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39 Cards in this Set

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Plato's theory of development
kids are born w/ conceptual knowledge
Aristotl's theory of develpment
knowledge arises from experience
Rosseau's theory
innate justice and morality
Locke's theory
tabula rasa
study of developmental psych was effected by what
social reform, theory of evolution
who had biological-maturational theory? ethological?
gesell, lorenz
who had psychodynamic-psychosexual? psychosocial?
freud, erikson
who had learning-classical conditioning theory? operant conditioning? social cognitive?
watson, skinner, bandura
who had cognitive-developmental theory?
who had contextual theory?
nature vs. nurture?
nature - genes from parents nurture - social and physical environment
do children learn actively or passively?
active - what kids pay attention to, talk about and play with affects their learning
four main contexts for gathering data?
systematic observation, sampling behaviour w/ tasks, self-reports, physiological measures
what is interrater reliability?
do different raters who observe the same behaviour classify it the same way
what is test-retest reliability?
are the scores that kids receive on the measure stable over time
what is internal validity
can effects within the experiment be attributed to variables that the researcher manipulated
what is external validity
how widely can the findings be generalized
what is a correlational design?
investigator obtains info on participants w/o altering their experiences
what is a field experiment
randomly assign people to treatment conditions in natural settings
what is a natural or quasi experiment?
investigator compares already existing treatments in the real world (camp kids)
what are longitudinal, microgenetic, and cross-sectional studies?
long period of time, short period, kids of different ages
what is a sequential study
combines longitudinal and cross-sectional
what are some sex chromosome abnormalities?
xyy, xxx, xxy (kleinfelters), x0 (turners), fragile x
what is heritability
the proportion of phenotypic variation in a population that is due to genetic variation between individuals
what were early ideas of prenatal development
humunculus, preformationism - just have to grow, aristotle proposed epigenesis
what/when are the periods of prenatal development?
zygote - conception-2 weeks, embryo - 3 weeks-8 weeks, fetus - 9th week-birth
what are the layers of the embryo
ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm
what is the fetal sensory experience
tactile stimulation, taste amniotic fluid, see some light coming through, hear others talking
what are teratogens
anything that has an adverse effect on environment, usually only a problem if exposure occurs during sensitive period (week 3-8 is greatest risk, organogenesis)
what is fetal alcohol syndrome
facial deformities, mental retardation, adhd, interferes w/ cell duplication/migration, lots of o2 needed to metabolize alcohol
what are examples of teratogens
smoking, alcohol, stress, occupation, drugs, age, disease, environment
what are the states of the newborn
crying, active sleep, quiet sleep, drowsing, alert awake, active awake
what are the reflexes found in newborns
babinski, moro, palmar, rooting, stepping, withdrawing, sucking, blink
what are the stages of brain development
3/4 weeks - neural tube cells develop, neurogenesis, 18th week - synaptogenesis (migration, growth, differentiation, myelination)
what is plasticity
capability of brain to be affected by experience-less plastic as we get older
why is experience important in brain development
synapses grow in expectation of experiences, if they don't get them, they die off ex. rats w/ complex environments
when are the best/worst times for brain damage
worst - prenatal, first year, best- early childhood
what is visual acuity
Smallest pattern reliably distinguished, same as adults around 8 months
when do infants change in their ability to distinguish faces
6 mo - monkey and human, 9 mo - human