group is the best. Robbers Cave Study.
Girl learns to look both ways before crossing the street is an example of
Stimulus Generalization
Something given to weaken a response. Must be given immediately to have best effect.
Conditioned Stimulus
A neutral stimulus can come to acquire some of the same properties as an unconditioned stimulus. Then the neutral response becomes a ...
Conformity Study
Solomon Asch. Experiment with the sizes of lines, seeing if people will go along w/ the group when the answer is wrong. 20% did not go along.
When each member of a team slows down, letting others work harder, what has taken place
Social Loafing
Diffusion of Responsibility
Belief that someone else in the crowd will act. Similar to bystander apathy.
What are the processes of classical conditioning
Higher Order Conditioning
Stimulus discrimination
A machine that detects nervous system arousal that may be associated with lying.