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12 Cards in this Set

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Channel factors
certain situational circumstances that appear unimportant on the surface but that can have great consequences for behavior, either facilitating or blocking it or guiding behavior in a particular direction
Milgram experiment shows
power of situation
Internal factors, such as beliefs, values, personality traits, or abilities, that guide a person's behavior
Fundamental attribution error
The failure to recognize the importance of situational influences on behavior, together with the tendency to overemphasize the importance of dispositions or traits on behavior
interpretation and interference about the stimuli or situations we confront
Gestalt psychology
Based on the Gestalt, meaning "form" or "figure" this approach stresses the fact that objects are perceived not by means of some automatic registering device but by active, usually unconcscious, interpretation of what the object represents as a whole
Prisoner's dilemma
A situation involving payoffs to two people in which trust and cooperation lead to higher joint payoffs than mistrust and defection. the game gets its name from the dilemma that would confront two criminals who were involved in a crime together and are being held and questioned separately. Each must decide wheter to cooperate and stick with a prearranged alibi or defect and confess to he crime with the hope of a leniant treatment
Generalized knowledge about the physical and social world and how to behave in particular situations and with different kinds of people
Schemas that we have for people of various kinds that can be applied to judgments about people and decisions about how to interact with them.
Natural selection
An evolutionary process that molds animals and plants such that traits that enhance the probability of survival and reproduction are passed on to subsequent generations
Parental investment
The evolutionary principle that costs and benefits are associated with reproduction and the nurtuing of offspring. Because these costs and benefits are different for males and females, one sex will normally value and invest more in each child then in any other sex
Independent cultures
Cultures in which people tend to think of themselves as distinct social entities, tied to each other by voluntary bonds of affection and organizational memberships but essentially separate from other people and having attributes that exist in the absence of any connections to others