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80 Cards in this Set

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study with the Littering campaign with the Norm (we don’t litter), Anti-Litter (Don’t Litter) and irrelevant message what were the results?
Norm: Didn’t produce less littering
Anti Litter Command: More littering
Looking at social norms Study, What was the results of littering in parking lots with littering vs. clean parking lot?
Littered parking lot, more people littered
Clean parking lot: people didn’t litter
In study of attribution study what happened in terms of littering
Those who were in persuasion did not change in litter in delayed post, but went up little in post test. But control was higher.
Those in attribution group: more likely to change behavior, and showed if you attribute, it changes behavior.
In study of Bus system, what happened when rewards added
-No change at baseline
increased 27% with continuous rewards
increased 30% with variable ratio reward
In study, what worked… injunctive norms, descriptive norms, or only info?
Injunctive had good job, this is how much you recycled: changed behavior significantly
Descriptive norms: here is what you have done…here’s what’s other is doing: changed behavior the most.
Info only: here is what you recycled: didn’t change significantly.
Plea Only: please recycle: didn’t change significantly
Where is social comparisons absent?
-from age 6-7, but after they make social comparisons
What is observational learning?
Learn things by observation.
What is self efficacy
-students’ judgment of their own capabilities in regard to a specific task
In Schunk’s study of self –efficacy, what was found?
Feelings of self-efficacy made unique contributions to increasing academic attainment over and above various task instructions
Who said there should be comparison with similar others?
What is related attributes
That we should consider similarity on related attributes…related to the performance of the task at hand
Similarity principle
Preference to compare oneself with others who are similar on related attributes
Unidirectional drive upwards
Social comparison follows this, where we prefer to compare ourselves to those who are slightly better than us. (Something Festinger suggested)
In Blaton et al’s field study with Dutch secondary school children what was found in terms of social comparison?
1. vast majority compared themselves with students of their own gender
2. 60% compared themselves with classmates with grades just above them
3. They were inclined in engaging in slight upward comparison
In Huguet et al’s study, they studied French students and sought to see what kind of people they compared with in first and second choice comparison
1. 60% did upward comparison on the two choices in most courses
2. Choosing to compare with someone who outperformed them in a course did not leave students feeling relatively less able
In Buunk and Ybema’s study of comparison, they found what in terms of social comparison?
1. found that individuals generally avoid identification with worse-off others, and try to identify with others doing better and identify with others doing better.
What do the authors suggest in comparison after studies for application?
1. Teachers should use two genders as the model students
2. Also compare with those within their reach…those best will discourage them.
a. This discouragement, students focus on peers who are doing worse than them and prevent progress.
What is an academic self concept
How individuals evaluate themselves in various academic dimensions
Entity Theorists:
People who believe intelligence is an innate and stable property of a person
Incremental theorists:
performance can be improved by effot.
What did Dweck and colleagues research show in terms of incremental theorists?
-Much more resilient and optimistic in the face of failure than entity theorist.
In Dweck and Hendersen’s study on theories of intelligence, using a Likert scale, they found what?
1. Those with entity theory, those who had done poorly in year 7 continued to do poorly in year 9
2. Those with entity theory, high achievers in year seven were among the low achievers, and mainly due to students who had high confidence in their intelligence, indicating that confidence in intelligence is in fact problematic
3. Those with incremental theory had improvement in their class standing
After research, Dweck suggests what for teachers
-avoid ability phrase, you are clever! With effort praise…you worked very hard on that
In Huguet, Brunot, and Monteil’s study, what was the findings of the replication of the abstract geometric figure?
-By simply mentioning geometry activates memories of failure, and this can hinder their capacity to store and retrieve information
-Geometry context: poor did worse than good
-Drawing context: equaled the performance of the good students
-Implications: strong impact of self-representations on cognitive output
-Students’ academic past can at least partially account for his or her present difficulties
For teachers, in terms of helping poor student’s performances, what should they do?
1. pay close attention to the reputation of poor students.
2. Never publically point out a student’s inadequacies
What is Big Fish Little Pond Effect?
-High ability of others in immediate context negatively influence their performance
Self-evaluative judgment shifts away from the background or context…Ifthey use other students as a basis on comparison, it will cause a negative BFLPE
When self-evaluative judgment shifts towards the social context
-cause positive effect…since I’m here, I should be smart!
Stereotype Threat:
Threat that one’s performance will confirm to others and self a negative sterotype associated with one’s own social group.
Study: Spencer, Steele, and Quinn found what about women’s high math ability?
Performed less well than equally qualified men on a hard math test when told that the test produced gender differences and when info not given, performed as well as men.
What did Hyguet and Regner find in terms of standardized math tests?
-girls in years 7-9 can exhibit performance deficit when simply led to believe that the task measures math skills.
1. Like the geometry test
2. Found that underperformed in threatening geometry condition
3. Outperformed them if it was a memory game or drawing test.
4. Occurred in girls working along and in mixed gender groups
5. This did not happen in same gender groups
Should two genders be separated in the school setting?
1. it is ineffective; creates stereotypesthan reducing and only should be used with caution
2. girls working alone still caused the threat..
3. separating the genders is not practical. Teaching students about stereotype threat is efficient.
Classroom Climate
: the perceived quality of the classroom.
Spencer et al found that teaching the falseness of gender stereotypes showed what?
1. reduced the male advantage
2. eliminated runs counter to any biological account of gender difference
Comparative evaluation:
Relative position attributed to the self on a dimension within a group.
In personality, what is Blue? How do you motivate them?
Feelings and emotion are at the core; personally care
In personality, what is Gold? How do you motivate them?
Structure and order are at the core; focus on traditional approach; professional
In personality, what is Green? How do you motivate them?
Thinking and analyzing is at the core; Be competent; logic
In personality, what is orange? How do you motivate them?
Fun and excitement is at the core; nontraditional, engage in fun
In Rosenthal and Jacobsen’s study of self-fulfilling prophesy, what was found?
-Self Fulfilling prophesy→teachers attributed good qualities to those whom they believed were smart and after a year→ bloomers were seen as happier and more likely to succeed than other students.
In Rosenthal and Jacobsen’s study of self-fulfilling prophesy, what was found?
-Self Fulfilling prophesy→teachers attributed good qualities to those whom they believed were smart and after a year→ bloomers were seen as happier and more likely to succeed than other students.
When does Bloomers have a huge difference?
1st and 2nd grade
Expectations come from
1. Race
2. SES; clothing
3. Gender
4. Physical attractiveness
What is the Pygmalian effect:
Teacher’s expectations can affect students’ performance in positive effect
What is the Golem Effect?
Teacher expectation leads to negative effect
What are 4 factors that affect student performance? (teacher expectation affects all these and affect student performance)
1. Climate
2. Feedback
3. Input: amount of difficulty of material presented
4. Output: Opportunities for student to respond
In Weinstein’s study, what was found in terms of English and classroom environment?
Change classroom environment by enhancing the performance expectation of teachers and it increase English AND history grade and increased grades after 1 year.
With Blacks and GRE what happened when aware of negative stereotype
1. black diagnostic did significantly worse→lowest in accuracy
2. more self doubt (2x as many as other groupw)
3. Blacks moreso avoided personality traits associated with blacks
4. 75% didn’t tell race in diagnostic condition
5. blacks claimed more handicaps→evaluation apprehension
Dr. Ridge’s Rate my Professor studied course evaluation with what psychological principle?
In Dr. Ridge’s study what were the results?
1. Positive: lecture quality increased more than negative view
2. Positive increased in attribute than negative
3. Positive increased in pedagogical skill than negative
4. Positive had higher test recall
5. Expectation lead to different attention to different outcome
6. Statistically significant
What is the online model of candidate evaluations
Focuses on why people like or dislike political candidates, but there is no a priori reason to assume that those processes differ from those underlying evaluations of other persons or objects...we make mental tally marks
What is the Big 5
Those who are left of center tend to score high on which big 5 personality traits?
What did Rubenzer, Faschingbauer and Ones Find when assessing personality traits of past presidents?
-Perceived greatness was measured with openness→Jefferson and Lincoln
-However, All overall correlations were weak and personality characteristics didn’t correlate with greatness.
Using content analysis, Winter analyzed inaugural addresses of American presidents in terms of their motives, affiliation and power motives. What were the results?
-Found that popularity was influenced by the match between motive scores of the president as compared to the society of that time
-Performance was influenced by leader characteristics
-Power motivation was positively correlated with perceived greatness and measures indicating crisis-oriented policy making
What is operational code?
Leaders’ belief systems about the world, whether political life is one of harmony or of conflict, whether future is predictable, and how political goals are effectively pursued
In Kaarbo and Hermann’s study, they studied 4 european prime ministers. They coded press conferences and parliamentary questions. What did they code them on?
-conceptual complexity
-belief that one can control what happens
-need for power
-need for affiliation
-task orientation
What was the results of Kaarbo and Herman’s study of 4 European prime ministers?
1. Four leaders had different leadership styles
2. Leadership style has an impact on foreign policy making
What affects leadership decision making other than personality?
1. Public opinion
2. Those who surround them (ministers)
Prospect theory:
Decisions deviate from expected utility if decision makers are afraid to experience losses and when risk is in the moderate to high end.-->Decision maker will make and take more risk to prevent potential losses
Who is responsible for groupthink?
Janis identified several defects in decision making…What are they?
1. Group discussions will be limited to few alternatives and initial decisions will not be critically assessed on the basis of new considerations
2. Relevant expert info is not actively retrieved and arguments supporting the initial decision is given the most weight.
3. Obstacles that arise after decision is implemented is not taken care of
What BIG 5 is missing in groupthink?
What two lessons can be learned from Janis’ observations?
1. encourage members and all to challenge dominant views
2. Makes sense to have a second round after initial agreement has been reached
What is the economic side of voting?
Doesn’t count or make a difference so why vote?
What is the main reason why people vote?
Feel it is a civic duty…social norms that drives the casting of a vote
Theory of Planned behavior and voting
direct determinant of behavior is the intention to perform that behavior.
-Intention results from the combination of a person’s evaluation of the consequences of the behavior and the extent to which individual complies with social influence.
Ajzen and Fishbein study of voting behavior using theory of reasoned action showed what?
-salient beliefs resulted in attitudes towards voting options, which fairly accurately predicted voting intentions and hence vote choice→social influence was not very important
-In Americans, beliefs about policy outcomes were impt
-In Britain, beliefs concerned the probability that voting for a particular candidate would increase changes of a certain gov’t
Michigan model of voting:
resulting orientations whether positive or negative comprise a system of forces that direct voters toward one of the political parties
-voting behavior is based on the information in voters’ minds
-Your environment, party is who you identify and vote for.
In the Michigan model, what are the six forces of partisan attitudes?
1. personal attribute of democratic candidate
2. personal attribute of republican candidate
3. issues of domestic policy
4. issues of foreign policy
5. group related
6. government
What is the Michigan model?
Family influence and group membership→party identification. Party identification can affect vote choice, but also lead to partisian attitudes that then influence vote choice.
What is a central question of political attitudes
Those who had beleifs are not consistent…decrease taxes, but increase public spending…
Apparent attitudes that have little meaning in the world outside the interview.
In political psychology, what is the end of ideaology thesis?
1. people’s political attitudes lack ideological consistency
2. Most are unmoved by ideological appeals
3. There are no psychological difference between left and right
4. No substantive differences between left and right points of view
Jost comabts the end of idealogy thesis. That were they?
1. Weak correlations were due to methodological weakness
2. Only a few are well informed about all topics but most are well versed in a subset
3. Increased levels of education provided citizens with a better basis to process and structure political info, and media has increased people’s knowledge of politics
4. Left and right ideological self-placement is key in Europe and America and personality traits show clear relationship with party and candidate preference.
Rokeach studied values and determined that two values, equality and freedom are the two of the values closely related to left/right ideology. That is the combination?
1. Socialism: High and high
2. Communism: high equality, low freedom
3. Capitalism: low equality, high freedom
4. Fascism: low equality and low freedom
Right wing authoritarianism is a response to the view of the world as…and social dominance is response to the view of the world as…
Right wing→world is dangerous unpredictable, and threatening
Social dominance: response to a view of the world as a ruthlessly competitive jungle
In Green vs. brown, in risk free decision, people choose the given. In risky, 50/50 split between green and brown.

In Frank and Carl→ to secure a gain, Frank is chosen, but to gamble a gain, more choose Carl.
In Green vs. brown, in risk free decision, people choose the given. In risky, 50/50 split between green and brown.

In Frank and Carl→ to secure a gain, Frank is chosen, but to gamble a gain, more choose Carl.
What are the effects of media on our political thinking?
1. agenda setting
2. True charcteristics of news is taken by media accounts
3. Meida influence and emphasis is greater than the norm
4. Media reinforce rather than create
What is Terror Management theory?
We all fear death and decrease death anxiety so we vote for candidates that give us safety.