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30 Cards in this Set

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-defined by Altman, as access to to self
-can be visual, auditory, or informational
-is essentially boundary-free
-can feel a loss of privacy when territory is invaded.
-any tact of land
-name for area not yet a state
-area animal defends
-must be distinguished by personal space, privacy, and crowding.
Home Range
-the area an animal may occupy in a year or a lifetime.
-can be the same as the hunting or grazing territory.
-an aspect of territorial behavior
-done so that other animals can detect the boundary
-done with urine, feces or glandular secretions
Behavioral Range
-the number of behavior settings a person enters in a year.
-has usefulness in describing a persons lifestyle and in making an individual aware of the amount of activity in a given time frame.
Primary, Secondary and Public Territories
Defined by Altman (1975)
Primary Territories
-those over which one has most control (ex:home)
-usually owned or has a sense of ownership
Secondary Territories
-more public but occupied exclusively for a time (ex:favorite table at tavern, park bench)
Public Territories
-those one temporarily occupies (ex: park or table in restaurant) if they are frequented or become favorite, they become secondary.
Home Territories
-defined by Sebba & Churchman (1983) as four distinct areas (Individual, shared, public, and jurisdiction)
Individual (Home Territory)
-(ex: bedroom of a single child, father's study)
Shared (Home Territory)
-(ex: parents room, and all shared bedrooms)
Public (Home Territory)
-family room, hallways and bathrooms
Jurisdiction (Home Territory)
-kitchen was the mothers, even though the whole family used it.
-a tuft of grass that is a territory for attracting females but that is not further defended.
-the concept of it is to build or occupy some area and/or display to attract mates
Transitional Object
-is one a person takes from one environment to another.
-(ex: dog toto)
-object not always displayed
-helps soften contrast between one place and another.
Defensible Space
-coined by Newman (1972)
-a minitheory which relied heavily on how a potential robber perceives a neighborhood, building etc.
-contains 4 characteristics:territoriality,
surveillance, image & milieu
Informal surveillance
-defined by what people can see from the windows or lines of sight.
Disorder Thesis
tested by Perkins, Meeks, and Taylor (1983)
-found that neighborhoods that were experiencing incivilities felt less capable of defending their territory, & this led to attracting more criminals.
-more then just marking
-when someone moves into an office, the desk is immediately decorated with pictures, a name plate etc.
Carrying Capacity
Carrying Capacity
-items of personalization are display
-raise important issue of purpose... Why do people display?
-displays of wealth
-congregating at the periphery
- a boundary at which animals can congregate to vilify
Objects as role models
-Rochberg-Halton's theory of the use of objects concerns how they help define identity.
Altman (1975)
-defines privacy as access to self.
Veblan (1899)
-his display of conspicuous consumption characterized the material display of the upper classes, display of wealth has been an official part of our culture.
Sommer (1969a)
-defines personal space as an invisible bubble people carry around with them.
Taylor (1988)
-sees the street block as the largest reference for human territoriality.
Brown (1983)
-found that houses robbed had less territorial displays than those not robbed.