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63 Cards in this Set

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IN the Condry and Condry Jack in the Box study, what differences in description were found between "baby girl" and "baby boy"?
girls: were scared and frightened
boys: were angry and mad
Down Syndrome is greater in boys or girls?
Boys have been observed to do what kind of behavior more?
sleep less, be mroe irritable, cry more, can't get on schedule
At ages 4-5, children have what kind of preference in their friendships?
Same sex
How do boys define their friendships?
By who they do things with, shared activities; report more friends
How do girls define friendship?
more on shared intimacy, talk to problems about, report smaller numbers
In groups, girls act how? What about boys?
Girls are more cooperative and inclusive while boys are more direct and give commands
In the film watched in class, boys are said to be raised in what type
boys are "exploreres, have freedom of discovery and can make things happen"
During adolescene, whose self drops? Whose drops more?
Both, girls
the term describing the first time menstration starts
What type of activities can help counter self esteem drops in females?
Taking more science and math classes and playing sports
When do women begin to deemphasize their career focus?
mid to late adolescence
What does the term Amenorreah mean?
the stoppage of menstration in anorexia nervousa
How long must binging occur to be classified as Bulimia nervousa?
2 binges a week for 3 months
What is underweight in regards to anorexia?
at least 15% below minimally accepted weight
Different subtypes of Anorexia?
restricting or binge eating/ purging (both not necessary)
Average onset fro anorexia?
What other common disorder is associated with eating disorders?
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Personality wise, Anorexics tend to be what?
People Pleasers
What are physical changes that occur from anorexia?
-hypothermia due to low blood pressure
What is edema?
the puffiness, or water retaining from anorexia
What is Lanugo?
the growth of fine hair that comes to cover the body to retain warmth
Contributing intrapersonal (from within) predispositions for eating d/o's?
- rigid thinking (no grey area)
- high levels of serotonin
- genetics
Contributing INTERPERSONAL predispositions for eating d/o's?
- parents overemphasize achievement, so try to live up to pressure
-parents overemphasize thinness on themselves or kids
-- parents themselves are depressed or impulsive
Superordinant (societal messages) leading to eating d/o's?
media images and pressure to be "the best"
Precipitating factors immediately preceeding onset of eating disorders?
-being in new unfamiliar situation
-1st time being sexually intimate
-loss of self esteem, self control events (end of relationships)
Sustaining factors of eating disorders?
- praise from other people
- meadia images
- heightened feelings during weight loss
- negative reinforcement; decrease in anxiousness
What is the relpase rate within 1 yr of treatment? How can lower it?
50%; if stay in hospital until reach normal weight
What does Heterosexism mean?
man/female relationships as the norm
Who is more likely to "report talk"?
Men- talk about what did, more factual based
Who is more likely to rapport talk?
Females- feelings, interests, engage connectiveness
For long term relationships, what ranked at top?
What is the biggest risk factor for divorce?
Expressed hostility
Marabel Morgan wrote "the total woman" which included what 4 aspects?
Adapt to
If had to choose, most families would rather have a?
Which culture uses Marianismo? What is it?
Hispanic traditional- women should be long suffering, patient, passive
Compulsory Heterosexuality
attitude everyone should be male/female relationship
How many adolescents have fantasized about sexual encounters with the same sex?
1 in 3
Who thought of sexuality as being on a continuum?
Storms proposed sexuality as 2 axis; high in both is what? Low in both is what?
High is bisexual
Low is asexual
Who disapproves of homosexuality more?
Homosexuality was listed as a disorder in what?
original DSM I and II
Homosexuality was changed to ego-dystonic homosexuality in what?
Body disastisfaction is lowest (higher self esteem) in what kind of women?
lesbians and black women
Singlism is what?
bias against people not married
Who are least susceptible to HIV?
If have androgynous characterisitcs, more likely to report what?
more sastifaction with sex lifes b/c willing to experiment
Paraphillias are more experienced by who?
What are the four stages of Johnson's sexual experience?
1.Engorgement- blood rush
2.Plateau - vascongestion
3.Orgasm- 3 to 12 muscle spasm
4.Resolution- return to normal state
During hetero intercourse, who is more likley to contract?
What is thought to be the cause of homosexuality? Bioligcal or environmental?
What physical effects does anorexia have on a body?
osteoporis, kidney/liver damage, heart failure
IN choosing a sexual partner, what it the top ranking characterisitic? FOr a marriage partner?
sexual- attractiveness
marriage- honesty/ intelligence
according to the text, who is more likely to blame who for a break-up?
women blame men/partner
Who is more likely to iniate divorce?
Essentialism focuses on what aspect of sexual intimacy?
physical/biological factors
Most women viewed their first sexual experience as...
not a positive one
Masters and Johnson promote what kind of sex therapy?
Sensate focus- foccus on experience and avoid trying to quickly reach orgasm
How many adolescents become pregnant each year?
800,000 and more
what is tied to a high use of protection during intercourse?
literacy rate in females
Not hiring a preganat women is what kind of sexism?
Hostile sexism b/c believe they belong at home
The study of helping pregnant vs nonpregnant women was an example of what kind of sexism?
benevolent sexism
About how many mothers experience post partum blues? How many more severe?
about half.... 10-15%