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48 Cards in this Set

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Alzheimer's disease
condition characterized by memory loss, confusion, depression, restlessness, hallucinations, delusions, sleeplessness, and loss of appetite
memory loss
ampa receptor
glutamate receptor that also responds to the drug a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA)
amyloid beta protein
Buildup of this protein into plaques in the brain are associated with Alzheimer's disease.
anterograde amnesia
loss of memory for events that happened after brain damage
tendency for pairing a weak input with a stronger input to enhance the later effectiveness of the weaker input
classical conditioning
type of conditioning produced by the pairing of two stimuli, one of which evokes an automatic response
conditioned response (CR)
response evoked by a conditioned stimulus after it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus (CS)
stimulus that evokes a particular response only after it has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus
making up an answer to a question and then accepting the invented information as if it were a memory
conversion of short-term memories into long-term memories and strengthening of those memories
context learning
remembering the detail and context of an event. Hippocampus is important here.
tendency for nearly simultaneous stimulation by two or more axons to produce long-term potentiation much more effectively than stimulation by just one
declarative memory
memory that a person can state in words
delayed matching-to-sample test
task in which an animal sees a sample object and then after a delay must choose an object that matches the sample
delayed nonmatiching to sample test
task in which an animal sees a sample object and then after a delay must choose an object that matches the sample
delayed response task
assignment in which an animal must respond on the basis of a signal that it remembers but that is no longer present
physical representation of what has been learned
episodic memory
memories of single events
concept that all parts of the cortex contribute equally to complex behaviors such as learning; that any part of the cortex can substitute for any other
expicit memory
deliberate recall of information that one recognizes as a memory, detectable by direct testing such as asking a person to describe a past event
decrease in response to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly and is accompanied by no change in other stimuli
Hebbian synapse
synapse that increases in effectiveness because of simultaneous activity in the presynaptic axon and the postsynaptic neuron
implicit memory
influence of recent experience on memory, even if one does not recognize that influence or realize that one is using memory at all
Korsakoff's syndrome
type of brain damage caused by thiamine defi ciency, characterized by apathy, confusion, and memory impairment
lateral interpositus nucleus
nucleus of the cerebellum that is critical for classical conditioning of the eye-blink response
long term memory
memory of an event that is not currently held in attention
long term potentiation
phenomenon that after one or more axons bombard a dendrite with a rapid series of stimuli, the synapses between those axons and the dendrite become more sensitive for minutes, days, or weeks
mass action
theory that the cortex works as a whole, and the more cortex the better
Morris water maze task
procedure in which a subject must fi nd his or her way to a slightly submerged platform that is not visible in murky water
NMDA receptor
glutamate receptor that also responds to the drug N-methyl-D-aspartate
operant conditioning
type of conditioning in which reinforcement or punishment changes the future probabilities of a given behavior
structures formed from degenerating neurons.
procedural memory
memory of motor skills
event that suppresses the frequency of the preceding response
radial maze
a subject must navigate a maze that has eight or more arms with a reinforcer at the end
event that increases the frequency of the preceding response
retrograde amnesia
loss of memory for events that occurred before brain damage
retrograde transmitter
transmitter, released by a postsynaptic cell under extensive stimulation, that travels back to the presynaptic cell to modify it
semantic dementia
loss of semantic memory (factual knowledge)
increase in the response to mild stimuli as a result of previous exposure to more intense stimuli
short-term memory
memory of an event that just happened
property (found in long-term potentiation) that highly active synapses become strengthened but less active synapses do not
structures formed from degenerating structures within a neuronal body.
part of the intracellular support structure of a neuron
unconditioned response (UCR)
response automatically evoked by an unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
stimulus that automatically evokes an unconditioned response
working memory
temporary storage of memories while we are working with them or attending to them