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47 Cards in this Set

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How is practicality measured using statistics?
Effect size or Cohen's d
What is the formula for effect size?
d= M2-M1/SDspooled
What is Fiedler's contingency model?
Name of the leadership theory that suggests the favorbleness of the situation matters
What makes things more favorable? or have greater favorableness?
1. Tasks are more structured (clear goals with few correct situations)
2. Greater the position or legitimate power of the leader
3. More the subordinates like their leader
Those with a high score on the least preferred coworker scale correlates with what type of leadership?
What is the name of the theory that suggests subordinate ability and willingess matters?
situational leadership theory
Able and insecure follower is best with what type of leader behavior
emotioanl and supportive: SUpporting approach
What are the 4 types of follower?
able but insecure; unable & unwilling; able and confident; unable but willing
What are the 4 types of leader behavior?
supporting; directing; delegating; coaching
What is best for unable and unwilling follower
a Directing leadership
What is best for able and confident follower
What is best for an unable but willing follower?
What is the name of the leadership theory that suggests the organizational climate matters?
What are the four leadership strategies that can help leaders be effective when using the IMPACT theory?
1. Find a climate consistent with your leadership style
2. Chnage your leadership style to better fit the existing climate
3. Change your followers' perception of the climate
4. change the actual climate.
What does IMPACT stand for?
Information; magnetic; position; affiliation; coercive; tactical
In a climate of anxiety, what is best type of leadership style?
In a climate of crisis and the leader have the power to punish and reward, what type of leadership style is best?
Coercive style
In a climate of disorganization, what type of leadership style is best?
In a climate of instability and leader have legitimate power, what type of leadership style is best?
In a climate of despair, and the leader have referent power, what type of leadership style is best?
In a climate of ignorance, and the leader have expert power, what type of leadership style is best?
What is the Hawthorne effect
When observed, it increases productivity or makes employees change their behavior
What are factors of Theory Y leaders
Country club
-hands off approach
-High person low task oriented
-show concern for subordinates
-often consult their subordinates
-under pressure, become socially withdrawn
-aka Country Club
What are factors of TEAM leaders
-Best type of leader
-person and task oriented
-employees have high performance
-care about opinion but make their own decisions
employees have low grievance and low turnover
-High on task and person orientation
What are factors in impoverished leaders
-Low on task and person orientation
-do not care about subordinates, and are indifferent
-employees have low performance
-employees have high grievance rate
-worst type of leader
what factors are Theory X leaders?
High in initiating structure
-Goals set for themselves and for subordinates
-high task and low person
-See employee as lazy
-manages or leads by giving directives, setting goals, and make decisions without discussing with subirdinates
-under pressure, become anxious, defensive and dominant
Three overarching theories represented in leadership grid
1. Managerial Grid theory
2. Theory X
3. Ohio State (OS) theory
What is LAR and MSP?
When negotiating, LAR is your Least acceptable result and MSP is your Most supportable position.
What are the 4 criteria if you are in a group?
1. Multiple members who perceive themselves as a unit
2. Group Rewards
3. Corresponding effects (Will my actions or inactions affect my group members)
4. Common Goals
What are the six criteria mentioned whether or not you are part of a team?
1. Identification
2. Interdependence (Desire assistance from one another)
3. Power differentiation (Try to decrease inequality and promote equality)
4. Social distance (try to be casual when interacting with the team)
5. Conflict management tactics: collaborate and not use force
6. Negotiation process: was it a win-win situation?
How are teams different than groups?
Teams require a higher level of employee interaction and has more requirements
what are the four developmental stages a team goes through
1. Forming (form and learn about each other)
2. Storming (get frustrated and stop being our "nice" selves)
3. Norming (We are in storm, and norm as debates start to cease...
4. Perform: make progress and begin to accomplish goals...participation at high levels by team members
What are the types of conflict styles
1. avoiding style
2. accomodating
3. forcing
4. collaborating style
5. compromising style
What is avoiding style in conflict resolution?
withdrawal from situation, and also discuss conflict with another third member party; hope conflict will resolve itself
What is accomodating style in conflict resolution?
risk hurting themself when intent to settle a conflict.
What is forcing style in conflict resolution?
Handles conflict with a win-lose fashion and does what it takes to win with little regard for other person
What is collaborating style in conflict resolution?
wants to win but also wants to see the other person win. They seek a win-win and probably best whenever possible
What is compromising style in conflict resolution?
give and take tactic, and good deal of negotiation and bargaining. Acceptable compromise falls in range of LAR and MSP.
What are the stages on the change curve
1. Denial
2. Defense
3. Discard
4. Adaptation
5. Internalization
6. Maintenance
What happens to productivity at each of the change curve states?
1. Denial (no change)
2. Defense (productivity decrease
3. Discard (Productivity slowly increase)
4. Adaptation (productivity increase)
5. Implementation (productivity at peak)
6. Maintenance (productivity level off at lower point, mainly because of Hawthorne effect)
how do you calculate change in productivity using effect size?
Effect size (d) x control SD
What are reasons for a company to implement change?
1. Legitimate
2. Everyone's doing it
3. Whim
Degree to which employee will accept the person making the change
1. Popularity
2. Degree of Respect
3. How successful they've been previously in implementing change
When implementing change, what are essential factors?
1. time frame
2. create an atmosphere for change
3. communicating details (training provided and two-way communication)
4. Training Needs
What are steps to create a culture for change
1. selection of new employees
2. create dissatisfaction with existing culture
3. Maintaining new culture
4.assessing new culture
How do you assess the new culture?
-determine executive direction (long-term vision)
-implementation considerations (need to state what isn't working)
-evaluate new culture
-create dissatisfaction with old culture
how do you maintain the new culture?
1. new employees
2. create socializations where people learn about the new culture
3. reward behaviors consistent with new culture