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16 Cards in this Set

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- develop in the hypothalamus and go to the pituitary gland
- then stimulates adrenal glands which produces more hormones
- activates gonads (sex glands) --> beginning of puberty
who has the higher risk for poor nutrition: IRON
girls - more likely to have iron deficiency because period depletes iron
Body image concern:
- girls
- boys
- girls = fat
- boys = weak
facts about sexual abuse
- ruins child's ability to trust, feel comfortable, have intimate relationships
- fathers/stepfathers = culpret
- usually females under the age of 16 are the victims
drug abuse
ingestion of a drug to the extent that it impairs the user's biological or psychological well-being
drug addiction
person craves more of a drug in order to feel physically and psychologicall at ease
- withdrawl -restlessness, depression, physical disturbance
more intuitive, emotional thought
- 3rd cognitive change in adolescence
volatile mismatch
a lack of fit between a person and his/her environment that causes the person to become angry, hostile or depressed
- typically teenagers in school
cognitive flexibility: sterotype threat
the possibility that one's apperance or behavior will be misused to confirm another person's oversimplified, prejudiced attitude
- makes women/minorities doubt their intellectual ability
defining issues test (DIT)
a series of questions developed by James Rest and designed to assess respondents' leve of moral development by having them rank possible solutions of moral dillemas
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: 1. intuitive - projective faith
faith is magical, power of God, mysteries of birth and death
- kids age 3-7
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: mythic - literal faith
taking myths litereally. god rewards his followers
- ages 7-11 and some adults
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: synthetic - conventional faith
conformist stage, reflects concern about other people, "what feels right" over what makes intellectual sense
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: individual - reflecting stage
intellectual detachment from the values of the culture and from approval of other people
- for the college aged
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: conjunctive faith
- powerful unconscious ideas and rational conscious values
- learn to accept contradictions, middle-aged
Fowler's 6 stages of faith: unversalizing faith
compassion, justice, love compels them to live their lives in a way that many think is foolish/saintly
- this stage is rarely achieved: Moses, Buddha, MLKJ, mother teresea